The Fisherman's Wife
It's been 100 hundred days since Jared left on the fishing boat and she's out there today, just like every other day.
Juliet sits by the edge of the water on a bleached piece of driftwood. It's been there since they moved here. Their small shack overlooks the ocean. The wind is blowing off of the ocean. The breeze is not gentle, the waves lapping and crashing across the stones that are like sharp teeth rising up from the ocean edge. The young man stands at his shack and watches the woman. She pulls an old gray sweater closer around her shoulders that are slumped like a weary tree in a storm.
The world seems to have stopped, at least for her. Everyday he has watched her walk out here since the last day that her husband pushed off from the shore alone in his small fishing boat.
The word around the local store is that he left one morning before she even awoke. His intentions were to fill his net and come back and surprise her, at least that was what the note he left her on The breakfast table said.
The only thing on the table besides the note was a cup half full of coffee and a plate with crumbs from his last piece of toast.
He'd seen them walking hand-in-hand on the shore many times before. He was envious of the love that he saw between the couple from far off. They would stop from time to time and look at one another and smile. Sometimes the husband would pick up a stone and toss it into the ocean watching it skip across the waves. She would laugh sometimes and run ahead tossing her sandals on the sand an go wading into the salty ocean water, pulling up her skirt high.
He didn't know Juliet, but he felt that he knew her very well. From that window he wished that he could go to her and share some kind of comfort but her lonely vigil seem to tell him to stay back and let her wait. He hoped fervently that somehow, someway that fishing boat would come rowing back to shore with a net overflowing with fish.
After her husband went missing, they sent out a crew of local men who came to the shores looking for at least a body. But no body could be found. Perhaps somewhere he had washed ashore on a small island. He was afraid the perhaps the man had sunk deep into the ocean or was attacked by the merciless sharks. When the sun started to sink he would see her stand up and pull that gray sweater close around her, hugging herself. She would glance back across the ocean, her lips move as if she were talking to him, or praying, or both. Then she would fade back into the little shack that they shared and wait until morning when she could come back again.
sweater disclaimer it took about 15 minutes
I hope you'll join in with a growing group of lively writers!This is a 5 minute freewrite hosted by @mariannewest
And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics
The Make a Minnow project is an initiative designed to reward those who are exceptional in the minnowsupport community, the prize is a 5k delegation for a month!
Poor Juliet, frozen in her waiting and hope for her husband's safe return. That she was not able to say goodbye that morning and see him off makes it even sadder. You set this story so well and I could see her standing on the beach watching and waiting.
hugsThank you @brisby. I was able to visualize this so clearly.
I love reading your stories. They flow so perfectly. This one is sad, but also holds the feeling very true, to the fishermen's wives. :) <3 <3
Thank you! These inevitably begin with one image in my head. It was of her sitting out by the shore.
Right back at ya my friend :) @)-`---
Beautifully written and oh so sad.
It’s your friendly free write encourager here with the prompt for today:
Yes, it's sad, I admit. I've read of such losses and for whatever reason the sweater prompt led my freewrite in her direction. Thank you for commenting and for the prompt. <3
This is beautifully sad. I am deeply touched by it...
hugThank you @tezmel. Sometimes the prompt evokes paths like this. Enjoy your day.
Great free write! There is something sad about the last piece of toast :) Great detail!
Thank you. I don't even know where that came from, but I liked it, so it stayed after the freewrite!
I think that the young man should stop watching Juliet and concentrate on someone who's not married (and maybe a widow)..when you wrote about his hopes, I was expecting him to wish that the boat could come back empty .. 🤔 Great mood.
Thank you @f3nix. I think perhaps he could have a role in hunting for her missing husband.<3
I didn't think about it! Very interesting Jan and bad to me for my suspicious mind 😁
Haha no worries, dear friend.
Awesome story. A very well described scene that places us on the beach almost feeling the sand sticking to our feet and the wind hitting our faces! And of course, an amazing way of conveying so many feelings with just words... Even I'm praying for her husband to come back!
Loved it :)
Thank you so much for such a detailed comment. I'm glad I was able to capture those images and evoke sympathy for her. I am working on building deeper characters through action/dialogue. (Show vs Tell) ;)
Well I'm not an expert, but it seems to me you're doing a pretty good job! I look forward to your future stories.
I am not an expert either but learn more each day! Thank you for the encouragement!
Wonderful story... love the atmosphere.
Thank you for taking time to read and share your thoughts on this freewrite, dear. <3
Awesome freewrite! Your post was nominated as a Freewrite Favorite and was featured in our weekly Freewrite Favorites this week!
Thank you so much for featuring my freewrite @freewritehouse! What an honor and surprise!
This is SO heartbreaking! Wonderfully written. You've captured the emotion so well.
Thank you so much! I felt the story so strongly as it was developing. Hugs!
Oh God! It is really touching !! I think I would never move to a place on the beach ... I'm afraid of the waves and the sea in general, sometimes it's very rebellious! Great job!
I always envisioned retiring on a beach. I'm glad you enjoyed this freewrite! <3
How sad...this story cries out for a happy ending.
Yes, it does. I felt her yearning as I wrote and the whisp of hopeful prayers rising from her waiting spirit. Thank you @cecicastor.
The scene is very well created - I can see it clearly! Well done! It leaves me hoping her husband her husband comes on home!!
Truthfully, I do too. <3
So sad and the story of so many wives of seafarers. Life!!!
Yes, it has been. That old sweater spoke her tale to me.
Beautifully sad. You've really captured the emotion well. I love that it's written from an outsiders point of view - almost like any of your readers could've been watching Juliet's tragic vigil. Inspiring for a fellow artist and writer especially as I have a paragraph written years ago about a lonely woman on the beach also waiting (based on a time in my life).....
Thank you for the wonderful comment. I appreciate your thoughtful response. I hope that you do pick that piece back up. I'd love to read it! Link me if you do!
Will do. I look forward to reading your future writings
Thank you <3