Fake or Genuine? - Comment Types With Names & Descriptions (Humor)

in #funny7 years ago

Comments txt.jpg

Hello Steemit peeps! I thought I would take a moment and give my “2 cents” on a topic – commenting.

When I make a post on my Steemit blog, I am very excited to get comments on my posts, hoping to get some insight into what my followers think of my content. The more followers I get, the more comments I have been getting on my posts – which is (mostly) good! But not all comments are equal. I thought I would break down the different types of comments to give you an idea of what I am talking about.

The “Copycat” Comment:

This comment usually is a plagiarized comment – usually copying the highest voted comment on the post (but not always.) Some of these comments are simply copy/pasted, while others cleverly attempt to disguise their comment by changing out a few words. Either way, they are always unoriginal, and do not get my upvote.

The “Highschool Essay” Comment

This comment gets its name from the mindset used to create it. These comments try to camouflage the fact that the commenter didn’t actually read the post by either using the information in either the title, tags, or last sentence of the post to create the body of the comment. For instance: A post titled “The Silence” could get a response such as “Yes, quiet time is very important I totally agree.” (Even though it is a short story about embracing life’s noise). These type of comments always make me stop and go “Hugh?” before not leaving an upvote.

The "WTF" Comment

This type of comment has absolutely nothing to do with the content in the post. You have to wonder what dimension they rolled in from before writing this one. While these are almost worth an upvote purely due to the shocking humor factor, they are still best to not upvote.

The “Basic” Comment – Also known as the “One-Size-Fits-All” Comment

These comments usually are, well.. basic. Examples of these types are:

“Good Post!”
“Upvoted, followed, & resteemed”
“Very interesting!”
“Great one!”
“Really Good!”
“Thanks for sharing!”
“I learned a lot”
“Amazing post!”

…and the list goes on and on. These comments can sometimes come from good commenters who use these only on occasion, but much of the time are used by those hoping to get a nice upvote for each of the 65 comments they left on different posts in the last 2 minutes. It is often good to check these commenters' profiles to see how many comments they make in a short amount of time (and how many are the same comment). If they are simply basic, no upvote needed!

The “Ulterior Motive” Comment

These are usually “Basic” comments with the addition of “Check out my post” or “Follow Me” attached to the end. These hopeful comments usually are never genuine as their only purpose is to attract others to their own blog. These comments never get my upvote.

The “Broken Record” Comments

Played on repeat, these comments simply repeat again and again and again and again and again on each one of your posts. Like a broken record, after hearing (or reading) the same thing over and over again, they start to lose their sincerity and don’t get my upvote.

The “Personalized” Comment

For no reason at all, these comments will tag the poster in an attempt to personalize the comment and hopefully make their comment stand out above the rest. These comments are not always bad, but sometimes are used as a tactic just to get attention. It is pretty easy to tell the use of the tag, and if it is just attention seeking, no upvote is given.

The “Visual” Comment

These comments usually consist of memes or gifs. Sometimes they fit the post and deserve a nice upvote, but many times are used as a distraction from the fact that they did not actually read the post. If they aren't related to the topic at hand, they do not get an upvote.

The “Genuine” Comment

These comments tell me that the commenter read the post. Usually these comments are longer than three words – most often a sentence or two! They have no ulterior motives and don’t use really any of the sly tactics above to earn an upvote. They are genuine comments showing genuine interest in the post, and because of this, they deserve a nice upvote.

I know I am not covering all types of comments, but this list should get you thinking - what type of comments do you give? For the post creators out there: do you upvote every comment? Or do you look for some clue that each comment was placed by the commenter for a reason larger than gaining upvotes/followers. I think it is important to tell the difference between these comments to discourage the excessive amount of fake comments, and to reward the genuine ones. Let’s reward the real comments that add value to our posts! 😊

Thanks so much to those of you that read my post! :)

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Pretty funny... I think you covered most of them here. I would also add the "google translate" comment that's from a country with a not yet well-developed dictionary... it leaves you scracthing your head, thinking "I wonder what that MEANS?" Perhaps they are a special variation of "WTF."

