Yesterday my wife, 12 year old son, 10 year old daughter, and I went to see the movie Wonder Woman (2D).
After seeing (and hating) Suicide Squad, I swore I would never pay money for another DC universe movie ever again. But it wasn't all The Suicide Squad's fault. The main culprit was its precursor Batman vs Superman:Dawn of Justice. I am convinced that Batman vs Superman vs the audience's intelligence is one of the worst movies I have ever suffered through.
As a result, I had absolutely no interest in seeing Wonder Woman. Even though she was the only watchable part of Dawn of Justice, I simply was not impressed by the commercials. It looked like the film had the same look and feel of the two previous disastrous wastes of my time and money.
Then something unexpected happened. I began to hear through the grapevine that it was actually a pretty good movie. The main point that caught my attention was hearing people say, "It was more like Marvel movies than the previous DC movies."
OK, that sounds intriguing. Maybe DC figured out that comic book movies re supposed to be fun and at least make a little bit of sense. Then I checked Rotten Tomatoes. Wow! It was scoring a very impressive 92.
So I decided to give it another shot. My wife really wanted to see the film. After overhearing my conversations with my wife, even my son Timmy was interested. My daughter MJ really enjoys movies with strong female characters so she was already in.
Great! We could have a nice family outing that we would all enjoy!
There was one problem. Apparently we didn't see the same Wonder Woman movie that the members of the grapevine and the reviewers at Rotten Tomatoes had seen.
The movie was yet again, another utter waste of my time.
The best thing I can say about Wonder Woman is that it was better than Dawn of Justice.
But that is like saying having 1000 paper cuts on your left hand is better than on your right because you write and eat with your right hand (amongst other things). Hurray!!!!! ...but you still have 1000 paper cuts.
My first problem is that I think that as an actress, Gal Gadot is a great model. She is very pretty. I think she was a little too small to pull off a believable Amazon warrior, but that really wouldn't be a big deal... if she could act well. Perhaps some day she will be an outstanding actress... but she isn't there yet.
Because it is real, I wasn't bothered by Gadot's accent. I thought it odd that a Greek Goddess would not have a Greek accent, but it is a comic book. Anything is possible. My real problem was that the other Amazons had to use horrible fake accents in order to match Gadot's real one. The incredibly miscast Robin Wright's accent was probably the worst. She was supposed to be the fiercest of all the Amazon warriors. Yes. Robin Wright was the fiercest Amazon. I am all for suspension of disbelief, but that is Princess Buttercup! She is no action hero. I am not sure if her character, Antiope, was Greek, Middle-Eastern or Transylvanian. Whatever the accent was, it was terrible and distracting.
The first thirty minutes of the movie take place on "Paradise Island". Aside from a narration of an animated book that rewrote Greek mythology, I believe the island sequence was supposed to explain Wonder Woman's origin story...except it really didn't (DC seems to have a problem with that concept: explaining things).
Finally after approximately 30 minutes of nothing happening and very little being explained, there is a brief (but really cool) beach battle scene. The Amazon warriors take on some WWI German soldiers. There are actually some really cool shots of Amazons firing multiple arrows at a time and using expert hand-to-hand combat to defeat armed soldiers. The scene is especially good if you like slow motion shots every 10 seconds (I do not).
Cool. The writers Allan Heinberg and Zack Snyder and director Patty Jenkins had got my blood going. I was excited and ready for more action. That action came 30 excruciating minutes later. Unfortunately, that alley fight lasted approximately 60 seconds. Thirty seconds of which was due to... you guessed it... slow motion!
During the first hour and 10 minutes (I am positive on the exact time because I checked my phone) Wonder Woman spent more time trying on clothes than she did fighting. I am not kidding. After some very awkward and "sexually charged" dialogue between Wonder Woman and American spy Steve Trevor (both on the island and on the boat while leaving the island) the movie devolved into a near ripoff of Pretty Woman or My Fair Lady. I seriously didn't know what I was watching.
After she learns how to dress like a modern woman (I can't believe I had to write that), there are some delightful scene of her being introduced to ice cream, snow and dancing. Please read that line again. Are you ok with a super hero movie using valuable battle time on those types of scenes? I am not. It was laughable... and I did laugh out loud in utter disbelief.
