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RE: Earth is an Oblate Spheroid

We need to have a fair platform. Bernie is the opposite of that, just like haejin and others. @fulltimegeek has proven times and times again that his intentions for the platform are good, he doesn't want to reward people for nothing, he wants to create value in the network so that STEEM value increases for the good of all...

I'm not a flatearther myself but the fact that bernie uses this against @fulltimegeek is the proof that he is an asshole and doesn't want to debate the normal way. Instead he just wastes money and flags us to censor us


@fulltimegeek is a worthless, hypocritical, flat-earth believing twat.

You like that New York dick in your mouth eh? Get your butthole ready, @fulltimegeek is jerking off for you!

Fulltimegeek has history of flagging users who don't believe in flat earth. He's turned into "yay goodie good guy" only after that, maybe only to gather praises for himself.