There's also the rare version of (usually) the genuine comment which I call "Wall of Text." Somebody writes about 500 words, but it's all one long sentence with no paragraphs... and it's almost impossible to read, but you really want to give it an upvote because the author tried SO hard, and GAAAH!

Yes, I have gotten a few of these comments you described. It can be difficult to figure out what they are saying, which makes me hesitate on whether or not to upvote them. I have had a few of them that were almost backhanded compliments but I couldn't tell if it was on purpose.

I know what you mean with "Wall of Text" comments, but grammar and punctuation aside, I appreciate anyone that leaves a comment on my post that is longer than just a few words. Usually you can tell if they tried, and if they did, I definitely give them an upvote :)

Thanks for your Genuine Comment!

if they tried, and if they did, I definitely give them an upvote

Yes... you can tell when someone puts effort into a comment. I upvote them too. I often will reply as well. Good advice.

And then, of course, there's the "I appreciate the fact that you actually read my comment and followed up" follow-up comment...

OK, so that was sort of facetious, but engagement is one of my ambitions/goals on Steemit. Sure, this is a place where we blog and get rewarded, but it's also social media, so that makes it a place to interact and get to know people, in the electronic sense of the word.

So I say thanks for creating an Engaging Post that actually invites audience participation. A lot of posts don't...

Do you think bots are the cause of most inauthentic comments? Maybe language barrier? I get a lot of spanish comments "gracias amigo" but there is a hint of indication they read my post at the same time.

If I feel a person didnt read my post I dont upvote.

Its kinda got me down lately how steemit seems to have a lack of content creator and curators who really care... Who actually comment, who dont just bot there every comment and gimmick there way up the social ranks. Maybe im being naive but I was thinking I could, one could, thrive here with frequent quality content...


Bots and language barrier could result in some of these types of comments, but I think many of these comments are done in the hopes of gaining an upvote. Each time I get a comment that makes me think they didn't read my post, I check their recent comments. A lot of these like "nice post" or "follow me" comments were left on many posts in a short amount of time (showing me that there was no way they had time to read my post - they were too busy copy and pasting comments).

I think it is definitely possible to thrive on Steemit with quality content. It just takes time.

As far as my Steemit adventure so far, I just post and enjoy the ride. To me it isn't about the number of followers I have, but the quality of followers I have. These "follow me and I'll follow you" people may have more followers than I do, but they are just a group of tiny accounts that will most likely get downvoted into oblivion by trying to cheat the system. 1 real follower is better than 1,000 fake ones.

Just keep on posting and make sure you are having fun doing it - that is what it is all about! :)

Thanks for your Genuine Comment!

I did what you said, I received a comment that seemed kinda copy and paste-ish, so I checked the comment history of the sender, the results were disappointing:

ltc vs btc.png

Yes, It is unfortunate. Eventually they will get downvoted for that behavior, making it less appealing for them to continue commenting like this.

It is always good to check those type of comments lol - no need to give them an upvote and promote the behavior :)

Go back to@artist1989 thread about comments. Some good discussion has evolved about the same subject you just talked about. (I replied with my views, but I can't repost it as a reply to you)... but if you'd like to read it, I just added one that starts out with the sentence: I do this too by curating my comments with special scrutiny.

I am also under the mindset of trying to find a couple of comments in my own blogs and sometimes in others that I like to reward with an upvote. It just helps bring the good ones up out of the bottom of the dumps where all the spam goes to die. Always disappointing when you get into a blog with dozens or more comments and zero of them have upvotes by the author so trash just sits there as the first person who put out a spam comment. Even worse they are all just “such and such paid for an upvote” great that what I want to see when I get to bottom of your blog that you spent a bunch of money.

The comments that drive me crazy are ones where time was spent into creating a somewhat vague but almost believe paragraph(s) of a comment. They tend to target a certain tag or even certain topics within a tag. They are almost believable and so close to getting an upvote then you go and check and you see they are just copy/paste spam.

