
how the tech-geeks prank the noob on his first day at mi6

the guy with the plant really didn't come prepared

Ok...NEW Challenge Today.....give replies that is unrelated to Traffy's theme but still links to his message via picture or word or via trafness (....yeah should be easier for most here)

.....usual rules apply no kiss-ass (suck up is ok but not upvote), thanks, haha/hilarious/rofl/etc, spam, emoticons, blah, blah...

....extra for words only

....extra for racist also

....extra extra for words only & pun

haha always with da new rules

helps spice up the marriage traffy.....xoxo

Enter appropriate racial epithet), I'm not your bitch that you can command to preform tricks for your viewing pleasure.""Hey @dj123 you (

Begins to walk away, with my head held high, but glances over at @dj123's Steempower and my ego fragments into eight separate entities attempting to hide from an inevitable flag.

Note: Bitch and Tricks are used in their classic definition, but I suppose if interpreted in their slang terms, this just might qualify as a pun.

???How am I suppose to compete with the mi6 comment???

ah man.....this is a good one, next time check if it's past 3 hours or if you see lots of traffy comments means traf and everyone have moved on, so just look for us in the next post ;)

I have the perfect one, it even has an inside joke in it.

This is what happens when your Asian father walks in after finding a calculator in the house.

what you think? was the joke..... Amasian?

My stupid boss

ha ha @dj123 your challenge already working

err....where is yours

He'll post his entry...suny nuf.

I've seen this in old kung fu movies, when a black guy walks into a Chinese restaurant.

ah classic kungfu racism

It's remember me, while we were at the school, when the doctor asked to fill the forum before blood donation
Question #1: Do you ever had sex before? (Yes/No)
(In my culture it might be a big bad a$$ wrong lol :D)@traf,


the doctor is only after sacrificing the virgins

When it's school holidays and I announce at breakfast that we're gonna do some cleaning around the house.

all of a sudden you're trying to remember if you ever had a family in the first place

They disappear until it's time for another feeding.

When Ned asks his devs for SMT launch date and no one has the balls to tell him "next year"

and its the same answer next year
still it's worrying that he hasn't commented in a month
the stress is getting to him

He should head over to my Monday Meme Dumps to calm his nerves.

almost as worrying as you replying wit-lessly. the stress has really gone round

SMH might be a better acronym for the time being.

ya more like SMD

actually explains alot

When the priest comes to pick a random kid to talk to privately.

not sure why all the adults are hiding lol

Their childhood trauma hasn't left them.

A goat-fucker ought to know the feel

Dude, you're getting your 3 SBD, I'm getting the funds now STAHP!

lol you had togo pedo

It's Easter, someone has to play with the bunny.

When your wife finds a bra under the bed that is not hers

Wow, who else shares the room with you and your wife?

Our Puerto Rican nanny

Lol, either she's not doing her job or you've got the wrong job title for her.

Her title is customer relations manager, she is doing a splendid job! I'm happy with her work

COM (upvote 100%) or else 8 year olds in your neighborhood will be asked to testify soon
or just delegate some SP to your friends in shithole countries subtle wink wink@trafalgar support

this is like traf's upvote disappearing when a COM post comes up!

oh you just missed it again!

When you have sobered up from the night before, wake up to next to jabba the huts long lost sister and have no memory of the evening.

When I'm in one of my moods cuz not enough vodka or sleep, everyone knows to stay out of sight.

sometimes the boss is the most ignorant person.

Why not..?

because the boss hired people like me


the bosses forgot to put peanut butter on his banana, everyone is bored of his flavor

Berarti itu boss sedang ingat kepada asisten ke 4

Ha ha

haha lost in translate

ha ha ,,, i deliberately reply without translate.

let you think a bit


Apakah kamu marah kepada ku @dj123

Jawab aku

This how @amirtheawesome1's goat herd bolts once he walks in to get off

haha racist & culturally rich

Mum always told me am a good cook

If you play this in reverse, that is what happens when you buy some drugs and your stoner friends show up out of nowhere to mooch.

Bonus: everyone in the office when a Mormon shows up and wants to talk to you about Jesus.

When come boss in my office i type like this.

pretend instead of hide when the boss comes in, story of most of our work life

I'd like to see how plumbers would handle this.

with barb wires and big metal tubes

Haha lmao good one. Only one thing to do, run and hide :)


surprise funny gif

ha ha really funy . I do not think it's a surprise or a fear.

At the office work. Important work. image_search_1522636200872.jpg

Very funny


Your face when you high af

Boss is shocked that where is every one.

mad cow gif

Surprise Break Up Card


Plot twist: Boss is high, imagining all this.

Them Japanese all look the same. so boring...they just blend into the wall.