Recently I turned 30, and something happened to me that made me go out and buy my first pack of cigarettes. I was working in a restaurant at the time where every single person smoked, and when they went out to smoke so did I.
My first pack lasted me over a week, but the Canadian packs contain I think 20 or more. I actually really enjoyed smoking, the buzz it gave me was nice, I got to socialize more, and it seemed to reduce my stress.
Well after that pack was gone, the cravings started, and I was really shocked by how powerful they were. I would wake up in the morning and my first thought was about a cigarette, then I'd be in the shower thinking about the same thing. The addiction to me was clear and I was only 1 pack in!
I have not smoked a cigarette in over 3 months now, and I don't think I ever will. It was probably over 2 months of feeling addicted before I could shake that feeling, so I have all the respect in the world for someone like you who can remain dedicated after much heavier usage.
That's a nice picture btw! I love boardwalks, very peaceful places. I will follow you on Steemit because you post uplifting material!
Yes, they are very powerful toxic which craves your nerves tremendously. Even in your subconscious mind it enters. Therefore the dreams of smoking came every other day. But now it is over for all good. Hey, thanks for your generosity, you got a follower too.
And be determined like this. Don't let the cravings get into you. I know you can and you have already been doing it.