I almost missed this one... I shouldn't let my VP get too low... It kills my ability to see the posts when they come out ;)
Good job here Asher! And I completely agree that what @fulltimegeek does is seriously inspirational!
Thank you for highlighting what he's doing and also for also following his lead in engaging the community. You both have done so much for others and deserve everything you get in life! (which will be huge I hope) :D
Thank you :)
The last few months have been a bit tough, but thanks to the support of so many I'm battling through.
When you see the actions of others, it's important to highlight the good - FTG is the great :)
@abh12345 you are perfectly right... I know it has been tough on you and I know if anyone is deserving it is you! (and of course @fulltimegeek) ... I'm rooting for you and you're one of the big reasons why I spend a lot of time here. So thanks for what you do and for the friend you've become! :)
Everyone is feeling the pinch, and I can't complain about the support I've had st all. Here's to a bump in price soon!
@abh12345 cheers to that one! And another toast, if no bump in price soon, then may your friends get even stronger so the next bump becomes even 10x better than the last one! That way we can really help you to make this place fulfill your dreams along with thousands of others! 😎
That sounds fantastic, good luck to us all :)
@abh12345 the way its looking, 10x it will be! I will get to work! And btw, I will do the conversion this weekend and get some steem over to @steemcommunity! Its not a ton, but every little bit helps!
Thanks Dave, you're a good man, and this is very kind of you.