After this, all I wanted to do was get to the epic final battle scene. Actually that is lie. I really just wanted to go home. But my kids were actually semi-entertained so I was just hoping for a few more action scenes.
The director obliged and tossed in a scene of Wonder Woman running across no man's land between two trenches. Miraculously, the German machine guns were unable to fire at Wonder Woman's legs and she was able to deflect every machine gun bullet first with her bracelets, then with a shield that was less than three feet in diameter and only covered her from the waste up. I have to hand it to the Germans. They were perfect shots. They were clearly aiming for the middle of her shield and they hit it every time!
There is another scene of her and her rag tag band of male side kicks fighting in a village and then finally the epic final battle occurs.
The final battle is actually very cool. I honestly can't criticize it very much aside from how much the word "love" was used during this intense battle (but at least no one screamed "Martha" repeatedly). I would have preferred they simply end the dialogue and let the explosions (of which there are many) do the talking.
Although the final battle was exciting and the special effects and sound were impressive, I was so bored by the time that final battle rolled around that I couldn't fully enjoy it.
In case you can't tell, I despised this movie. My wife was entertained but was also bothered by the snow and dancing scene (she was fine with the ice cream one however... odd). She did not think it was a waste of her time. My son was very bored. He almost never talks during a movie but in addition to talking to me, he was actually singing during a couple of points. He claims he liked it... but he was freaking singing and shifting in his seat nearly the entire final 90 minutes (which seemed like a month to me). I actually had to tell him to stop. He did. Surprisingly, my daughter liked it the most of all of us. However, at one point, she did announce that it felt like it was a good time to "take a nap" during one of the many slow parts.
If I had to do over again, I would not have even brought MJ to see this movie. It was too violent for a 10 year old. There is no blood... but that doesn't make it ok. Many people are killed with swords, arrows, guns and poison gas. I honestly feel like I dropped the ball on this one.
We did some research and had decided not to take her. Then we heard from word of mouth that it was fine and the ratings we had looked at were over exaggerating things. I honestly wish we had followed our gut and not taken her. In addition to the violence, there was some talk about sex that made me uncomfortable. If my 10 year old were not there, I would not have thought twice (except it was bad dialogue) but she was there... and it was completely unnecessary for the "story".
Unless you were a big fan of the two previous DC movies or are simply a huge Wonder Woman fanatic, I would not waste my time on this movie.
Geeky Dad's Movie Guide
Number of times I fell asleep: 0 (I needed to stay awake so I could tell my bored son to be quiet.)
Number of eye rolls: 5
Number of face palms: 1 (Shoot her in the legs!!!!)
Number of times my kids asked to go to the bathroom or get food out of sheer boredom: 0 (They just fidgeted in their seats and talked way too much.)
Number of times I checked steemit: 0 (There were people around me. I did not want to distract them. I did check the time three times.)
Number of times I said "That's ridiculous": 2
Did my kids like it: 12 year old son: He gave it an unenthusiastic "thumbs up" but his behavior during the movie told a different story. My 10 year old daughter said she wants to buy the movie and watch it a few more times.
Would I see it without my kids: No chance. They didn't even enjoy it enough to make the experience better.
Full price/Matinee/Rental/Free/Not worth the time: Not worth my time. If my daughter were older, we could have rented it for her.
Haha, you do have a way with words!
You do realize that you just spoiled a lot of people's plans for this weekend. Now what are they going to do? Indulge in paper cuts?
Thanks for another great review. We've shared it on our social channels and resteemed here to make sure the warning spreads far and wide!
Lol. As far as ruining anyone's weekend... I think the writers did that! Lol.
Thanks for the kind words and for sharing this. I am curious to hear what others think. I could just be too biased.
This actually saved me time. Must watch... Not.
I went to watch this too. Agree better than Dawn of Justice.
Not as good as I thought but this one is for to bring the lady.
Requires less of understanding of the complication compared to other plots.
Hope I'm not offending anyone mentioning that though I know there are enough of ladies who enjoy and understand all these comic plot things.