As someone who enjoys comment sections, those tend to be very disappointing as you keep running onto them. The effort was spent but only once to try and lure in upvotes. Some of them are getting very clever in trying hide they are just copy/pasting I won’t go into further detail of some smarter ones I ran into as I hate for it to spread even further.

I usually spend a few minutes on my comment so sometimes it’s just hard to avoid being yet another “broken record” by the time I get it posted. When I started those type of comments where not yet made and I’ve already invested in the time. I’m not a speed writer and I have to spend some time on formatting/ editing/ rearranging thought.

I know what your talking about when you talk about the almost believable complimenting copy/paste comments. I have gotten those thinking "Wow, they really enjoyed my post!" But my smile fades quickly when I see they left the same thing on many other posts seconds before and after (meaning they never even read my post).

When you mention the smarter copy/paste comments - I have gotten ones that steal others comments and change a few of the words to make them seem new. I got one today on a different post of mine, and like deja vu, I was sure I read something similar before. I had - It was a mimic of the highest voted comment on my last post. I almost posted a screenshot of the comment they copied in a reply to their Copycat comment but figured it wouldn't fix anything lol.

I wouldn't worry about falling into the "broken record" or any of my categories above. You seem like a Genuine Commenter and I am happy that you took the time to write such a thoughtful comment on my post! :)

I fear comment thief is going be a big issues down the road. I’ve noticed some of mine get used from time to time. Thankfully most of these people are not very bright and they copy/paste them into places where people get that feeling it’s an “enjar” comment so they go and look if it was stolen from me. Other times I have to waste time dealing with the scumbag myself if I run into it.

The logic some of them use is just mindblowing. It’s like I get there a culture difference and somewhat of a language barrier but no you can’t go around doing that nonsense. We are not a YouTube comment section or a back alleyway in whatever country you live in. We have standards (least some of us lol).

You nailed it! I have noticed there was a person who keeps commenting on my posts. I try to reply to anyone who comments on my post as I appreciate the feedback and want them to come back. I noticed this person never actually upvoted my posts, so looked them up... not only had they been doing vague comments on lots of other posts, they have a 100% self votes record!!! After seeing that, it's hard to want to upvote them again.

I used to reply to each and every comment on my posts. As I learned that many of the comments were not genuine, I stopped and only responded to comments from people that seemed like they read my post. I used to upvote every comment on my posts too, but after learning that (for example) they left the same compliment on 27 other posts in the last few minutes, I started only upvoting the genuine comments.

I appreciate you taking the time to read my post and leaving a Genuine Comment!

It's funny how the various social media platforms all have their different comment patterns. In Reddit, a common reply you find is "THIS," used to emphasize support of a comment when someone thinks their single upvote does not sufficiently bring it above the competition. I could see that same reply being used here differently as a way to cleverly--or not so cleverly--siphon upvotes from a well-crafted post.


(is true), so it can be a challenge to encourage better communication on steem. However, since payment is involved here, I think it is acceptable to be a little more demanding of what is considered a good practice here... especially since people vote with rewards for decent comments.

"This" would be an example of a basic comment like "Awesome Post" or "Nice." I think people should leave comments when they have something to say about the post. The comments should be a response to the post for the author, or a response to another comment. When I look at comments, I hope to see someone saying something about my post to show they read it :)

Thanks for taking the time to leave a Genuine Comment!

@artist1989 sir...
Actualy I think comments are for appreciate tool our blog or posts...
Comments are very important to us...for we can get any idea about our post...
Thanks sharing defferent ideas about commenting....

You are correct. Comments help authors to know what people liked (or did not like) about the content of the post. It's not just about votes. Knowing what your readers think is very important.

Good point! I happily upvote your comment @dini1

1000% agree with you @intelliguy sir...
Actualy.....What I learned here :
Steemit is not only about UPVOTES & Money
It is about writing..
It is about reading..
It is about knowing people and their side of the story..
It is about learning..
It is about finding a path to follow..
It is about keeping yourself motivated to write better..
It is about broadening your thinking..
It is about spending your time productively..
It is about making you think from a different perspective..
It is about writing without any expectations of UPVOTES..

