I am so sorry to hear about another knee horror story. You worked with him as a book reviewer? Your life is a full one Carol and your love for books and writing shows in your own great works. Thanks so much for your reply. : )
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Whenever I feel like a slacker, (and I am one), I tally up the book reviews and Steemit posts and Discord groups and writing workshops where I offered critiques (always unpaid) and all the Twitter posts promoting other authors.
And I think, "I wasn't a total slacker."
Just unpaid, and not boosting anyone's book sales.
In a hundred years we are forgotten anyway, except a rare few like kings and conquerors, Mozart and Michaelangelo.
Sam Bellotto's ezine though will be immortalized somehow, somewhere in the galaxy, where time and space and "how many readers" defy the reality we know. At least - I want to believe that!Thank YOU @whatisnew!