This is the best response! You solved the mystery for me. I actually understand the huge gap between my perception and others. I am a total geek. I know the story of Wonder Woman very well. So the entire beginning was very boring for me. That set the tone for the rest of the movie. However, if you didn't know the story very well, the beginning was interesting. So if you were interested in the first 30 minutes, you were in a much better mood than I was for the rest of the movie.
I now see why there are so many positive reviews. For many people, this was all very new and exciting. For me, it was the 100th time I was seeing/reading it.
I still did not like it... but the movie wasn't aimed at me. That explains why my wife enjoyed it more than I did. She likes Wonder Woman but didn't know a great deal about her.
Thank you for this comment!
I don't think you were being offensive at all. In your case it was your significant other who did not know very much about the back story. I am sure there are many men as well who did not know it. I don't think it is a difference based on gender, I think it may be based on previous experience with the character.
There is always a problem comparing the movie against the source of the book or comic in this
The fans always love the original better. :-)
For sure!
Thanks for sharing this review, it's more interesting than the movie going by what you say. Have been a Marvel fan like forever and haven't watched most of the recent DC movies.
You haven't missed much with skipping the last 3 D.C. Movies.
Did you see Logan. It's dark but very good if you like wolverine.
boldwonder woman before, but when i read in some articles about DC, its amazed and shocked me. Yeah, Gal gadot will starring in this movie and she is the wonder woman 😍😍
Im agree with you about DC, yes they've got some terrible to explain the original story.
This great, brother. U analyzed this movie so detail. Im waiting for another movie analyzing from you ^^Honestly i say @hanshotfirst, im not really like the
Thank you for the kind words. I may just be biased against DC after the last two movies. I'm curious to see what others have to say.
My family really enjoys going to the movies. I'm sure you will see some more of these this summer.
Yeah brother, like i'm curious to see Gal gadot in wonder woman 😁
Yap, i'll be waiting for your next post.
I'll see the movie later.
It wasn't for me... but there are a lot of people who liked it. I hope you do.
From the start I was too skeptical about this movie, we have the same gut, maybe I'll just watch it with no expectations at all. Great review! Two thumbs up!! 👍👍😊
I think that is the best strategy. If you have very low expectations, you might be pleasantly surprised. Mine were too high going in. That was a mistake.
Can't blame comic book and Wonder Woman fans not to expect though, we haven't seen her solo onscreen in ages. I'll consider watching it as a chick flick, or a genre or category of its own. Looking forward to more reviews!
Haven't seen this film but it's being advertised everywhere I go. Will give it a shot once I get a chance. DC is producing on a massive scale these days. Every other movie in our cinemas is DC and Marvel.
It seems like at least 25% of the movies I see are connected to DC or Marvel in some way. I hope DC improves.
Hey @hanshotfirst thanks for your thoughts I have been wondering about this movie, I never really been a big wonder woman fan but maybe like yourself heard good things about it, plus I would of thought it would be a hit with the female audience.
It might be a good date movie if your significant other is into super heroes at all. I'd like to read a review on here from the female point of view.
First bad review I've seen. Everyone I know keeps raving about it. I'll see it anyway simply because it's Wonder Woman. Btw, you might want to add spoiler alert to your title.
I think I may be in the minority on this one but when I sit down to write these I think, "What would I tell a friend who was thinking of going". At the worst, I hope I help set the expectations a little lower than mine were. Then hopefully my friends will walk out saying, "It wasn't that bad. I kind of liked it." I think a big problem for me was that I got my hopes up that it would be awesome... so even if it was "OK" I was still incredibly disappointed. Even with this bias, I don't think I would have ever said it was "OK". I was simply too bored most of the time.
But I really do hope you see it and enjoy your experience. Movies are a matter of taste. I always wish for people to have a great time doing whatever they choose for their leisure activities... even if they aren't my cup of tea.
If you do see it, please report back. I would love to hear some other opinions.
Good. I appreciate it. I have to wait until all the hype dies down. Thank you.
Hanshotfirst, Great review. Upvoted, Resteemed and following. I went with two of my daughters and my son in law. At times it seemed a bit slow, but for a Marvel Comic book movie the action was good. We stayed and sat through the credits discussing. This is a must see for young women, I think it will empower and inspire their thinking.
