Internalized Into the Inner Insides: That's Deep and You Were Not Expecting That

in #funny7 years ago

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself here with another world famous thing!

This thing is amazing!

NoNamesLeftToUse - Internalized into the Inner Insides.jpeg
Internalized Into the Inner Insides

There we have it, folks.

Now I need to talk about something.

Recently, something was brought to my attention.

These assholes think people who use red are angry! Do I seem angry to you! No! I don't! So shut up about this bullshit about people who use red and their goddamn anger issues! I'm so sick of hearing this shit!

I'm not angry!

This isn't anger!

It's just a color you fucking assholes!


Have a nice day!


Disclaimer: No, I'm not really angry and no, this wasn't a shit post. The art took me all morning plus some of last night to complete. I wouldn't do this stuff if it made me angry. That wouldn't make sense, now would it? No, it wouldn't. So, I'm suggesting you vote for my work. People who don't vote MAKE ME ANGRY! AND I HATE IT WHEN I GET MAD BECAUSE PEOPLE LOSE LIMBS AND I EAT ALL OF THEIR FOOD JUST BECAUSE I GET HUNGRY AFTER RIPPING SOMEONES FACE OFF! YOU BETTER NOT BE OUT OF MILK!

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"How to have a proper public meltdown for beginners."
[email protected]

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)



btw what a coincidence, I was just coming to your blog to ask you a question and you post not less than 35 seconds ago!
So here's the question.

drum roll

How do you manage to post every single day dude? And on top of that, you even manage to create an artwork along with it!
What's your writing/drawing schedule look like? Do you do it early in the morning, late at night, whenever you get time etc? When goddammit?!

I don't understand how a whole day goes by and I haven't done shit. Sure, I leave some comments here and there but I NEED TO POST TOO! :'(
Plis halp thanx

I work hard. I'm nonstop doing something. I don't make a schedule and if I did it would just say:

  • Wake up.
  • Get shit done.
  • Sleep if there's time.

I take short breaks, I have a job(it's the slow season), a life. I just stay busy. I run my own life, nobody gets in my way.

I type fast, I think fast... LOL I dunno! I just work.

That's a solid schedule. lol
At what time of the day do you usually find yourself writing a post though?

I have no idea. I already have another one up. I might take some time off now.

Yeah man, you need it. Have a good one.

I completely agree with you. How can anyone think you are an angry man. You seem to me very quiet instead. Although I have to admit Your art is a bit too red, which many people say makes people angry. You art “Internalized Into the Inner Insides” is looking gooood. I do have to admit, until now it was pretty quiet here. You entered like a tornado 🌪. You know for a few seconds, now it is quiet again.
Anyway Happy Easter!🐇🐰🐣

Quiet? I just finished pretending to yell. But yeah, I've been busy. The art isn't too red, there's no such thing! People see red and if that makes them angry, I add humor, they leave happy. Seems to be working, some days.

No who is that foolish who said red is for angry, red is always the sign of love and romance.

It's also the sign to stop. This was just a joke though. Just having fun. That's why it's tagged as 'funny'.

hahaha okay...

Red is empowerment, the opposite of submission. Those who say that red means anger are just pissing everybody off, and I say we get mad. I want you to go to the window, open it up, and yell at the top of your lungs... 'I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore." Repeat as needed.

I'm not mad about anything! Dammit!

Freakin' ridiculous joke.

Your joke was better.

l think the guy in the movie was overreacting. He should have suggested that we go to our windows, and after carefully opening that window without breaking anything, that we should loudly imply that we are angry, and that we have reached our capacity for taking 'it' at this time.

Ok, ok, okay...

Let's try the color "PINK" next!?


If you look close enough, there might some pink inside that thing.

Now, in your masterpiece you use 3 colors - white, black & red.
The white color expresses your perception of light - whereas the black color is your perception of the absence of light.
And, within this the red colour could be interpreted as a symbol of transformation and not as you clearly explain to your audience .... anger. However, the use of so many exclamation marks!!!!!!!!! requires additional clinical inquiry ...@nonameslefttouse ... I have a sense you may be hungry after working so hard on this piece of art. So, please get something to eat.

Pssst. This was tagged 'funny'. There's a reason for that.

Hmmmm ... good point!

Are you feeling alright? The last few days you've been a bit of a troll. :)

Not my intent at all ... please accept my apologies.

It's the memes. I get confused. They don't say anything to me. Don't worry about it!

Thanks for your message & no more memes.

Red is not just anger! It's passion, love, heat, life. It's meant to color the details you want others to notice. Red is so much more than anger!
And now I see red!

Life is the one I usually go with. I don't include actual meanings behind the colors I use though. I just go with what I think looks good. A very basic process.

It reminds me of what macrophotography of red flowers would look like except I haven't figured out which flower because I'm distracted by the snorting cattle skull on the left and the open baby creature's mouth in the middle. It's pretty amazing and very red. Did I mention it was red?

But did you notice the red?

This a definitely a good piece to allow your mind to play tricks with. I put things in there, as well as now, after finishing, I see other things that I didn't put there.

