What's the first thing that goes through your mind when you see something like this?
If you're like me, there would only be one thing on your mind. My first thought was, "Can I last 8 seconds?" Not one to simply ponder, I jumped up there and rode that giant watermelon for all that it was worth!

Check out these sweet action shots too! Amazingly, probably because I am so strong, I was able to hang on one-handed for the full eight seconds, and I even have the photographic evidence to back it up!
A big thanks to @beatitudes8 for letting me ride on their giant watermelon! Thanks a lot guys! WE all know that painting a propane tank to look like a watermelon may be fun, but riding one is way more fun!
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Until next time…
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You definitely know how to enjoy and have a good time.
You are a true steemian.
Got to have fun sometimes.
Keep on steemin'
A watermelon that size would have seeds as big as dinner plates...
That would make a watermelon seed spitting contest difficult.... maybe we could use them as discuses.
I seriously thought it was a real watermelon. I have seen square shaped ones before.
First thing that entered my mind! lol

nothing like having a big watermelon between your legs :P
Wow, it obvious you enjoyed the ride. You are all smile👍
Eight seconds???? I believe I can last up to eight minutes .....hope you enjoyed the ride? But come to think of it, we can refurbish a car to resemble water melon.. It will look juicy and jummy. What do you think?
Now that sounds fun!
it is SOOOO important to try to be ready for what you believe in. I am not a huge christian, but I am a christian if that makes sense? I remember seeing a powerful poster in my Sunday School classroom, it was set at the time of the rapture and a man and his daughter was walking down a street as everyone was getting "beamed" up into heaven while this man did not. He watched as his daughter got sent to heaven without him.
This poster spoke so many words to me and i'll never forget that. I don't think anybody would want to experience what that man did in the poster.
On a side note, completely off this topic of the rapture.
My sister loved going to church Sundays and even more going to the youth group that took place Thursday nights. She would invite her non-christian friends to come on Thursdays as it was more of a service for the younger crowd with more up to beat music and more of a discussion then a sermon. This one girl started to go every Thursday and Sunday with her, and eventually got saved because of my sister. But eventually that one girl started to bully my sister inside the church and at school which ended up giving her no place to go to feel "safe".
It's sad that those things happen when you do so much for some people. It is even more sad that it's probably happening right now somewhere else in the world.
Anyways, thanks for spreading the word @papa-pepper! You rock!
Never thought I'd ever say this but dude got great melons
wow, so amazing
hahaha Big fan here, keep it going bro!
What went through my mind... Why do this... :)
You're not sick, are you? I enjoyed it so much.
LOL. you do the best thing kovboy :D
Thank you!
Wow this is fun and funny, it's a good to be physically fit
Looks like a tank of water to me.
Watermelon was never in my mind .
Nice post papa
You can't get away with that out here.
You got to wait until the watermelon starts moving, before you start countin...
wait, that's not what I mean.
The summer sun is so hot that you need to paint them things reflective white. Else they get too hot, and LPG doesn't like to be hot, and so it turn to PG, which increases the pressure
... and fortunately, these things have a blow off valve (pressure relief valve)
Yeah, I wouldn't want to jump on one of those!
Whew! That's a big one.
To deceive the user, it's just a water tank that is painted like a watermelon
Your every post glad me.
Its amazing funny photography with watermelon.
Great to shareHahaha.... You are great @papa-pepper.
Lol! This is amazing! Looks like a lot of fun too
hahahaa is so cute @papa-papper, i laugh to see it, you are so cool
You go cowboy!
Looks like a green submarine to me.
Hahahaha you tried for hanging on there 8 seconds, I think I can last more than that cos I love adventures like that.
Nice shots and am sure its with your camera.
Thanks for giving the old one away and for the water melon @papa-pepper
Great work well done,cant wait for another of your post
lovely funny photography..so thanks...keep it up
good post @papa-pepper, i like it... 👍👍 Regard @fadhielshaqieer..
and fun I saw herdefinitely very interesting @papa-pepper
Hahaha ... Looks like you really enjoy when riding this giant melon. Looks funny and very fun expressions. Is this giant melon moving @papa-pepper. ?? 😊😀👍
Giant indeed
LOL good times. Reminds me of being a kid and doing the exact same thing on our gas tank. Looked identical to that except it wasn't a watermellon lol.
I remember the gas man would come fill it up about once a year. We used it for our gas cook stove, but I think i got more use out of it as trigger when i was playing cowboys and indians .
Sweet mother loOk at that Watermelon @papa-pepper.
A water melon actually but later saw it was a tank
Hello sir please I need your help.
I need to pay my bills this month and I desperately need upvotes.
Your water melon 🍈 looks big and delicious you're a real real homesteader.
it's so cute @papa-pepper hehe come to my blog again ya @papa-pepper :)
Lol.. thats really fun ride.. first thing i imagine is giant water melon, if we cut it we can swim into water melon pool.. 😆
Wow! Good idea!
it's so funny. You entertained me a lot @papa-pepper.
it is SOOOO important to try to be ready for what you believe in. I am not a huge christian, but I am a christian if that makes sense? I remember seeing a powerful poster in my Sunday School classroom, it was set at the time of the rapture and a man and his daughter was walking down a street as everyone was getting "beamed" up into heaven while this man did not. He watched as his daughter got sent to heaven without him.
This poster spoke so many words to me and i'll never forget that. I don't think anybody would want to experience what that man did in the poster.
On a side note, completely off this topic of the rapture.
My sister loved going to church Sundays and even more going to the youth group that took place Thursday nights. She would invite her non-christian friends to come on Thursdays as it was more of a service for the younger crowd with more up to beat music and more of a discussion then a sermon. This one girl started to go every Thursday and Sunday with her, and eventually got saved because of my sister. But eventually that one girl started to bully my sister inside the church and at school which ended up giving her no place to go to feel "safe".
It's sad that those things happen when you do so much for some people. It is even more sad that it's probably happening right now somewhere else in the world.
Anyways, thanks for spreading the word @papa-pepper! You rock!
That was Quality papa-pepper. Q u a l i t y.
let's all try together 😃💪
omg this..made me laugh till my stomach ache :) superb fun
Seems like you have had a great fun!!!!!!!! Ha..ha..
Bahaha, oh boy....
Gotta say, the painter did a cool work on it!
There is surely no limit to fun. You sure had a good one.
wow! it got my attention. It was funny to me when i saw you riding on a watermelon horse.
When I was a kid my father was a dairyman, which meant we lived on a farm with other dairymen and their famlies as housing was usually part of the compensation. One particular farm had 2 mobile homes near each other with two propane tanks. One was directly behind the other. Those tanks became horses, cars in high speed chases, runaway trains, boats, jet planes, rockets, you name it, we probably imagined it, except for a bucking bronco watermelon! Thanks for the chuckle! I bet your kids had a good laugh too!
Excelente, me gusta!
Your welcome, It was great to have you and yours.
Nice Riding cowboy 🤠 🐄 🍉
Thanks! We had a good time!