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RE: Prompt Of The Day “Copy” - @Partiko Mentor Update Round 2

in #freewrite6 years ago

I agree that simplifying the platform and user retention is key to retention. I've toughed through the changes and tried to adapt, but I fail on technical challenges and realize my lack of time severely affects my growth, yet I persist.

Posted using Partiko Android


Thank you!! All this honesty - THANK YOU!!!
While I thought everyone else was a million times more tech-savyy than me. it turns out they've struggled too. The #1 difference: others have persisted, gotten help from people like @d00k13 and conquered!

It seems even some of the most tech savvy people have found Steem a daunting platform to learn, that’s not even trying to tackle the development end of it.... just posting alone is a daunting task for the average person!

Posted using Partiko iOS

YES --I've invited a lot of authors here, and I'm not surprised when those older than I am say "I tried; I couldn't make sense of it; I gave up." But authors young enough to be my children also say the amount of time and effort to manage passwords, formatting, upvoting rules, etc, is just not worth it. They'd rather be writing. And so it seems most published, well known authors do not invest time at Steemit. Some, like Elizabeth Letts and R.L. Stine, not only have Twitter accounts, they TWEET. Some hire "social media sherpas" to post for them, but some Big House Authors really do post their own and RT and Reply. It's amazing. Bottom Line: Carol should cut herself more slack, and @d00k13 can proudly list many accomplishements in the cyber world, not just Steemit!

This just reinforces my belief in requiring something simpler for the average user!

Say @Partiko allowed Facebook login and account registration and managed passwords itself I’d imagine many more younger generation would land on Steem and stay for the long haul. I know the idea goes against decentralization but not supporting the option is a missed opportunity in my eyes! Besides that is what has been implemented in their BuzzNews app 😉

Posted using Partiko iOS

Precisely your determined to make it but those just testing the water do not have that same intention to make it no matter the cost which is where that simplicity would come into play!

Posted using Partiko iOS