※ These posts are ranked by the sum of votes and comments.
1. Circus back in town ????
@taica, 53 votes, 9 replies, $3.65
2. When Steemit users from 2016 lik your post:
@krvsada, 45 votes, 0 replies, $0.08
3. my goat start to slpeeing
@jackchan, 37 votes, 2 replies, $0.41
4. Reverse day
@markus101, 24 votes, 1 replies, $0.57
5. Did You Play It In Your Childhood? ( With Brother or Sister )
@face2face, 11 votes, 13 replies, $2.19
6. Happy Diwali
@dannyshine, 16 votes, 4 replies, $6.03
7. How Dancing Improves Our Lives
@rogerman, 12 votes, 1 replies, $2.54
8. Oatmeal Cookies
@inahas, 13 votes, 0 replies, $0.27
9. MRW I'm starting a low-carb diet in the morning.
@isnochys, 8 votes, 5 replies, $0.01
10. I like apples
@isnochys, 7 votes, 5 replies, $0.01
11. My Daily Pomegranate seed reading....
@offgridlife, 4 votes, 8 replies, $0.09
12. I guess they're single?
@rgau1985, 9 votes, 2 replies, $0.01
13. Karate demonstration of high kicks.
@isnochys, 9 votes, 1 replies, $0.01
14. I hate when you can't tell who's who
@rdstm1985, 9 votes, 1 replies, $0.01
15. goats family
@jackchan, 7 votes, 2 replies, $0.04
16. Don't smoke fireworks!
@rdstm1985, 6 votes, 2 replies, $0.01
17. I prefer the real version control.
@fumegi, 4 votes, 4 replies, $0.01
18. Good cop prank.
@o2rs2015, 4 votes, 3 replies, $0.01
19. FUN
@bakhtiarzehri, 4 votes, 3 replies, $0.01
20. Confederate flag monster energy tattoo.
@rgau1985, 4 votes, 3 replies, $0.00
21. Pro Tip: Use your child's pee to pass a drug test
@fumegi, 4 votes, 2 replies, $0.01
22. Crazzzy Goods. Spider Computer Mouse
@crazzzy.sale, 4 votes, 2 replies, $0.00
23. I see your Japanese toilet paper holder and raise you. Here's an American toilet paper holder with a high capacity magazine.
@yarsb21, 3 votes, 3 replies, $0.01
24. I thought the gender of this tomato must be male...
@marsz, 3 votes, 2 replies, $0.00
25. Fighting over seas
@rgau1985, 5 votes, 0 replies, $0.01
26. HMB while I take this selfie
@isnochys, 4 votes, 1 replies, $0.01
27. Spotted on r/cringeanarchy. Appraisal required, a short-term nice-guy target audience may lead to high returns.
@rdstm1985, 3 votes, 2 replies, $0.01
28. 17 Tallest Women You Won't Believe Actually Exist
@wolet, 1 votes, 4 replies, $0.00
29. TroyBusters - S01E05 - Back to the Meadow
@divecrewcanada, 5 votes, 0 replies, $0.00
30. The Daily Booble. Edition #14
@boobman, 4 votes, 0 replies, $0.01