Reliving my youth at the Prophets of Rage Show

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

When you are 46 years old, the opportunities to relive your youth become more and more rare. There will always be baseball games and endless Star Wars movies to share with your kids... but what about reliving your 20s?

Actually, maybe that is a terrible idea. I still think it was a freaking miracle that I made it out of my 20s the first time. Is it really a good idea to try and go back?

Proving that you are never too old to make bad decisions, I decided to give it a try this past weekend.

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The Prophets of Rage:
Tim Commerford, Chuck D, B-Real, Tom Morello, (drummer Brad Wilk and DJ Lord)

This past Thursday, I flew out to visit my best friend from college. He happened to have an extra ticket for The Prophets of Rage at the legendary 9:30 Club in Washington D.C. (Extra tickets is a key trait in earning the title of "best friend").

If you have no idea who The Prophets of Rage are, don't feel bad. I would say 99% of the world have no clue who they are. They are a band who caters to a very narrow demographic comprised of the angry teenage children of rap, and metal/ industrial music fans... and rap, and metal/industrial music fans who still think they are angry teenagers.

I clearly fall into that later category. By the way, when I mentioned those three genres, notice I used the word "and" instead of "or". Perhaps this helpful diagram will help you to understand.

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The Prophets of Rage are a "super group" comprised of Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine), Chuck D (Public Enemy) and B-Real (Cypress Hill). They are absolutely incredible! If I were to list the top ten shows I have ever seen, Prophets of Rage would undoubtedly occupy the top two spots on that list. I can't think of another band I would fly to another city to see. They did not disappoint.

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Combined age of these 5 is 248.

I love all three of the bands who have joined forces to form this Voltron-esque creation of aggressive, loud and angry perfection. At the show this past week, they played songs from all three of their original bands as well as several original songs as this amazing combination.

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If you'd like a clickable version of this setlist with links, check this out.

Ok but how about reliving my youth? Is standing around listening to other old guys perform really reliving my youth? Not exactly, but I came as close as I could.

No-one can ever really "relive" their youth. So many factors collide at one perfect point to create those unforgettable memories of your 20s (one factor being consuming just enough cheap beer to allow you to still remember the good times many years later). But you can always give it the "old college try"!

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Proof that these were not taken by a professional photographer who knows how to frame a shot.

If I were truly trying to relive my youth, I would have been the first one in the pit* determined to receive the gift of a concussion or torn ligament (both of which I was "lucky" enough to accept while slam dancing in my 20s). But even I am not concussed enough to try that at this frail age... plus I have that back condition from helping my jack-ass (actually the nicest guy I know) uncle move a pile of bricks. So I did what older guys did for me when I was an idiotic 22 year old: I stood on the outside of the pit and made sure no one got trampled either inside or outside of the pit.

Although I still enjoy the music, listening to it as a full fledged adult just isn't the same. Here's an example, just a little sample...

One of my favorite songs of all time is "Killing in the Name" by Rage Against the Machine. The most memorable part of the song is a 45 second refrain during which the leader singer, Zach de la Rocha, repeatedly screams, "F*** you! I won't do what you tell me!" When I was in my early 20s, I screamed along... and really thought I meant it. I was a rebel. I was an idealist. I was going to change the world without ever "selling out" and "doing what 'you' tell me."

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I hate when you tries to tell me what to do. I don't even know who "you" is.

By the way, who was "you"? I have no idea. But I do know "you" was trying to tell me what to do and I certainly wasn't going to do whatever it was he was telling me. I also had no idea what the "what" meant. Perhaps the "what" was bow down to fascists? But "what" could have also meant "look both ways before crossing the street" or "rewind your VHS tapes before returning them" or "call your mom on her birthday" or "prevent forest fires". Regardless, that bastard "you" was telling me "what" to do. So even if it meant I got hit by a car, racked up outrageous Blockbuster fees, offended my mom on her birthday, or burned down a forest preserve I was not going to "do what you tell me".

