
The man (FTG) never ceases to amaze me.
He is an unrelentless man on a crusade to make steemit what it was meant to be; and for ALL to benefit from hard work, persistence and support.

Absolutely. Forever etched into the hearts of many 😁

Really @fulltimegeek, has helped to create a better community within steemit we are testimony, we have had support from him and we have grown as a project with almost 5000 users of venezuela, we have not positioned as one of the countries that uses more steemit.

Here the sample. source google trens

We will continue doing great things thanks to the support of @fulltimegeek, the world of steemit should reward it..

Excellent 😁 Steem, and the generous account holders, have seemingly been doing great things for the likes of countries like Venezuela.

I know the @adollaraday project chief @pennsif has received support which is being paid forward constantly.

If there are many people who have supported, we would also like to apply some of your tools or strategies to improve the curation systems in Venezuela.

I did these bots upvoting some posts and I was wondering what it was. Now I know!
The only thing left to do, is to make sure that I do get on his list :)

We all quickly forget, that the easiest way to grow here, is too make sure that the others grow as well.
Each time they grow and hand out an upvote to you, there upvote will have more value, hence you will grow too!
I will keep upvoting my own posts until I do reach 500 SP. But the other 20% of daily voting power is spread around nicely over multiple accounts!
It is just to see people doing stuff like this! For sure because they don't have to and could easily delegate lots of power to bid bots! So, @fulltimegeek, where are you waiting on? Just kidding. Great thing to do!

And Asher, don't be modest. You have earned every bit you got! You are on of the true Steem ambassadors.


...the easiest way to grow here, is too make sure that the others grow as well.

Yep, as long as the folks you support stick around then your SP will only rise.

It's a 5 minute job to sell your stake and thus turn the rewards pool into a bidding market. At least we have a number of people who choose not to do this.

I'm only doing what I've been shown 😁 Cheers!

Have a lot of respect for @fulltimegeek and the awesome work he does!

He helped save my account after I got lots of malicious flags.

I hope a few other large account holders would join in and do the same.

The value of the STEEM we hold will only increase if there are more people using the currency by posting and reading content


That sounds like FTG to me, more selfless behavior :)

Hopefully you are right, and it's just a matter of time.

little bit of Steem out of the hands of the greedmeisters, and into the hands of someone working towards creating quality content and long-term community.People like @fulltimegeek give a lot of us hope that there can be more to Steemit than just an endless parade of self-serving "cash harvesters." I'd like to think that every time one of his bots casts a vote, it moves just a


That's a nice thought, I hope he reads this comment and feels the same way :)

I hope so, too. He has obviously made a long term commitment with his investment (unlike many) and the effects are fanning out.

YOU were helped by the Stewards of Gondor initiative; now you've reached a place where you're helping 100's, paying it forward — it's ripples in a pond, spreading. Which is very hopeful... in turn, when some little "redfish" like me reaches full minnowhood, I can turn around and delegate 100SP (or whatever) to a deserving aspiring newcomer... and the ripples spread again.

Whereas many people will have a hand in this, the original impetus can be tracked back to FTG's selflessness.


I agree :)

As others have commented, this to them feels like how Steem is meant to be used. Others will disagree, and that's fair enough.

The long-term vision on FTG though cannot be questioned, and hopefully those beside and below him can in time follow suit with similar effect :)

There's a classic psychological device commonly known as "the Marshmallow Test." You put little kids of about 5-7 in a room. You give them each a marshmallow on a plate and then tell them you have to "go do something," and if they can WAIT and not eat the marshmallow... they'll get TWO marshmallows when you come back.

It basically test's a person's ability to delay gratification.

Steemit is pretty much like that... one group of people who basically want to eat as many marshmallows as they can get their hands on NOW, and another group who want to build a big pile for later.

The problem with too much "now" in a venue like this is that it tends to mean that there's won't BE a "later" for either short-termers OR long-termers. And that would kind of suck... and it's also the message I want to try to spread.

Of course, some people simply don't care; they just flit around from opportunity to opportunity, oblivious to the reality that THEY are the answer to the pervasive question "Why do these things keep failing?"

He's the epitome of "Be the change you wish to see in the world".


His influence and actions have changed my view for the better, and I know it's the same for others 😁

Oh yeah, his ways have made me be a better person.

This is a fairly awesome story, and it gives me much hope for the future of STEEM and the direction we are all heading. Human interaction is a fairly complex thing, and especially so on the internet. Toss in the blockchain with very real rewards, and the behavior can be disappointing at times.

