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RE: Internalized Into the Inner Insides: That's Deep and You Were Not Expecting That

in #funny7 years ago

Now, in your masterpiece you use 3 colors - white, black & red.
The white color expresses your perception of light - whereas the black color is your perception of the absence of light.
And, within this the red colour could be interpreted as a symbol of transformation and not as you clearly explain to your audience .... anger. However, the use of so many exclamation marks!!!!!!!!! requires additional clinical inquiry ...@nonameslefttouse ... I have a sense you may be hungry after working so hard on this piece of art. So, please get something to eat.


Pssst. This was tagged 'funny'. There's a reason for that.

Hmmmm ... good point!

Are you feeling alright? The last few days you've been a bit of a troll. :)

Not my intent at all ... please accept my apologies.

It's the memes. I get confused. They don't say anything to me. Don't worry about it!

Thanks for your message & no more memes.