I popped into the sandwich shop near my work to get something to eat for my lunch. There was a bit of a queue and I dutifully joined it and waited to be served. As I stood there waiting my eye was drawn to the fellow in front of me.
He was decked out head to toe in yellow and black lycra. He had the oddest lumpy soled shoes on and the tightest most shame-inducing lycra shorts it was possible for a man to wear without becoming a woman.
The fact that he looked like a deranged bee wasn't what caught my attention, however. Oh no. Not in the least. What actually caught my eye was the fact that he was covered in solar panels.
I had never seen the like before. He had panels on his arms, legs, back and shoulders. As I peered closely at him I noticed he even had smaller ones attached to his helmet.
What the heck are you meant to be?
I couldn't help but whisper in a strange kind of awe tinged with disbelief. I mean, didn't the guy realise this was Glasgow? Here in Glasgow, we are an unforgiving bunch. Although over the years people have mellowed slightly it is still quite a daring thing to dress like a cut-rate superhero in broad daylight.
If it was night time, then of course, it would be perfectly acceptable. After all, that's what night time is for...
I wondered then, if he was a superhero, who or what would he be?
It was then that it came to me.
Surely he would be...
SOLAR WARRIOR! Conserver of energy and charger of phones? Yes that would be it. I smiled and let out a little chuckle.
My chuckle quickly choked off as he began to turn.
Oh my flippety banjango.
I thought desperately. Did I say any of that out loud? Is the guy actually a superhero and his amazing psychic powers have heard my thoughts?
I stepped back slightly from the popinjay in lycra as he kept turning.
Finally, he faced me, his bike helmet resembling a bag of hastily painted sausages that had landed haphazardly on his head.
Oh my god, please don't kill me with your lycra death punch.
I almost sobbed out loud.
Fortunately, I managed to keep my errant tongue from spouting such nonsense out of my mouth.
The Solar Warrior paused and looked me square in the eye.
It's quite some queue this isn't it.
Take my first born!!
I almost yelled in a vain attempt to save my own pitiful sandwich-loving life.
Instead, I squeaked. As if something was caught in my throat.
He looked puzzled.
What was that mate?
I cleared my throat. Perhaps he wasn't a superhero and he wasn't looking to revenge himself upon me via the medium of his fist.
Oh, the queue, yes, it is a little long.
I remarked calmly, safe now in the knowledge that my life was no longer forfeit.
Moments later the woman called out and took our orders. We waited for a few minutes. My sandwich was ready first and I collected it and started to head out of the shop. As I drew level with the Solar Warrior he nodded companionably.
I nodded back.
Hey, what are all the solar panels for anyway?
I asked.
He self consciously fingered a small bullet shaped thing attached to his lapel.
For my MP3 player!
He said, waggling the little thing on his lapel proudly.
I laughed.
MP3 player? Excellent. I hope you get plenty of sunshine... IN THE EIGHTIES!
I sauntered out of the shop into the grey murk that passes for Spring in Scotland only pausing once to look over my shoulder to make sure he wasn't following me with murder in his heart.
It was a fine day for mocking pretend superheroes.
What about you? Have you ever been baffled by someones clothing to the point where you do not actually know if they are being serious or are in fancy dress?
Are they to be congratulated... or feared?
Tell us your best tales in the comments. I will be there to listen!
Authored by: @meesterboom
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That's an interesting character encounter for sure, not someone you'd see every day... Haha, that's a funny description you gave for the dude - SOLAR WARRIOR. "Conserver of energy and charger of phones!" It has a catchy ring to it for sure, even though he's not going to save anyone from Thanos anytime soon...
I can't help but wonder if his little solar panel suit even works though, I was under the impression that solar panels needed to be fairly large, somewhat expensive, and of course needs reliable access to sunlight which he can't get if he's walking around especially inside buildings. How bad is the battery on his mp3 player, anyway? For the money that he spent on a solar panel suit, you'd think he could buy a better mp3 player although it's almost certainly just a cheap suit that doesn't do anything.