I meant to mention how I noticed the red.

red is a sign of sexiness and being wild :-D

I do find red to be attractive. It's the easiest color for me to sit and stare at for a few hours as I work on these things.

Awesomeness!!! This is the color (maybe slightly more orange) I want to paint my ancient Suzuki jeep. I think if you added a little light blue (like a narrow river or something of this nature) that would be PERFEFT (well, for my own taste that is).

This is part of something larger that I'm working on. Blue won't fit here. I'm a bit disappointed in the quality hit I took sharing this here. The actual master copy looks crisp and the illusion of three dimensions is more pronounced.

You definitelly know better than me when it comes to your art, so I will be waiting to see the whole thing completed. I am a big fan of your "simpler" works if you know what I mean. This redish/orangish fire you create is very seductive in the eye. I LOVED the one that you created a fire mixed with sea/water a week ago or so. I hope you know which I am talking about...I can copy and paste the post but I am curious to see if you know which one I am referring to ;)

I have a few in my mind actually. I'm not sure which one you mean. I work too hard, man! Losing my memory.

Ha! I totally remember now. It hit me as I was painting a new piece of simplicity.

Red in a colour for insanity... and you are insanely funny. I know it sound

Thank you for understanding the humor here. Writing humor is often misconstrued. It's kind of a pain in the ass sometimes. I feel like I bombed this joke but a few laughs helps a lot.

Today I learned that you can use hyphens in tags. Cool. I have internalized this lesson into my inner insides. I didn't read the post but the art reminded me that I have to go buy a dozen red roses for my girlfriend because I'm just so fucking angry at her right now.

Hilarious! That basically turns that myth on it's head.

Ha ha ha ha,,
I believe with the words of your mouth and believe in your writing, which says you are not angry, but I can not believe with your mind, sorry I still remember your post yesterday,

Hehehe hehehehe
Have fun

This is just a skit. A performance. A joke about a man saying one thing but doing the opposite as he says it. For some reason that cracks me up.

That is a misconception. Red is among my favorite color

Sometimes one believes that red is a symbol of evil and I think it is because of the colors of aletrta that red means alarm. But beyond all love for me it is red.

I've heard that one too. It's strange. Nearly everyone here has their own meaning for it.

so red is angry cool looking digitial picture day huh?......well that's way more interesting then Red Tuesday or Friday or April Fools day.....and a boring post with a random picture justified with red-pixels in it.....gag!

also now i know you're probably not lactose intolerant, learn something new about all my Steemian friends everyday

so where's that post that says red is angry, i'm a sucker for rants, care to link it somewhere here?

It was actually @yesaye in the post before this, I think. It wasn't a serious conversation. I just felt like fucking around and knew ONE person out there would get to enjoy an inside joke.

Basically, this is a post for me and me only. I feel important now.

......i read that skimming through the comment section, yeah that @yesaye punk is pretty cool, he's a guest judge at @comedyopenmic this week while i take a break to enjoy the easter holidays ;)

I'll probably have some extra voting power to use on a few of those entries this weekend. I've been burning through it trying to support folks in my feed during this dry spell. Fuck it's hard to be in 30 places at once. I need one of those breaks too but I can't stop working.

If we can help let us know.

Heard he's been voted the coolest judge.
Good choice by people.

braces self

trust old yessi to stir up trouble inspiration

Hopefully, I turn out to be the one that inspires you to make your first post.

I love red color a lot and I'm a man who never gets angry
I wish you good luck
You are a successful person

MMm hmm. Thanks!

Finally something was brought to your attention.
Something you really appreciate and like. I think all your posts are special like this one

Rose pettled class... Internalised into the rose....

I like the Reds that you do choose they are beautiful thanks my friend. Tell the butt heads to f*** off

In the part of the world where I come from and probably IN every part of the world, red signifies danger. For instance when you see a red cloth at the entrance of a building, you dare not enter without the consent of the owner of the house. The repercussion may be disastrous.

Red also signifies love, togetherness. I'm sure this is what yours depict. This is because your posts are mostly a form of comic relief and posses no danger.

RED is life. The blood that flows in our body is red. Without red (blood) we are nothing. Using red in your arts doesn't mean you are angry, it could be your favorite color, which I'm quite sure it is.

I thought red was the color of passion and hemorrhoids!

I like your art, red is the color of passion ;)
Have a nice day!

pink in a color for insanity... and you are insanely humorous. I comprehend it sound

You're parroting comments here with a hint of word spin. When you can come and talk to me like a real man, I'll remove this flag.

This is my way of making friends, I'm sorry I did not know you would be upset

I just laugh with you Why are you upset

I said 'real man', not fake ass bullshitter happy boy. Look up. Way up! You see that comment that looks like yours? I do too. You're not owning up to it. I don't play games like that.

I have given you my apologies for what you want more as I need experienced help because I am still a beginner ... and you are free to do what you want

Tell me why you copied a comment and tried to swindle me.

To be frank with you, I do not speak English well. Usually in the comments I try to copy the comments to increase my reputation