I do agree that having a strong female character is very important (I have a 10 year old daughter). I just wish it were a bit more exciting. I think I would have liked it more had we waited and rented it.
Yes, I agree with renting at home. Last we year watched Dr Strange at the movies. Enjoyed it even more watching on Netflix again last night..
The effects in Dr. Strange blew me away!
Thanks. This is a really cool and honest review!
Thank you. I know some people might not agree with me... but no one can say that I didn't give my true opinion lol.
Bwhaha!! Good review.
But I liked the movie. I'll be posting my review soon.
Awesome! I will look for it. I want to see anothe point of view. Maybe I was too hard on it.
Here goes:
Great review! I can't argue with the positives you pointed out... I just wish there were more examples of each in the film,
I agree with a lot of your points, for example, "Why aren't they shooting her legs!!"
But as soon has Chris Pine joined her to shoot the machine gun nest, I was like, "Oh, that's different!"
I definitely liked Chris pine. Actually I like him in most things he is in. I love him as Captain Kirk.
I've never yawned at a movie as much as I did for this one, what was even more frustrating was seeing 2 people clap when the end credits rolled and I was like ,did we watch the same movie!!
I have heard a lot of positive reviews of it as well. Clearly I did not agree. I was bored for a majority of the time.
Thanks I'll make sure I DON'T see it! I'm still laughing at the senselessness of it, thanks a bunch!
Namaste :)
LOL. You are welcome. But I may be super biased. A few others said they will see it and report back. I'm curious to see what they think.
When this movie was first announced, I thought it would suck. I figured a female super hero was going to wear way too short of a skirt, making it completely unbelievable that she could hold her own in a fight. Then, the trailer actually seemed acceptable. Then, reviews said it was a great movie. Then, you said it sucks. I don't know what to think now, but seeing as it is a super hero movie, I feel I need to see it anyway. I'm just not sure if that'll be now, or once it gets released on dvd/Netflix.
Also, Batman vs Superman sucked big time.
I would say lower your expectations and find a cheap matinee. My wife actually liked it a bit so it might just be me.
Yeah, my expectations rise and fall and rise and fall with this one! There are quite a lot of interesting movies being released these days, so we might watch this later.
How well do you know the backstory of Wonder Woman? If you are new to it, you might find this more interesting than I did. The first 30 minutes was very boring for me because I already knew the story. I wonder if it would be different if I had not.
Ooh that's a good point. I don't really know it at all, so it will probably be more interesting for me :-)
wonder woman is great movie waiting for justice league...
It wasn't for me but I hope you enjoy!
Would totally smash wonder women
LOL. Well I did say she was a great model.
That's a shame I was hoping it was going to be half reasonable.
I may be on one very far end of the extreme. I was just really bored. Some other people liked it.
I may get it on DVD, most likely won't be going to the cinema.
Damn it! I wish I would have seen it first and then read your review. Now all I'll be able to think about is bad accents and Julia Roberts in thigh high boots. Lol!
I was excited to see a female super hero take centre stage in a movie, so I'll probably still watch it.
My wife enjoyed it because of that exact fact. I am a huge supporter of strong female characters (my daughter needs to see as many as possible) I just wish it were a better film.
aww I heard this one was meant to be good
it's snyder, I swear, he wants to be a real director but he only has the talent of michael bay, he should give up and go full transformers like the latter
3d giving you a headache is the perfect excuse to watch Wonder Woman double D though
LOL. Man I didn't even think of the "Double D" thing at all when I wrote that. I wish I were witty enough to catch it and would have made a joke!
See Michael Bay is your Bono... and rightfully so. They showed that damn transformer preview too. My son now wants to see it. It was a huge loss for me yesterday.
hahaha that's a shame

and I don't think optimus prime's double ds are anywhere near as appealing
Dude there is a NSFWW tag for those.
But that is pretty hot!
What a huge bummer, I was really hoping for something better. Bat vs Super was horrific, can't believe I actually sat and watched the whole thing. I got up at least 4 times and threatened to leave, but I stayed. I wish I had those 2 hours to give to steemit. Well, my little brothers are begging to see Wonder Woman, so I will probably get stuck watching. I will set my expectations in the basement, thanks for the heads up
You might actually like it if you go in with low expectations. I foolishly set them too high. Report back. I actually hope you enjoy it.