Every once in a while (very rare but happens), I see guys wearing dresses or other feminine clothing (sometimes with makeup), and well, it's a free world I guess, do what you feel you gotta do... Can't say I understand the appeal or whatnot, but I just look the other way and don't think too much about it, in general other people's fashion choices don't affect me. But there's still a point where something is just so weird you just have to ask - why?
Lol, yes, fashion or lifestyle choices don't phase me at all. It has to be something special, something a bit out there.
They were very odd. I have a small one that I can take camping for the light, it was like lots of them all over him. Madness!
I actually do a lot of Cosplay (when I am not pregnant that is lol) I like to dress as Harley Quinn (I have 3 different versions and a separate Harleen Quinzel outfit as well) Poison ivy, and I have a few woodland elf costumes too. My current problem is finding a photographer willing to work probono!
I go to a lot of Anime conventions sometimes and see crazy half assed cardboard costumes a lot of the time lol. Dome are pretty extravagant though!
Haha @meesterboom, all the crazy things that can happen in the daylight. Seems like thosecthings are the funniest one.
As I was reading, I was so laughing when you said that he has solar panels. I couldn't even imagine how he looked like haha
There are lota of crazy people out there and they're so funny. One of my town's finest is the man that dress like bruce lee and then he stands in the middle of the biggest crossroad in my city, and he does his bruce lee moves haha no police can stop that xD
My town is fulk of crazy people, believe me. It's like a circus town :)) Anyway, thanks for the great story, as always. Have a great Glasgow day!!!
Hi @adsactly,
You got a $12.048 upvote from @hanshotfirst at the last minute before the payout. (16.93h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.
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Not bad, not bad at all...:)...
Solar penals are very useful. Specially countries like our Bangladesh.We have enough sun rays to use solar penals.Anyway, very good writing sir.
Magnificent, however please don't steal all the sun's rays
I am creating a picture of how that encounter was like, and I can't help but chuckle! I would feel quite the same - a bit terrified but amazed, though I can't decipher if it's more of amazed in a good way than otherwise. 😂
Each person has the right to be unique, you know. I hope he got his mp3 fully charged by now. Is there a chance you can meet him again? If there is, that would be one great moment!
P.S. I love how you made a superhero name for him 😂
Hehe, I fervently hope to never see him again and if I do I still pretend not to be me ;0)
Lol! But you might say out of impulse “Oh, it’s the SOLAR WARRIOR!!!” 😂
I would hardly be able to stop myself!
I haven't seen any really outrageous dressing except on real mad persons. "Solar warrior" that was funny.
Solar panels are very important for our life It maintains the natural qualities and keeps everything well. Solar panels for the development of life is very important thanks to this good post.
Hmm, not so convinced they are good on a person
Hhaaa awesome story nice life experience you are sharing with us fantastic i habe read your stories continuously every time have new topic new energy new information new lesson its too new stylish story of SOLAR warrior what a great name you choose for your post its also tricky nice genious mind mankind
Now you are talking my language. Never thought of myself has a solar vampire, but I like it. I have been cultivating electrons for three years now and will never go back to another form of gathering energy.
I love this story, well said my friend. By the way, I made you a witness. Keep up the keeping it up. Go Go Go.
Lastly, I do not lease the sun-it provides duty free
Great post as always, keep up the good work!
Really nice story you shared!

Here are some good reasons for using solar energy to power your home.
Cut-down electricity bill
The key reason that most households convert their power source to solar energy is to cut down their electrical bill because the electrical usage generated from the sun is free. By converting as many home appliances as possible to use solar energy, you can save a significant savings in your utilities expenses.
It is a renewable energy source
Typical electricity is generated from fossil fuel that will run out one day. Solar energy is a good alternative to replace fossil fuel as the major energy source because solar power is renewable at absolutely no cost to supply energy infinitely.
Environment friendly
The world pollution is getting worse. Any effort that can reduce the pollution to the environment helps to save the earth. Solar panels are able to harness the energy from the sun and convert it to electricity. Therefore, the use of solar panels is environment friendly. Therefore, solar energy that is harmless to the environment will be the major energy source for future - starting today.