Things are a bit different now. When 46 year old me heard the song the other night, I had to fill in a few words in order for the song to make sense in my current situation. Here's what I came up with...

"F*** you! I won't do what you tell me... unless you offer me a reasonable salary, excellent health care benefits, a retirement account, and a significant amount of time off to spend with my lovely wife and two children.

F*** you! I won't do what you tell me... unless you offer me a reasonable salary, excellent health care benefits, a retirement account, and a significant amount of time off to spend with my lovely wife and two children.

F*** you! I won't do what you tell me... unless you offer me a reasonable salary, excellent health care benefits, a retirement account, and a significant amount of time off to spend with my lovely wife and two children."

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F *** you! I won't do what you tell me... unless you offer me a reasonable salary, excellent health care benefits, a retirement account, and a significant amount of time off to spend with my lovely wife and two children.

Never mind. It's not the same. You can't relive your youth.

That seems like a pretty nice place to tie a bow on this post. But wait. I am 46... and I have become really sappy in my old age. Even though I can't really relive my youth, I had a great time pretending. In addition, I got to witness some young people living theirs for the first time.

One particular group of teenagers caught my attention. The four of them reminded me of my friends and I when we were around 19. (They clearly still believed the original words from "Killing in the Name"). After the opening act finished playing, I leaned over to the group and told them that 25 years ago, I was just like them. I explained that those 25 years passed by in the blink of an eye and no matter how hard they try, they can't relive any of them. Finally, I informed them that they were about to see the greatest show they may ever see in their lives. I suggested that they take pictures, write or make a video about it so when they are old like me, they can remember the fun they had with their buddies... and the weird old guy who preached to them like the ghost from Christmas Future right before Tom Morello hit his first ground shaking chord.

The four of them yelled something, high-fived me, and headed toward the pit.

Uh oh. Did I just become "you" and told them "what" to do?

I am so old.

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Before you go, show us which part of your body hurts the most right now.
Oh lower back. Me too!

Images: All of these totally unprofessional photos were taken by me on my iPhone except for this one.

*For those of you who have lived normal lives, "the pit" is the area where people slam dance at a concert.

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Age is a state of mind. Just have to be aware of what the old body is capable of. I've been to rock gigs with my daughter and I wasn't the oldest there

Yes, age is a state of mind. I didn't start listening to Rage Against the Machine until my 40s. That's either cool or pathetic.

Oh I'm going with very cool!

So true.... I just went and saw 21 pilots with my girlfriends daughters. ... there were lots of people older than me there

That's cool. Sound like a good time.

I so agree age is a state of mind and since i was little ive had a good state of mind so because i still live with my youth power my physical features vs my age dont add up i look younger then my actual age and i am not complaining always remain your youth or have your child reminded of that power within #namaste

Perfect description. I would really like to get rid of "time". Who invented it anyway? I get it... celebrating birthdays is significant... But imagine if we never did?? Imagine if we stopped keeping track of our age?? I have always felt young at heart, just have a genuine love for life... Namaste

At least the performers were all older than me. LOL

Age is just a number... yes we can't go back and relive the times that we used to, but guess what.. I'll be 30 in the next few days and as much as I miss my teenage era, I won't give up my post-teen phase that taught me a lot about life, the ups and downs, the highs and lows, and everything else! Just like you, I also listen to LP's "In the end", and trust me when I used to listen to this track back then, I didn't really know how far we really can go with our lives and how hard can we really try to make it "matter".. but the late Chester Bennington was right to some extent... it doesn't even matter! And I am glad to have lived the past decade that showed me the real side of so many things about which I used to be delusional and unrealistic during my teen years :x

Age is just a number. But I am glad you had fun!

Spoken by a true old guy

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Awesome post thank you so much for sharing!

I just realize how boring my life is😂😂😂.