This is what I wrote in my first post this morning:
Okay, I went to see the new Wonder Woman movie yesterday with some of my family. If you want to hear my thoughts on it, read on. I'll try not to have any spoilers but as everyone's definition of "spoiler" is different I can't make any promises. And please remember that these are my opinions only.
Firstly, let's talk characters. I thought the casting for the main characters was very well done. I felt like Diana Prince was perfectly portrayed by Gal Gadot (gorgeous bombshell of an actress) and if anyone was ever a great fit for playing Steven Trevor it's Chris Pine. However some of the side characters (particularly the friends of Steve Trevor) were a little bit bland and forgettable in my opinion. The villains also seemed kind of drab and not at all intimidating.
Secondly, the plot; I think the time period and setting seemed spot on but the storyline lacked realism in some areas. I mean, I know this is a comic book movie, but still it could have been more original.
Lastly, the movie overall was a little bit long with what I'd consider some slow spots. There were a few good laughs but not nearly as many as I'd have expected on one of Chris Pine's movies. I will say that I was pleasantly surprised at it's comparison to the other recent DC movies such as Batman vs Superman (eh hem....."MARTHA!!!") Yeah, the "Batfleck" just didn't work for me.
In conclusion, the things I liked about it outweighed the things that I didn't so I'd give it a 5.5 out of 10. While it wasn't a movie that will make my ultimate favorites list anytime soon, I did enjoy it and it could have been so much worse as we all learned from past DC movies.
Awesome analysis. I think I missed one huge point in my review. If the movie were 30 minutes shorter, I would have liked it much more. There were plenty of slow parts they could have cut and that would have made it feel more "action packed".
At least DC is making progress.
It seems like you enjoyed your experience. I am glad you did (and I did't ruin your weekend plans) ;)
Do you have a link to the post? Can you drop it here?
Found your link. People should read this for a different point of view.
Looks like I am going later today. I have the report on your desk in the morning.
I am honestly not surprised by your review. I haven't seen it, but I definitely won't be paying to see it. I couldn't even make it through half of Batman vs. Superman. Poor Superman and Wonder Woman! Everyone is going to forget that they used to be cool before the remakes.
"I could have danced all night, I could have danced all night. . ."
Batman v Superman actually made me angry. How do you do that to an audience?
My question is always, How can you screw superman up?! Not just once but twice. I mean c'mon, it's Superman!!
I know! Step one to screwing it up is not having a sense of humor while writing it and being too serious. His disguise is a pair of glasses. You can't try to be serious if that is a major part of the story. Just be fun!!!
It's good to read your post before watching the movie...haha
Thanks for sharing :)
You are very welcome. I hope you enjoy it more than I did.
Thanks for the review.
I expected as much.
As an older guy who was thrilled when special effects finally made it possible to make good looking super hero movies...
enough already.
I long for something based in reality.
History is full of battles and stories that are epic.
Please a book.
Make something relateable to life on Earth.
Thanks again for the review. (up voted)
They need to do a "real" version of the 300. Not the comic book one. Amazing story.
I loved it. Though it was a really solid film.
I am always happy to hear a dissenting opinion.
not so much in to DC movies but its 1st DC comics female superhero movie so still going to watch :p
That was a big deal for my family as well. I wish it were better written.
Amazing review, sounds very much like a movie I would love to see even though I wasn't interested initially ...I agree DC could be disappointing sometimes!
If you go. Report back. I'd like to hear what you think.
I am all for female lead movies, I just hate it when it turns out to be a flop and it makes everyone think that all leading lady movies are going to turn out that way. I love My Fair Lady and Pretty Woman, but come on, they don't belong with Wonder Woman! Thanks for your honest review!
My pleasure!i had to purge this here so my wife didn't have to listen to my rant lol. I enjoyed the female leads in the recent star wars movies quite a bit.
I agree! Those story lines were on point and the ladies were pretty badass. :)
U just messed up my whole weekend plan dude :p
I think the writers did that. LOL
But I may just be in the minority. A lot of other people liked it... but not me.
