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RE: Earth is an Oblate Spheroid

in #fulltimegeekflatearther6 years ago (edited)

No content or comments on this platform are paid by worth !! Who decides? In the case of comments, the original poster. It's choices. And the slavery analogy doesn't wash because the free will of the commenter isn't being manipulated.
Anyway! Looks like the wrong thread for this debate, but I do appreciate you taking the time to reply :-)

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

@fulltimegeek is a worthless, hypocritical, flat-earth believing twat.

You like that New York dick in your mouth eh? Get your butthole ready, @fulltimegeek is jerking off for you!

Fulltimegeek has history of flagging users who don't believe in flat earth. He's turned into "yay goodie good guy" only after that, maybe only to gather praises for himself.