Thanks...Followed U now sir...

YES!! You get it. Nice breakdown. 100% upvote for it. (I'm running out of vote power, so while I rest, yours is the last one for tonight I can upvote).

What a nice way to end my curation today. Loved it.


This is just a whole new level of laughter, my neighbours are listening to me screaming in laughter, this is really amazing, I swear it is wow so I'm searching where do I really belong on the list?

Seeming as it looks like you read my post and are asking a question, I would say your comment is Genuine :)

I resteemed this post to my followers. It's great advice. Everyone needs to realize how their comments can be interpreted and classified.

It's put in a fashion that can make sense to new users. Thanks again.

Every once in a rare while I’ll get a comment in a language I can’t even identify, much less read. Sometimes translate.google.com will give me some clue about what was meant, but sometimes it seems like word salad.

I see them too. It would be nice if people would give a comment in their native language and then maybe do an english translation. This way we could get the comment the way it was intended.

I'll reply to you in spanish the with a translator for spanish people:

Te responderé en español con un traductor para españoles:

Yo también los veo Sería bueno que la gente hiciera un comentario en su lengua materna y luego hiciera una traducción al inglés. De esta manera podríamos obtener el comentario de la manera en que fue diseñado.

Wow, I've learned so many new ways to create spam comments. ^_^

Wait no...I mean...this is great information! Insightful! You are also handsome! And amazing.

(actually, these are pretty interesting insights, nice work here)

I'm personally taking notes! You forgot to mention educational as well.

Dear @artist1989,

Extremely funny... I think you got them all. I would also add the "google translate" comment that's from a country with a not yet well-developed dictionary... it leaves you scracthing your head, thinking "I wonder what that MEANS?" Perhaps they are a special variation of "WTF."
There's also the rare version of (usually) the genuine comment which I call "Wall of Text." Somebody writes about 500 words, but it's all one long sentence with no paragraphs... and it's almost impossible to read, but you really want to give it an upvote because the author tried SO hard, and GAAAH!
Please check also my recent post here, please follow, resteem and upvote: https://steemit.com/@rondras/the-5-2-fast-diet-a-self-experiment


PS: I missed out one comment type I think - can you spot which one ;-)
And sorry @denmarkguy for copying your post... I hope you do not mind!

Unless I'm missing it - The "Highschool Essay Comment" is missing lol.

My example: "Nice post! I like comments and think we need more of them in the world because there are so many different types. Thanks for the descriptions!" :)

Absolutely right, well spotted, this one was missing but somewhat difficult to integrate together with the Copy Paste part ;-)

Hahaha... Sometimes people just want to appreciate your work and they might not have exact words to explain... But you observed from many days that people comments for many reasons... By the way 😉nice post😜

The inspiration for this post was a CopyCat Comment lol. That and then seeing so many "Awesome writing" type comments that I look into and find that they left it seconds after commenting something similar on another post....and another post - which tells me they never read mine lol. Just slightly bitter - but happy for followers like you that take the time to read my posts and leave comments that show they read them :)

My pleasure Chris... I read your posts because I liked your writing skill... And I also loved to see your artistic stuff like I can see on your website how you made that wall stuff with green paper flowers.... Awesome one... I love to draw stuff, photography and travel... And that what strike into my head for good reason like your story... I remember when I first read your novel... And after that I got your books from your partner.. and awesome writing skills... A good writer is that who can make a good audience.... And you can count me in that.

Wow, when I clicked on this post, I didn't expect it to be nearly so lengthy & thorough haha. Ive noticed an interesting phenomenon in the comments on my posts over the last year and a half.

When I started, and for the first 6 months at least, I received relatively few comments on any of my posts, but they were almost exclusively genuine comments. Since roughly when I cleared 1000 followers, the majority of my posts receive a handful or two of comments, almost exclusively WTF, Basic, Copycat, and Ulterior Motive.