Hahaha i will just give it a go then :) really invested time and energy for this post and I like it , good one. I think you should be a film critics @hanshotfirst good story. Upvoted and following you..lets stay in contact, would love to hear more from you.
Thanks! I do try to put in effort on these things. I hope some people from outside of steemit may stumble upon it and want to see what others on steemit are doing as well.
You are correct @hanshotfirst ....topics here can be searched via google meaning that the world can see our post which is great for our steem community.. I am really bullish about steem even though I am new I still see great value in the platform especially meeting great minds like you...will continue to promote this baby to more success , win win for all isnt it? thanks foyour comment.
I really love this movie :)
I'm glad you enjoyed.
thanks , but I totally see what u mean about the movie
Great article! Wonderwoman was the best part in batman v superman...not that convinced about the movie though :/
My thoughts exactly... then I got tricked.
Big deception indeed! :/ dc did not do anything decent since nolans batman, which was a real piece of art...
I agree 100%. Those were not even comic book movies. they were just good movies. The second is a masterpiece.
dark knihgts trilogy compensates all the rubbish put be honest i thought afflecs batman would be horrendous, but a kinda liked it...the movie was very dissapointing though...
Afflec was not the biggest problem with that movie. The writing was... and eisenberg.
Ahhh...this guy's acting was as annoying as jar jar in star wars..
DC need to step up their game. love Batman and some of their other comic books. sad that most of the movies are so poorly done.
I know! So many great characters! They need to get one right.
I saw the same movie at a drive in in Eastern Iowa USA. I was not impressed either. Too many scenes that were not believable and too much repetitive fighting toward the end. Yes the beech scene of the fight with the Germans was good. But.... Sadly as it was a double feature we had to see Captain Underpants first. UGH! What a wasted night at a drive inn. At least the moon was out and the night was calm. Thanks for sharing.
Wow I have not been to a drive in in many years. Even though the movies were weak I hope you still enjoyed your night (as much as possible)
I think the Germans were deliberately aiming for her shield because she's so hot no one actually wanted to shoot her! Either that or the shield was magnetic and attracted all the bullets.
That is a very good explanation! Makes a lot more sense than what I saw. Although someone did point out that in the gif, a few bullets hit her armored leg guards. But what about the thighs? Ahhh that is where your explanation comes in!
Thanks for your honest and colorful review! I have to say though, that I am still excited to see it with my wife - probably no review would stop me from seeing Wonder Woman on the big screen! I will consider myself forewarned however ;)
Thanks to a comment by ace108, I think I now understand what my problem was with the movie. here is what I just responded to him...
"This is the best response! You solved the mystery for me. I actually understand the huge gap between my perception and others. I am a total geek. I know the story of Wonder Woman very well. So the entire beginning was very boring for me. That set the tone for the rest of the movie. However, if you didn't know the story very well, the beginning was interesting. So if you were interested in the first 30 minutes, you were in a much better mood than I was for the rest of the movie.
I now see why there are so many positive reviews. For many people, this was all very new and exciting. For me, it was the 100th time I was seeing/reading it.
I still did not like it... but the movie wasn't aimed at me. That explains why my wife enjoyed it more than I did. She likes Wonder Woman but didn't know a great deal about her.
Thank you for this comment!
I don't think you were being offensive at all. In your case it was your significant other who did not know very much about the back story. I am sure there are many men as well who did not know it. I don't think it is a difference based on gender, I think it may be based on previous experience with the character."
Very true that the more you know about a character's origins, the more distracting these movies can be. Catwoman was bad in so many ways, but I couldn't get over how they just made up a mystical origin story for her out of whole cloth.
I don't feel that movie needs to stick to the comics 100%, but a little respect for the canon goes a long way for me. Luckily I don't know a ton about Wonder Woman's origins, and what I do know mostly lines up with what I've read from the reviews (she lives on an island with Amazon goddesses with Greek names ;))!
Finally, my wife hates hates hates super hero movies, so when she said she wanted to see wonder woman, I frankly don't care if it's worse than the fantastic four - I'm going to enjoy the crap out of it!
If your wife is into it, you should 100% go. I bet she is going to enjoy it.