Low / no maintenance needed
Once you have installed the solar power system, it can last twenty to thirty years without major maintenance needed. You may need to do system check once a year, just to make sure everything is performing as it should. Since it requires very minimum maintenance cost, your cost should be minimal.
Except, that's not what this was about. I suspect you are a bot, coded to respond to keywords.
I am not a bot, just thought people may find it useful! :)
Well that's different then :0)
So you copy/pasted this information and you aren't a bot? Oh man. The only reason this isn't flagged is there is a certain amount of comedic relief in this exchange.
All the best as you look forward to become a witness on steemit @adsactly best of regards
ADSactly Fun - Solar Warrior this post has been resteemed by the @resteemmuse!
Solar penal is very useful for those countries whom they have lot of load sheding,etc my country.we r using solar penal these days.
Sir I am new in steemit I think you are the boss of steemit can you help me how I success in steemit.
To begin with I would purchase a sturdy pair of shoes.
I don't understand.
You will need them if you are going towalk this way
Yes I know help me guys.
That a great funny.and i like funny picture.
I like the picture too :0)
Wao that's a good wrrite how I this solar panel is very cheap to get. It is good to keep your house and environment lightened both day and night. Please keep your vision up
Solar Energy is very useful where other sources of energy are less and government does not make energy. So people can make energy easily through solar panel.
Solar panels are the most useful
If there is sunlight especially in a country like Nigeria
I good writing sir.
Posted using Partiko Android
Can't wait for your next post sir.
Posted using Partiko Android
lol! funny story man and they way u tell it is epic! if i was you, the first thing i do is smell for any scent of alchohol and maybe go to the toilet and wait for a couple of minutes, hoping for someone else queued behind him.. then i moved back in line..
Lol...In South Africa you would also have to attach it to your body otherwise it might be stolen!!!
Ahahaha🤣😂 I like the name Solar Warrior: Conserver of Energy and charger of phones....ahm... phone is too much, mp3 maybe... hahaha... he sure is a pretty weird man... he even resemble a superhero that I know his name is Saitama
He wears a rubberized tight yellow suit. He is from the anime "One Punch Man".
So far I haven't met a man as weird as him. What was he thinking why he wears like that. Hahaha.
I laugh so much when I read the part that he is using all the powers of the solar panels to charge an mp3. Hahaha. I was thinking he is like a mobile charging station of phones. Really enjoyed reading this @meesterboom. Thank you @adsactly
#greatstory #adsactly #meesterboom
Solar Warrior! Hear the crack of thunder in the cloudless, sunny sky! I'm guessing it never occurred to use rechargeable batteries in his MP3 player and get a proper solar panel at home to keep them charged? I guess not. No rules saying superheroes have to be bright, I guess.
I've known some odd ducks in my life. I lived next door to a guy that made a fiberglass lizard out of a '62 Chev convertible. Scales, mouth, nose, all of it. Pretty bizarre. In the interest of realism he glassed the doors smooth so you had to go over the side to get in. I had quit drinking by the time I lived there so I have no idea how it rode.
Thanks for another great post. I have a visual of this guy and I'll be watching for him...
Is this non fiction or fiction? A picture of the individual would have been great to post. Maybe the picture of the person could have inspired a new trend in the fashion world. Dockers now have a dedicated pocket for your smartphone. How was the panels placed on the clothing? Glued, stitched, or taped on?
What an interesting character!
It took me a while to grasp the fact that your story is not of fiction XD. Definitely not what I was expecting to read when I read your post title.
Solar Warrior indeed... Did he look like this? LOL
Not so high tech I suppose XD
Image Source: IGN, Destiny Wiki
Hello @adsactly, this account in the link below is copying your post. https://steemit.com/solar/@rickyislam/adsactly-fun-solar-warrior
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ok... well i think this story is hilarious. but he's exagerating a bit or was he really afraid that guy was wanting to kill him?
I may have been exaggerating for comic effect, :0)
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