Ok...NEW Challenge Today.....give replies that is unrelated to Traffy's theme but still links to his message via picture or word or via trafness (....yeah should be easier for most here)
.....usual rules apply no kiss-ass (suck up is ok but not upvote), thanks, haha/hilarious/rofl/etc, spam, emoticons, blah, blah...
....extra for words only
....extra for racist also
....extra extra for words only & pun
haha always with da new rules
helps spice up the marriage traffy.....xoxo
Enter appropriate racial epithet), I'm not your bitch that you can command to preform tricks for your viewing pleasure.""Hey @dj123 you (
Begins to walk away, with my head held high, but glances over at @dj123's Steempower and my ego fragments into eight separate entities attempting to hide from an inevitable flag.
Note: Bitch and Tricks are used in their classic definition, but I suppose if interpreted in their slang terms, this just might qualify as a pun.
???How am I suppose to compete with the mi6 comment???
ah man.....this is a good one, next time check if it's past 3 hours or if you see lots of traffy comments means traf and everyone have moved on, so just look for us in the next post ;)
I have the perfect one, it even has an inside joke in it.
This is what happens when your Asian father walks in after finding a calculator in the house.
what you think? was the joke..... Amasian?
My stupid boss
ha ha @dj123 your challenge already working
err....where is yours
He'll post his entry...suny nuf.