Entertaining & thorough post, it's unfortunate that these spam & spam-like comments make up so much of Steemit these days.

What you mentioned about the change in comments from genuine to the other types overtime, I also noticed on my posts after reaching close to 1000 followers.

I am glad you found my post entertaining - when I make posts about issues I try to add humor to them to lighten the conversation :)

Hopefully these undesired comment types will eventually be a thing of the past - but until then, I simply plan on upvoting/rewarding those who put in the effort to leave a genuine one :)

Thanks for your Genuine Comment! :)

To be purely honest, I'm finding it extremely difficult to find good posts to comment on. There is so much stuff that floods and washes away anything of quality.
In saying that, thanks for making me aware of the different types of comments. Great tool going forward.

I know what you mean. I used to browse for new content but quality content can be really hard to find. I usually spend most of my time creating things to post, so when I go out looking for new content, I don't want to have to dig through 300 posts to find one good one. Usually I give up before finding anything. The nice thing is, once you find a quality post that you like, you can follow the account and then have more quality posts in your feed.

The other thing I don't like is plagiarized or stolen content - you see someone that claims to be an artist and later find out they were just posting pics of other peoples work...kind of disappointing lol.

But I do think the search for good content is worthwhile, when you find it and follow it, then you will get to see new good content more often without having to dig for it (and it gives new accounts a chance to join in on all the Steemit fun!) :)

Thanks for leaving a Genuine Comment! :)

You are very welcome. I too am now just focusing on my content and then may browse. I am finding one or two now and then but over time it will be easier when the 'facebook' type posting ceases from lack of upvotes. I think the Busy.org platform with its quick post section has a lot to do with the tiny uninformative posts. However in saying that, I love using that to create and post my content on. Esp the way you can draft and they are all kept so you can go back and work on them.

Dude hahaha. If I didn't have to go to work I would take the time to do one of each. Now that's comedy ;)

Well, when I started with stemit I'm not going to deny it, I was one that only used a few words for comments, uttering phrases.
like good post
excellent post I like you I'm following you etc.
if you want to ask @intelliguy that he gave me a lesson
well big to give me low votes to all the comments that
I did.
in the end I advise myself very well and I have achieved good results
reading the post well gives you an idea of ​​what you have to comment

It is always best to leave thoughtful comments on posts. Basic comments with few words are cold and distant. Genuine comments are friendly - they show the author and fellow commenters that you read the post.

I am glad it sounds like you read posts which makes your comments better :)

Thanks for your Genuine Comment!

thanks to you for answering my comment

Hey @artist1989! Would you mind specifying about the "personalized" comments a little more? That was the only one I couldn't identify with...and then I panicked that I probably do it! Lol

I see @artist1989 just answered you. Excellent.

Great comment @intelliguy! I couldn't help myself 😂

On a more serious note...really thanks for saying something because it made me ask more out of myself. I went back to the post to find a specific question, and when I reread, I understood...the words made sense this time. He was speaking about tagging like I did with your name just for attention and then lacking any genuine comment after. I might be getting tired...the first time I read it I thought he meant personalizing the comment...like making your response just about yourself.

Glad you came back and mentioned this... this way we know you were aware of the discussion as it progressed, and that helps too. :)

Usually tagging someone in the post is trying to get their attention. I have gotten comments where someone tags me just to say "nice post" or "followed/resteemed". It is kind of like jumping up and down screaming "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!!!" to someone like they have something important to say to just have them say "hi."

The "Personalized Comments" are simply those that tag someone for no reason but to get their attention. These comments have no meaning and add nothing to the post or conversation, they are just an attempt to grab the post creator's attention in the hopes that they will get an easy upvote. I call them personalized because I think the commenter thinks that by tagging the name it looks like they didn't just copy and paste the exact same comment on 100 other posts (but switching the tagged name).

Now, with that being said - your comment here doesn't fall under this type of comment because your comment is actually doing something, getting my attention to ask a question :)

Thanks for your Genuine Comment!

