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RE: Please Come In

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

admit it, some of you dirty boys here like that sorta thing

Organic Natural Protein: 3x Better Than A Blackhead Facial Mask

source: giphy


i wonder what % of straight guys would be into that sorta thing
i'm guessing not many

is steem acting up lately? voting and commenting is really slow for me since yesterday

i like to think just for once it's not Steemit Inc. cheapskate attitude with server resources, but its due to all the new Steemians powering up....... i have proof go see penguinpablo's new Steem data update....lots of new buyers powering up and less trading

Noooo, don't waste that magnum, boy.

he's saving some for later

That's what a freezer is for, sheesh.

lol he likes to lick and slurp

i think he's at a game or something

He's like an ice-cream Braveheart.

yeah figures, he's a carrot top