I think I am just too much of a geek for this one. (I should have included that in the title).
If you see it, please come back and let me know what you thought. So many of these comments have really helped me to better understand my issues with the movie. If I were going to write a review today, it would be very different. I would have definitely written it from 2 different perspectives: from super geek point of view it was little boring because I knew too much already. From a more casual fan's point of view, I bet it is more enjoyable.
La primera Mujer Maravilla desde niña me encantaba la serie, hoy en su nueva versión les recomiendo la película , cada ser humano tiene su gusto.
I used google translate so I apologize if this is not correct.
Muy cierto. Sé que mucha gente disfruta dteh película. Simplemente no era para mí. Gracias por leer y hacer un comentario. ¡Espero que disfrutes de la película!
Thank you...this made me laugh. I will obviously never watch this movie as there is only ONE superhero for me and that is Superman! Good to know though, as my kids wanted to go and watch it and I refused so far.
You have chosen wisely. Your time is far too valuable lol.
haha enjoyed reading your post...I think your review will gain more likes than the movie ;)
LOL. If this review is worse than the movie... I am in big trouble lol.
Lol not gonna happen :)
Great opening caption.
Great review. My other half has been pestering me to go see this but much like you, I really don't like the DC films. She absolutely loves Suicide Squad (I am the absolute opposite) so I didn't hold out much hope for this. When's Deadpool 2 out...?
Not soon enough!
I am looking forward to Spider-Man and Thor. I know that no matter what, I will have fun. DC is headed in the wrong direction.
So true. I feel like I am supposed to like the Dark Knight series but found them frankly quite boring. I have never liked Superman as a character and the his recent films are just plain awful. Give me Marvel anyday
I did like the Dark Knight series. For me those went beyond "comic book" movies. The second especially.
But those are done. They aren't making anything like those anymore. So give me Marvel please!
Great review, sounds like a movie to add to the watch list
I would actually avoid it. LOL
I haven't seen the movie but enjoyed your review!
Thanks! If you do see it, let me know. I'd like to know if I just had too much of a negative bias.
Great review. I'll be sure not to see it! I am a bit disappointed though, I grew up with Wonder Woman - the show, not her.
I would much rather watch the show!
"But that is like saying having 1000 paper cuts on your left hand is better than on your right because you write and eat with your right hand (amongst other things). Hurray!!!!! ...but you still have 1000 paper cuts." LMFAOOO xD xD xD Laughed so hard bro xD
Thanks! Everything is relative lol.
I almost want to see it based on your review so I can laugh at the Pretty Woman reference. I have no desire to see it though. The last superhero movie I saw in theaters was X-men Origins: Wolverine back in 2009. My husband hated it so much that he swore he'd never go see another superhero movie in theaters and even still brings up his hatred of the movie in 2017. lol I'll only see Wonder Women years from now when it finally makes its way onto TV and I don't have to pay for it.
That sounds like a sound strategy.
I do hope your husband gives some of the more recent Marvel movies a try. That Wolverine movie was TERRIBLE! The more recent ones are much better... but obviously a bit silly.
I thought it was OK, nothing spectacular. The bar for movies these days seems to be not to completely suck, which Wonder Woman pulled off in spectacular fashion. I admit that I fell asleep before they got off the island, but after reading this post, I think I'm pretty caught up. Cheers.
LOL. Yep I don't think you missed anything. But you are right. I too just hope to be mildly entertained. This one had a really bad exciting to boring ratio. Maybe if it were 30 minutes shorter...
Fun read. To be honest, I don't know why it did well compared to Suicide Squad and BvS. I liked both of them. They were far from perfect, but they weren't terrible. I fell asleep watching Avengers 2 each of the 3 times I tried to finish it. I'd watch WW again for sure. I thought the same things, though. The bare knees were dumb. I felt there were a lot of wholes. I'm a DC fan, so I don't complain.
Cool. I like to hear different points of view on this. I am really glad you enjoyed it.
I guess the native guy in this movie is from my home town. Good too see some actual natives in hollywood .
That is really cool! And you are right, I definitely prefer when Hollywood cast Native Americans to play the roles of Native Americans. It used to be so bad in Hollywood.