Haha I just posted again, then read your explanation! Thanks for being so specific! And complimenting my comment!

I do know what you mean though. I don't like those either...I feel as though you should comment as though you are speaking face to face.

just going to follow the answer to this comment... don't mind me being an active spectator...😇

Being an active spectator and explaining your interest can still be good. (As long as you're not always doing that on every blog of course. lol)

Now you're making me scared of commenting ...juat wondering what comment this is .

You shouldn't ever be afraid to comment :)

As long as your comment is a response to the post, adding to the conversation or letting the author know that you read the post - it is all good!

I know I mentioned "Basic Comments" like "great post" and "nice" - I am not hating on people that use these on occasion but when they are used all the time (like a broken record), or if I see them posted on 50 other posts a few seconds after and before the comment was made on my post - the compliment loses it's thunder lol.

Thanks for your Genuine Comment and question - it shows me that you took an interest in the topic of my post, and I appreciate you taking the time to read it :)

well if you don't like my comments you can tell me will not comment if you don't like : )

I like comments on my posts from people that read them. I know I talk about "Basic Comments" above such as the "Nice" and "Awesome post" comments - I do appreciate these when they are genuine and not used excessively. If you look at it from my perspective, when I write a post, I spend hours writing it, editing it, creating the cover graphic. I do this because I want to share something fun and exciting with my Steemit followers. Then to receive a bunch of comments where I can tell they never read it - it's kind of a let down.

When I first started posting on Steemit, I had few followers, but the followers I did have left genuine comments. Today I have a few more followers and it seems the amount of genuine comments have declined (or maybe simply blended in with all the upvote seeking comments). It actually gets sickening getting 30 comments on a post (when most of them are fake) and having to research each of them (unless I know the person) to see if they are just posting a basic comment hoping for an upvote or if the comment is real and sincere.

I get many comments from people that say things like "wonderful writing" and "nice chapter of story" - these used to make me happy, but after looking at their profile and finding that they left the same comment a few seconds before and after mine on other posts, I can tell these comments are not sincere and know that they didn't even read my post.

Simply, I just want comments from people that read and enjoy my posts and have something to say about it. If that something they want to say is in the list of "basic comments", that is ok - I just don't like all the fake "one-size-fits-all" comments flooding my posts, knowing they could care less about my post.

Now I think you usually read my posts. But I am sure I don't always upvote your comments. This is due to your comments being buried in a sea of fake ones by others, and after a while of trying to decipher each of them from one another, I admit that I stop looking at the comments.

I am thankful for followers like you that actually read my posts/chapters/short stories.

What inspired this post was actually a "Copycat Comment" by another user that stole the highest upvoted comment on my InBetween 2 Chapter 4 and posted it on Chapter 5. The comment didn't even fit Chapter 5 at all (for the comment was specific to the story-line). I found this disappointing.

I just want less fake comments so I don't miss rewarding the genuine ones that I get :)

Thanks for your response to my post - I appreciate your Genuine Comment! :)

@artist1989, Ha ha ha.....You've nicely categorized comments modules.
If you can tell me what kind of this my comment. :D

Genuine :)

Omg...Thanks speed recovery.

I enjoyed your post and laughed out loud at some of your descriptions. I don't feel your pain quite yet because I'm still new to the site. I do wonder, however, if your observation (lament?) that so many comments are fake isn't a function of how SteemIt works.

Let's face it, rewarding commentary sort of opens the floodgates to all manner of nonsense. This was one of the reasons I considered not getting involved in this social network.

Like you, I prefer engaging in an exchange only with people who have something genuine to contribute to the conversation: an example, a counter-example, a different perspective, a related funny story, whatever.

That does make the upvote--in the right hands--a pretty powerful tool. I intend to be rather judicious (read: stingy) with mine. 👍

Yes, I think content creators on Steemit can somewhat control this problem by only rewarding/upvoting comments that are genuine. I think that is how the "CopyCat Comments" where born - they noticed that the short little basic comments they left were not getting upvotes anymore. People are aware of the copycat problem too now, so those comments aren't getting upvotes as much anymore either lol.

