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RE: More political ball meme

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

You are free to hate people, call them retards, and make all kinds of wild generalizations and ignorant assumptions about people you have never met. I am free to point out the inaccuracies and contradictions in your narrative. That's what folks like us do in places like this.
My kids will have freedom and privacy if America is stable and prosperous. If America falls into despotism and ruin, my children face unspeakable horror. Check the demographics. Educated people with families vote Democrat because we care about leaving a strong economy and a habitable environment for our children.


And I'm going to quote FDR "presidents are selected not elected". More than likely trump was placed there to piss of the leftys and it's working. Divide and conquer. Such a simple strategy works so well. I don't hate people I just want them to open their eyes to reality but they get so stuck in this left vs right I'm part of the team mindset. Such a false sense of pride it reminds me of when people talk about professional sports and"their team" did this or that And don't give me that educated bs you obviously failed history.

The false equivalence narrative only makes sense if you are too lazy to examine the differences in how the parties legislate. If you follow the money, then cross reference that information against what they have sponsored and voted on, you get a pretty clear picture. Republicans advance the interests of the wealthy and powerful, while Democrats fight for everyone else.


David Icke, Alex Jones, and Jesse Ventura are hucksters and charlatans. They have convinced you that there is some grand conspiracy of evil lizard people controlling all the different governments, businesses, and institutions around the world. I have already been down that rabbit hole, and I can tell you, there aint nothing there. The Council on Foreign Relations really is just a bunch of important people talking about foreign policy. If you play creepy music and speak in a scary voice, you can make anyone look like a monster. The first step to selling someone something is to scare the hell out of them. Next time someone tells you someone is "evil" you should assume they are trying to sell you something.
It's not about good and evil, or capitalism versus socialism. This is about money. Same as it ever was. It's a game. You don't gotta play if you don't wanna. Like I said, participation is voluntary. You can always move to a tax free state and live off the grid. You hating the game. You hating the players. Reach down and grab your nuts, kid. Learn how to play and start scoring points. I'm not necessarily talking about getting a job and being a wage slave either. Start a business. Find a way to make money doing something you enjoy. Make some investments. Be an entrepreneur. If the economy Obama built is strong enough to withstand Trump's incompetence, there's a lot of opportunity out there. Lace up your boots and go get you some.

Your meme disproves your own point. The rich that your referring too are government backed. Certain corporations it doesn't matter how much they fuck up the government will bail them out on your dollar. I'm not a big Jessie fan but I find it funny that you would quote him to support your point then talk shit on him.

Bernie Sanders voted against the bail out. If people vote for politicians that put the interests of the public before the interests of giant corporations, the problem gets fixed. Republicans have been giving huge subsidies and tax breaks to giant corporations, while cutting funding for infrastructure, education, and a social safety net. The Democrats do the opposite of that.

Politicians come and go the bureaucrats never leave. Nothing is ever going to change until Americans come together pissed off. I'm not a fan of social programs they literally rob people at gun point in the name of charity. Social programs are a prime example of governments incompetence and people making decisions with feels. Like you told me if you like socialist programs so much both Mexico and Canada are socialist countries. I kinda like where I live not really much government here at all. We don't even have a police force and are almost crime free except for drugs but that's everywhere and I don't consider that a crime

Bureaucrats come and go too. Nobody lives forever. If you don't want to pay taxes, don't participate in the economy. If you participate in the economy, you gotta play by the rules. Nobody is holding you at gunpoint and forcing you to play.

If you're good at the game there's ways around everything.

Getting caught up with the rest of the civilized world on healthcare is just as much about being practical as it is about having a kind heart. Medical bankruptcy is bad for the economy.