Kidding aside, I never got the chance to experience those things but If I will be given a chance I wanted to try and listen to them even though, I think, my ears will bleed hearing those vulgar words.

Selective listening is one of the most important thing I've learned in life. I already encountered different types of people and the 2 types of person that sparks my interest are the naysayers and toxic people. I love to dissect every words they are saying. It fascinates me how they manipulate and insist their own philosophies to others.

I have a Professor who loves to manipulate people's mind. At first, I was unaware of what he is doing to me and other students, and even his fellow professors. As soon as I found out, I studied him closely and did everything I could to learn the things I needed to defeat him. I keep on practicing as much as I can. Still looking forward for that day though.

Anyway, never got a chance to comment in your other posts after reading them. @hanshotfirst I'm happy knowing that we have similar interest, life lessons. I love life lessons and any other topics that is related to self-development. I actually watched the movie trailer of wonder. I cried while watching it. I think I need 3 liters of water when I watch the whole movie and 12 liters of water if I have a chance to get the copy of that book.

I find the co-teaching program interesting. I hope all the schools in the world would adopt the co-teaching programs. I did followed @steemiteducation and tried to use it as the main tag of my latest post. I'm still a 13 day old steemian and I am still experimenting and I do hope using steemiteducation is fine.

I also read your post regarding Batman and how you tried to teach your son important lessons out of it. I think your son is so cute and your a super cool dad. Not all dad do all those
things to their children for they are too focused on earning a living.

Still want to chitchat with you but I think my comment is too long already. Talk to you soon. 😉

Wow. Thanks for all of the feedback! Welcome to the platform.

Thankyou. 😊😊😊

I think hangovers are a great telling sign of age. Ive noticed that as I've progressed through my twenties and now into my thirties, I still like to party hard, but the hangovers hit me like a brick wall now. I've even come across the dreaded 2 day hangover, not a pleasant thing.

Really awesome post :D I've been wanting to see Tom Morello shred the guitar for awhile now; Seems like Prophets of Rage is my best bet!

I think hangovers are a great telling sign of age. Ive noticed that as I've progressed through my twenties and now into my thirties, I still like to party hard, but the hangovers hit me like a brick wall now. I've even come across the dreaded 2 day hangover, not a pleasant thing.

Your story reminds me of when my roommates band opened for ICP once at the gathering of the jugalloos (spelling?) I had no idea what the hell I was getting myself into, One of those times that if I tried to do it again now, I'd prolly die. My mind tells me I'm still young but my body screams "wake up you idiot, you're not in your early twenties anymore"

Lol! You are preaching to the choir. I feel the exact same way. I went a little too crazy this weekend and still feel a little bit of it he effects. By the way I actually was at the juggalos march on Saturday. I was more of a spectator than a participant but it was pretty amazing. I left before the speeches (had to catch my plane) but it was definitely interesting.

I so needed this read. Lol. I have trying to act my current age (turning 34 in less than six weeks) and it's quite annoying because am not yet sure how 'normal' 34 year olds behave. I still listen to (according to most people) bizarre music for a 34 year old and my addiction to dancing doesn't make things better.

It sometimes feels like I am partly imprisoned when I can't bust a move while some people are around just not to appear odd or "childish" as most people here would classify such.

Thank you so much for sharing ❤

that sounds like fine behavior for someone of any age! Have fun and be good to people!

We come from different worlds I tell you. Thank you :)

Saw them last year and cant wait to see em again. Great show! I never got to see Rage Against the Machine live unfortunately. If Zach ever comes back... even for 1 show ill find a way to make it there.

It was amazing. I hope you see them again!

you are still young

Thanks! Sometimes I feel young... other times my back hurts lol.

Heh, even though I am quite young, one of my childhood dreams was to go to a Linkin Park concert. They even came to my country this summer, but I couldn't be there because I had to work abroad at that time. 1 month later Chester killed himself and broke my hopes of seeing my favorite band ever.
But I am so happy for you, it must have been such an awesome experience :)

Man I am so sorry. His death was quite a shock.