Thank you for your Genuine Comment! :)

It is late here and my brain is drifting or completely absent... so nope not commenting, "nice", "follow me!" Nope, I won't be going there at least not right now at least! 😉

@artist1989 One person can not change nothing 😢 and I think that unfortunately people do not care about this thanks for sharing

I think one person can make change.

The purpose of my post was to show this issue to both sides of the equation - the commenters and the content creators.

Now you are right, many of the commenters probably won't care about this post. Clearly (as there have been a few Basic comments as well as some Ulterior motive comments asking for upvotes on this post lol). But it was simply my way of letting them know it is an issue, and that I am watching the comments I receive on posts.

The content creators are the ones that can make the most change. They can stop upvoting these spam comments and reward only the genuine ones. They can also downvote the spam comments as well. Telling people to stop doing something is only heard by a very small percentage, but if their reputation starts falling, they might change the way they comment.

My post was also letting people know that I am only going to be upvoting comments that show me the person actually read my posts. I get so many basic, copycat, and ulterior-motive comments on my posts that it is almost depressing.

I think the upvotes should be given to thoughtful comments, and hopefully these spam commenters will catch on and realize that if they add quality to the site with their comments, they may earn something for what they say.

Change is possible - it is only impossible if we don't try :)

Thank you so much for commenting on my post, I appreciate your Genuine Comment!

Great post! Follow me I'll follow you! (sorry..small joke)

I feel guilty giving this comment an upvote, but because it is a joke, :)

The Comment Allez Vous - A comment in some language alient to the post sometimes even in cuneiform or some other non-alphanumeric character set. Funny post!

Really good! Thanks for sharing! Follow me. :)

finally the comments that speak, I strongly agree with the above article.
must be realized also, for newcomers may have ever done to get the author's attention. yeah, I also never, but nothing I get from that job.
If you want to get an award from the author, appreciate writing and give appreciation to the author and do not expect more rewards

amazing post my steemit frineds good wish you good luk thank you

so funny over all...thats great regarte that...
i know it is awesome and good.. .
i realize this post so much...
carry on...
thanks for sharing

you vote me pls me vote you

Do not ask for votes. That is like spam.

It is funny how we get real live examples in a post specifically about bad comments :)

wonderful post..good job...i am waiting your next post...so thanks

Comments can do massive task in all platforms. As in steemit platform comments earn upvotes and created SBD and steem. Better analysed comment part.

bunch of ass kissing....

I disagree with your comment. But your comment is an example of one that does not deserve a downvote. You are entitled to your opinon.

It would help though, if you explained why you think it's ass kissing and elaborated. Perhaps if you explained it further more people would see your viewpoint.

it revealed that we are trying to post quantity rather than quality, but after raeding any post it difficult to express in few words. always try to express what i understand from post and appreciate your words.

I don't get a lot of these different comments yet. I think most are genuine in my case. That's probably because I earn to little to be interesting for people who aren't genuine. But I start to recognize the different comment sorts when I leave a comment.

I think sometimes it has to do with language. I know I have times I just can't find the words to describe but think the quality is high and I want to tell that.

Do you consider people who use the same comment for everything spammers? And if so do you flag them?

Yes I do consider it spam. See my other comment on this same @artist1989 thread for a reason why.

I don't get a lot of generic comments either, probably for the same reason as you. Which is great, and makes me wonder what it's like to have such a high volume of readers that a good portion are only in it for self gain. I wonder if it feels a little lonely.

Answering your question, yes. If I look at someone's profile and look at the comments that they left on past posts and it is exactly the same comment over and over again, I call that spam - only because it is not specific to the post. If I leave a comment on a post, even if the same thoughts of praise apply to their post, I find a way to make my comment fit their post to let them know I actually read it.

Do I flag them? Honestly, I have not flagged one post or comment yet (even though there have been plenty of deserving ones). But, I know that there are members of the community that will not hesitate to flag a post/comment that is spam.

