..funny how well intended socialism (communism) always ends up in millions of deaths...I wonder why?... because it doesn't work, and it's evil - , ...just maybe?
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..funny how well intended socialism (communism) always ends up in millions of deaths...I wonder why?... because it doesn't work, and it's evil - , ...just maybe?
Lol, didnt bother reading the referenced books, did ya?
There is no point in arguing with ignorance.
If you had bothered to read the works, you would've known that all of them take rule by force, and killing for compliance, off the table.
But lets dont let facts get in the way of our beliefs, eh?
So by that rationale, you mean there has never been any socialism/communism?
So by that rationale you are arguing for fantastic system never implemented in history, and presume it works...
..for the last 5000 years, socialism has never been implemented as a political system.
(I'm not arguing socialism can't work - because it can- but only as a small localized size - it does not scale up..).
...does that maybe tell you something?.. but let's not facts get in the way of ideology, eh?
For short periods, but they were bombed back into submission by crapitalust bombs.
Spain in ~'37, Ukraine in the teens, Paris in the 1880s, a couple others.
Socialism continues rule by force.
Im calling for communism, read the references if you care enough to know the difference, and dont want to argue from a position of ignorance.
Yes, use enough force and bullies get to rule.
Said the man arguing from ignorance of the facts.
Read just one of those authors, and get back with me, eh?
You do know that Bukarin's good mate in England (Herzen at al - their Russian publication - was funded by a Rothschild loan? Now why would they do that? lol).
Useful idiots to a man...just sayin'
...Communism is a Rothschild brain child -(why else would the US banks and Germany fund Lenin in his bolshevik revolution?) and it is now where crapitalism is leading to right now, interestingly..
(centralized means of production by any name. Apple, amazon, google. etc.)
...fundamental principles of communism (no money or authority is naivety and illogical).
Communism can work but does not scale up without centralization , leading to totalitarian regimes, ultimately.
It's flawed logic that doesn't take into account human beings, human nature, and laws of economics ,( natural laws of efficiency, not man made models).
(I've read one of those authors a long long time ago, and I'm not ignorant of communism and it's mechanics, and principles, btw )
I do know the irrelevance of debating details of people long dead.
The facts are, the workers can simply continue doing the work, while refusing to play crapitalism by paying to get that work back from the wealthy and the world doesnt end.
On any given tuesday proper management brings us as close to utopia as we can get.
We dont have to call that communism, we dont have to delineate who owns the factories, we only have to properly manage resources to end wars and poverty.
The only people that get mad are the folks that like the misery inflicted onto others by the status quo, and their dupes.
The factories are free? the plant machinery is free? the infrastructure is free?
It has to be paid for in advance by someone. If it's not stolen money, it's capitalism...
If its assets seized, its communism.
I don't like theft.
Who built the factories?
Who does the fruit of that labor belong to if not the progeny of those that did it?
Very few factory 'owners' poured even one yard of concrete, or stacked one brick upon another.
Workers built this world, not 'owners'.
Anything controlled by a bank, or corporation, is ill gotten, and fair game in my book.
Even believing this, we dont have to disposses the owners.
They can continue in their positions.
Why they would want to is beyond me, they could be doing anything they desire.
Why is it irrelevant to find out the motivations that sell snake oil?
It gives an sight into the motivations behind the actions of these people (selling ideologies that can never work, for example)
Does this not seem relevant?
...like Marx being 2nd cousin of Rothchilds. Does that not ring any alarm bells about the doctrine, and potential propaganda that might have been employed...?
Because moving forward relies on what we do and think, not what they left in writing for us.
Ive never read marx, and dont reference his material, at all.
Kropotkin is my guy.
u ignorant! :D I love when people start with: you are projecting, you are ignorant, you don't know, you are a bigot...
It makes it so much easier when they introduce themselves.
Oh, the irony!
Jabotinsky was one of the Zionists who was sponsored by Rothschild. They cooperated and sponsored Hitler to move Jews to a desert... also bought by R. Hitler's materials built it. Jews did not want to go, so Zionists paid Hitler to force them or kill them. This is where the trains were going from concentration camps... that had theaters, swimming pools, operas, football teams...
Communism was created by Zionists who started the Bolshevik revolution. First USSR government was 99% Jewish.
Zionists created KGB. Created Hitler. Slaughtered 100 million people (100 million also in China), now they are doing the same to Palestine... Israel is a socialist country... with some free trade... but why notice the reality... instead call people ignorant :D because that make you awesome :D this person is trolling my Voluntaryism posts... really hard to reason with insanity
(I did a few posts, some months back about Herzen etc and the Rothschild communist funded revolutions, if you want to read them..)
Trotsky's story in the US quite interesting...
Seems like a good reason to stop using money to me,...
Banks using money to corrupt people is a good reason to stop using it?..mmm...I see a flaw in that logic.
(One person hits their hand with a hammer, so we should stop using hammers, kind of thing...)
Money makes the havenots slaves of the haves.
Better we discontinue its use and sink or swim on the reputations built by the labor of our own hands and minds.
Any doubt that bush jr wouldnt be a billionaire if he had to rely on his own ability?
He couldnt find oil in texas,...