Alternate Universe: The Setting(Introduction)

in #freewrite5 years ago

-----------------------------------Nations Of The World---------------------------------
Eyobutu is one of the big 4 major nations in this world. There is also Ivemo, Notiomyliad, and Lbyr. Here is the map as of 2019.
Eyobutu, by far, is the strongest of the nations, and the most popular one. However, it is an extremely authoritarian on the political scale. Ivemo, despite being much smaller than Eyobutu, possesses the most intelligent people, with an average IQ of 152. Notiomyliad seems to be a smaller version of Eyobutu, but is a bit freer in terms of law. Lbyr, however, doesn't own just one plot of land, it actually owns many smaller chunks, and is also directly democratic.
Most of the world's nations seem to be indifferent towards Eyobutu, although some other nations seem to dislike the way Eyobutu influences them. In particular, Lybr DESPISES Eyobutu, as they're polar opposites of each other. On top of that, they are also the spot where people who have been condemned by the Eyobutu government go to in terms of going from censorship to total freedom. As such, the two distant governments constantly squabble over each other.

This is the end of part 1. Tell me how I should improve it, as I really look forward to creating this type of content.