I just want to see comments that show that the commenter read the post and isn't just trying to get a quick upvote.

Thank you for your question, and for taking the time to leave a Genuine Comment on my post! :)

I tend to only comment on articles that I've read in full, and only when I have something to say.

Sadly SteemIt's monetization system really encourages bad commenting. A long and well thought out comment will use more bandwidth, will take longer to write, and will generally reap less rewards relative to the time put into it. In the time it's taking me to read your article, some spammer has written "plz follow and upvote" on twenty posts and is earning more than I am from their efforts.

When I see comments that are obviously copy-paste spam I have started reporting them to SteemCleaners. Its one of the only effective ways I've found to fight the platform's spam problem, and I get a dark satisfaction out of seeing spam accounts getting downvoted and blacklisted.

Sadly SteemIt's monetization system really encourages bad commenting.

I disagree. The monetization system is well designed. It's the way people mis-understand it, that is the fault we have. Downvoting bot like "general comments" is something we could be doing. More higher reputation users like myself know this and I try to educate people about it as I go... This helps the entire system ecosystem I believe.

Try starting a new account with 0 followers and 0sp. I feel like it's a very different platform now compared to when a lot of people started. There's typically a 6-12 hour blackout periodevery morning when I can't post because of bandwidth usage. If I wrote shorter comments, I would not run into that problem.

I did start out a new account with 0 followers and 0 sp. It took me 1.5 years to get to this point.

I also didn't write multiple comments and multiple posts every single day..

I know how hard it can be for new people. Many of my posts have been re-steeming new users, giving advice, and helping people the best I can.

Please don't think for a moment I don't know how hard it is... I do know.

Here's a tip:

If I wrote shorter comments, I would not run into that problem.

If you wrote longer, more personable comments, and less of them, you'd probably get voted higher up for those ones.

...which would cause less of a need to do quantity comments rather than quality.

Study your posters. Look who gives great comment awards after writing their post and who doesn't.

Look at my blog as an example. Look at what I did here today even in this post. I don't upvote everyone, but those that do, get quite a nice upvote for me if I love their comment.

I'm going to upvote yours too now, because I appreciate your concerns. Hopefully you can understand my stance as well.

I wasn't meaning to invalidate your experience. I know that a lot of whales haven't invested a dime into the platform and got to this point through sheer perseverance and hard work.

I feel that the difficulties for today's minnows are much more significant than those experienced by users a year ago. The bandwidth issues are extreme (sometimes I have 40kb to work with) and sometimes you'll earn a single penny on content that took two hours to write.

In no way do i blame the whales/dolphins for these issues. I've seen a lot of community support from large and small users alike. But the platform has some serious usability issues that need to be addressed if it's going to see growth as a mainstream social media platform.

I appreciate your detailled reply and of course the upvote.

Read this 8 month old post that a lot of people find helpful and still find it with google searches to this day:


..and enjoy the great comments on it.

I'm so disappointed that it didn't ironically make 11 cents and get three views! :P

All valid points. I've made a few hundred dollars and 75 followers over three three weeks so I'm really not struggling all that badly. Sometimes it's just discouraging to see a two day old spam bot outpacing my account, or a cat meme raking in profits while my content goes unseen. I can be a bit of a pessimist at times. Sometimes that energy gets turned into complaining for no good reason, and other times it magically converts into real action and attempts to improve.

Thanks for the realistic perspective.

Man, this is Very interesting!

I am totally not putting a “Copycat” Comment, but i really love you mention The “Highschool Essay” Comment, man I hate school too! like, "WTF"! get a life and stop being so “Basic” we are all different in this world!!!

I don't like to repeat myself like some other repeat themselves and all they do is repeat and repeat and repeat and i am like, stop repeating you repeater!! be “Personalized” and "Genuine" and free your mind and stuff!! (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

Check out my blog! Peace!

This is great information! Insightful! You are also handsome! And amazing

I don't want to read it all because I always see myself in every category HAHA
sometimes fake sometimes not.