I am still firmly convinced, and your post shows clear evidence that I'm not alone in this, that there is a significant and important collection of people who are working to build a system which thrives and grows and fulfills much of the promise of humanity. We can, and we must, work together to build a world that is better than the one we were given.

The alternative is chaos and destruction and hate. There's already too much of that in this world. Glad to see so many people fighting the good fight.

Some might call this altruism, or selfless giving, or even just foolishly being taken advantage of. I don't see it that way. To me, this looks like enlightened self-interest. The more we view systems as zero-sum games, the more likely we are to be selfish and greedy. The more we look for win/win scenarios where everyone who contributes benefits greatly, and the whole is greater than the sum of the parts, the more likely we are to be magnanimous and to share freely with each other.

There is a lot of fighting over who is getting a bigger piece of the pie on STEEM. I find this conflict to be trivial and a huge waste of time. Make the pie bigger. That's worth spending time on.

Hi @toddmck

Thank you very much for this in-depth response on your feelings towards how Steem should be thought of, and the great 'enlightened self-interest' that fulltimegeek has shown.

He really is setting a precedent with his actions and kindness, and I have learned a lot from him.

We can, and we must, work together to build a world that is better than the one we were given.

Most definitely. I am glad there are more members of the network who feel this way.

Thanks again for your message,


I've seen @fulltimegeek doing good work to deal with some who abuse steemit, but I'm not sure we've interacted much. We have some amazing people who actually want to help the community and not just take.

Yes we do, but there is always room for more 😁

If there is a squad called FTG, I would consider myself as a squad member. His generosity is out of this space. “Men that are building the blocks”. He's a perfect definition of a leader.

I could not agree more! 😁

Fulltimegeek is the best :D

His bots have helped me stay on this platform when I tought of quitting.

This is a key goal of his bots - happy to hear they are functioning as expected!

I have a meeting in 5 mins, but wanted to leave a quick message to thank both YOU and FTG and all the other SOG for sharing and supporting communities out there. You have all been so very supportive.

Asher, I have been a recipient of your kindness and support from the very start (and still am!). Thank you for not forgetting to look down at us small fishes.

Goldendawne told me she started calling it the 'FTG Bot Brigade' as well when I came up with #botsquad. :)

Shoot, have to run. Have a nice day. Love this post. Thanks for making the act of kindness by others known on this platform!

Thank you for not forgetting to look down at us small fishes.

The bigger fishes have been so good to me, I cannot help but try to do the same.

I saw Dawne's comment on FTG's post and thought yep, that'll do for their names! :D

Thank you @beeyou, one of the good eggs, happy to be a supporter and have you here on Steem!

@fullmetalgeek is quite famous here on Steemit but have I never before explored the reasons. After reading this post and seeing his delegations out to the community, I have a feeling that he is not just famous and he might actually be a legend around here :-)

Steem legend, he is one of those to me :)

Seeing his delegations is definitely something of an inspiration. And then seeing that he has done away with it all............... LEGEND!!! I havn't seen anybody do something like this here.

A legend in these parts for sure 😁

I haven't noticed his bots yet, right on!

Cripes! Well, you can think of some of the votes you receive as being powered and boosted by the SP that FTG and his bots have issued :)

Hahaha, that's for sure true. I wasn't trying to cry that I didn't receive one, for clarity! I just hadn't noticed them in comments. I know several SoGs, so I have for sure benefited! :)

That's great to hear, I hope one day they pay you a visit too 😊

A bot no one can complain of its activities :)

For sure!

While I support @fulltimegeek in his quest I feel that as a comic book fan, this is how almost all super villains start. I mean all it will take is a simple slip and fall in the shower to rearrange his coconut / scramble his eggs and then we have a jerry/ haejin hybrid bent on world domination.


Just messing with you. I wish you and your bot army the best.
MSGA - Make Steemit Great Again

I actually think they were born with other actions in mind, but can now focus on rewards for other, and finally himself too.

Are the fulltimebots still upvoting only @dtube and @dlive content?

FTG is a great asset to the community.

I can attest to the fact that they're not :) I've never done a @dtube or @dlive post and have thankfully been the recipient of @fulltimegeek's lovely bots :)

Huh. I had gotten a bunch of fulltimebot votes right up to the time of his video where he said they would be upvoting just those two categories. After that, zilch.

Oh well, can’t really complain. The votes were nice while they lasted.

Huh is right @preparedwombat; not sure what to say to that 😅

He sure is. I think they are mostly curating @dtube and @dlive content, but some bots are reaching out further too.

I am curious how active content creators and curators can be noticed by these accounts?

FTG posted a video two weeks ago in which he explains 😊

@fulltimegeek is a tireless supporter of steemit and the building of engagement and communities here. He epitomizes what Steem should be. Steem has all the promise of becoming something really great, an example for all other platforms out there. We all should be working towards that goal. It benefits us all.

