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RE: Internalized Into the Inner Insides: That's Deep and You Were Not Expecting That

in #funny7 years ago

I completely agree with you. How can anyone think you are an angry man. You seem to me very quiet instead. Although I have to admit Your art is a bit too red, which many people say makes people angry. You art “Internalized Into the Inner Insides” is looking gooood. I do have to admit, until now it was pretty quiet here. You entered like a tornado 🌪. You know for a few seconds, now it is quiet again.
Anyway Happy Easter!🐇🐰🐣


Quiet? I just finished pretending to yell. But yeah, I've been busy. The art isn't too red, there's no such thing! People see red and if that makes them angry, I add humor, they leave happy. Seems to be working, some days.