Lost and Confused
Today's appointment at the orthopedic doctor for my follow-up MRI seemed like it would be a quick "in and out" deal before I left work at 9 am. I arranged to use what the company calls "make up time" so that I did not have to dip into my paid time off reserve In the event that I would need surgery, I scheduled this make-up time and I will have to work a half an hour extra each day after my shift and, beginning tomorrow and Friday shave off 15 minutes of my 45 minute lunch.
I arrived 10 minutes late and, to my dismay, the hospital parking ramp, when I pulled in, was almost full. I drove up one floor after the other looking for a parking space to fit my Buick LaCrosse in. It's not a small car, so I had to find the right kind of spot. When I reach the 6th floor I finally found a spot and parked carefully so that the doors of both of the vehicles flanking me would not be impeded as these people left.
I rushed through the Skyway ramp to the hospital and took the elevator to the ground floor. When I got out I realized I was at the wrong floor and had to get back in the elevator and go to the lower level.
I was still called in for my appointment, fortunately, and the conversation ended up to be quite extensive. The radiologist's notes on the My Files App made it look like there really wasn't an issue with my hip.
My surgeon advised me that, unfortunately, the radiologist's are not schooled in the issue and went on to show me my MRI and what is called a labral tear and cyst. My condition is CAM hip impingement due to excessive bone growth. This impimgement is causing the sciatic pain and problems that I have been experiencing off and on for 20 years and has now developed into early arthritis yet not enough arthritis to prevent me from having surgery and surgery is what he recommends for me now. Left untreated, I could experienced so much arthritis that I would need a hip replacement before long. Even with this surgery, he predicts that I may end up the still needing a replacement in ten years. Dr. Deimel said with the help of my hip surgery right now, arthoscopy would buy me time.
The time allowed away from work was only 2 hours, so by the time I was done with the consult I was ushered down to a room and fitted with a brace to be ready for my surgery 11/08/18. I hurried through the process of sizing and shuffled quickly up to the parking ramp.
I had been in such a hurry arriving that I didn't really know where my car was parked. It did not take too long to find the car.
I started to head down the ramp looking for the correct route out to the street and encountered the most confusing exit signs that were situated right next to park signs with red and green arrows. I followed what appeared to be the logical path out and it kept leading me in circles in this 7 floor parking ramp.
I even tried to follow somebody who was leaving before me who also made a bit of a mistake and had to turn around. Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough in the maneuverimg and continued to be lost in this maze. I grew more and more frustrated because time was running out and I felt trapped.
After what felt like an hour, but was actually only about 10 minutes, I finally found the right path out and paid my $3 parking ticket remarking to the attendent in her booth that this was the most ridiculously designed parking ramp ever while secretly feeling like a complete idiot. She explained that the best thing to do is to just follow what looks like the logical path down. I would have done that if the logical path down did not say do not turn this way on the 3rd floor.
I honestly don't know know how I made it out finally, but I did and then drove as quickly as I could the ten minutes back to work. I was able to log in to my computer one minute before I was due back, but it was a very, very hectic appointment.
This is today's five minute freewrite. This did go over 5 minutes, but it was all one freewrite!
Here is the link for today.
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art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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Nice writing @wandrnrose7, sorry about your pain.
thank you and it will get better!
Posted using Partiko Android
Sending my love and hugs. May healing become yours ♡
Posted using Partiko Android
I appreciate your love and wishes for healing 🤗
Posted using Partiko Android
Hope the surgery will go well and you will finally be free of this pain!!!
thanks so much. Of course I'm nervous... I was told that I can't take any aspirin or acetaminophen for a week before surgery and that has me nervous because that's what I use mostly to combat the migraines. It will be hard to work and my drug choices are limited because of my migraine type. But I'm making the decision to save my hip for the future! I have a lot to do.
Posted using Partiko Android
You sure do!! Hugs to you!!
Wow, I think I would've stayed in bed that day.
Resident mail man with a Special Delivery:

thanks for the comment and prompt delivery, my friend.
Posted using Partiko Android
lol sometimes it does seem like designers of parking structures and the like have sadistic senses of humor...I've found myself in similar situations.
I hope everything goes well with your surgery @wandrnrose7! 💜
I so agree..next time I should drop crumbs lol! its good to see you and thanks for the positive thoughts!
@wandrnrose7, go and place your daily vote for Steem on netcoins! http://contest.gonetcoins.com/
where is a vote link? I can't see it there.
we are already on I believe. whoever programmed the bot forgot to turn it off LOL