He is indeed. How wonderful this place would be if the majority chose to act in the same manner 😊

It would be indeed, be a wonderful place!

I almost missed this one... I shouldn't let my VP get too low... It kills my ability to see the posts when they come out ;)

Good job here Asher! And I completely agree that what @fulltimegeek does is seriously inspirational!

Thank you for highlighting what he's doing and also for also following his lead in engaging the community. You both have done so much for others and deserve everything you get in life! (which will be huge I hope) :D

Thank you :)

The last few months have been a bit tough, but thanks to the support of so many I'm battling through.

When you see the actions of others, it's important to highlight the good - FTG is the great :)

@abh12345 you are perfectly right... I know it has been tough on you and I know if anyone is deserving it is you! (and of course @fulltimegeek) ... I'm rooting for you and you're one of the big reasons why I spend a lot of time here. So thanks for what you do and for the friend you've become! :)

Everyone is feeling the pinch, and I can't complain about the support I've had st all. Here's to a bump in price soon!

@abh12345 cheers to that one! And another toast, if no bump in price soon, then may your friends get even stronger so the next bump becomes even 10x better than the last one! That way we can really help you to make this place fulfill your dreams along with thousands of others! 😎

That sounds fantastic, good luck to us all :)

@abh12345 the way its looking, 10x it will be! I will get to work! And btw, I will do the conversion this weekend and get some steem over to @steemcommunity! Its not a ton, but every little bit helps!

they are doing really a great job...keep it up

Awesome post Asher!! I was seeing @fulltimegeek's bot upvotes on my post, and one day, something clicked, my light bulb, ah-ha moment, and I thought, "no way???!!!". So cool, and I'm so very thankful that those lovely bots continue to hit up my posts!

Such a beautifully selfless act; makes my heart warm :)

I too stopped self-upvoting after I got on the FTG bot army, never used bots unless you count minnowsupport... thought about being a witness but I still need to have more followers... I'm very glad that we have people here that want to support and help this blockchain! He is one of the reasons i'm not cashing out, with people like FTG,you and others around i believe in the future of STEEM!

I don't know why, but he has some of his bot brigade following me also, and I like it. I think it is drawing some attention to my post, so that is good. I like FOG, they are there to help in case one of the stewards get down votes or there is collateral damage from flag wars, so that is why I support it, I think it was a great initiative when it came out, I wanted to help in the flag wars, but being of small SP statuter and REP thus ineffective in the fight, I fight via proxy, F.O.G.

You and @paulag get a lot of comments and activity on your post due to the community mindedness you both show, a willingness to help out and to share, and to educate us when we need educating. Mistakes happen, and people have a tendency to dog pile on or become rabid in their reactions without looking at the context or the intent of the actions that may or may not be mistakes.

I think the quick to react to things is a part of the instantaneousness of the internet, we all want it, and we want it 5 minutes ago. Steem Blockchain, and steemit are a better place because of actions like FTG, you, Dave, Paulag, and so many others that care for the users. The people that realize not everyone is an investor looking only for a ROI. If it was only about ROI, the whole thing here could be nothing but bots and all the post saying only "ROI". and getting paid. Would be kind of boring.

He is an amazing example of what can be done with this blockchain as he demonstrates a new mode of economics made possible through Steem. With so many squeezing every last drip of profit from their stake, it is humbling to watch him as he shows riches can come from giving others a hand up.

For what it is worth, you also offer examples of this in your conduct as well Asher. Never think that because the monetary ability is different between the two of you that you do not deserve your own accolades. Water rises to its own level and you walk the talk as well. A big thank you to BOTH of you.

Thanks to @preparedwombat's delegation to me, I'm able to upvote my own articles and earn some curation rewards even though I delegate all my own Steem power to others. I'll probably continue to upvote my own articles as long as I have the privilege to have the delegation.

The @asapers project came to life due to the inspiration I got from FTG and his SOG initiative.

It's obviously nothing near the impact FTG had with the SOG or anything near the results he produce with his FTG-Bot-Army (which I'm also very thankful for). We're just a small curation team, but we've shared the rewards with more than 240 users so far and we're slowly growing our community. All due to one man's actions.

@fulltimegeek is an incredible leader and inspiration and I truly wish we had more people like him on Steemit.

Thanks for a great read Asher and congratulations to your and our success. :)

that's a really great initiative that helps people with quality posts. It's like the exact opposite of what bid-bots do :P

The post was excellent as it was, but that Man in Black parody hit me unexpectedly. Great, just great.