There are so many greens that are commonly thrown away while preparing a meal, since most people just don‘t know that they are eatable and even delicious!
Thank you for this post, making all those nutritious and tasty greens more popular. We have to get the word out there about their amazing healing properties - often more powerful than any medicine could be ☺️
for sure!! It freaks me out when people throw the best parts away!! Like beet greens! I like them even better than beets...
Well, in the supermarket the veggies often don't have the greens on them anymore so its no wonder that people get that impression. I myself am still surprised about what parts of fruits and veggies are also eatable and even super healthy - for example many seeds in fruits like melons, papaya, apples and others have great benefits which we should learn about and share this knowledge :)
Be careful with the apples. Yes, I roast squash and melon seeds or eat them fresh with the melon :)