I know exactly what you mean, most of the bands I grew up with are done and over but the ones that remain have been doing 20 year anniversaries of album releases and it is something when you can see a band that you saw 20 years ago and still feel something special.

To name a couple, The Wildhearts are still doing the odd tour here and there, this is one of my all time great under rated under achieved bands, I went to their 20th Anniversary of their debut album "Earth vs the Wildhearts" and it was amazing, almost as good as seeing them the first time all those many years ago.

Of course we all know about Guns N' Roses getting back together and touring, I recently saw them in London and it was up there with one of the best gigs I have been to.

As we get older we like to hold on to our youth and memories in a way that makes us think "ha, you kids nowadays have no idea about music" but as it goes they are just the same as we were at their age but we are too old to get it lol.

You're only as old as you feel! Live life to the fullest!
Good For You! Great times and great memories!

I'm 28 now, but I'll still be listening to hard rock like this when I'm 88 lol Keep it slammin' brotha!

Combined age of these 5 is 248

I lol'd. Damn that succubus, Time!

This music keep you young, so listen a lot :-) Very nice post ! Thanks !

Personally I'm not a fan of this side project.
I love my Rage but without Zack I just don't care.
I do love some @hanshotfirst though, so you get my vote.
Lucky bastard

Lol. Yeah if you aren't into public enemy or cypress hill, it's not the same. Hence that very small sliver on the Venn diagram of "weirdos".

memories need to be created. its the only thing we will take with us. and you created memory .that great

I'd LOVE to see these guys live!

I just found a new favorite band. Thanks!

I also fall into weirdo category that would enjoy the heck out of Prophets of Rage. Another great one @hanshotfirst. Sometimes it seems we are the same dude living in different bodies, mine is just 13 years younger and made in Croatia :D

Oh man 13 years younger. I am so jealous lol. I have always thought the same thing. We have a lot of common interests.

its better idea to hangout with friends, doesn't matter how old you are. its better late than never, so wish what you imagine and do it yourself, thanks.

Age is just a number...well yea but when that number keeps going up, I worry. Not a bad thing. I just notice that what I thought was so uber and amazingly earth shattering back in my 20's, doesn't have the same appeal as it had back in the day. I then realize that I haven't gotten old. I have just upgraded to a newer model. Great post, BTW. I upvoted it.

Very interesting post, I remember being at a Rage against the machine/wu-tang concert, my friends and I had a blast, the mash pit was phenomenal.

I can't even imagine how awesome the must have been!

This is a great post! You've got a really good writing voice.

I relate to this so much! I turned 48 this year and the big lesson I came away from concerts with is that my old legs can't handle being "VIP" at a general admission show. VIP GA shows allow early entrance. But, of course, no chairs. So you're essentially paying for the privilege of standing for an additional two hours.

So, while I would have loved to have the advantage of early GA access when I was young (and too broke to afford it!), I am no longer willing, as an old person, to do that. Give me chairs or give me... chairs!

Thanks so much for the great post. You really made me laugh. ;)

I loved all three of those bands too, haha, I had a lot of guy friends :) Wow, just the mention of those bands have memories flooding in-now I know what I'm going to put on my playlist for the next time I catch a buzz :

So you are a 1971 baby? That's my husband's fact, his birthday is 9/11/71. That's right, it wasn't just his thirtieth year when that happened, it was his thirtieth birthday. And there must be something about this year, because while you were reliving your youth with these guys in D.C., my husband was reliving his at a Roger Waters show in Buffalo. My brother got him the ticket for his birthday this year, which was super cool considering it may very well be his last tour and it was definitely the last chance Howie had to hear The Wall live.

Meanwhile I was in Pittsburgh with my daughter for the Supernatural convention. Another potential last chance- to spend three full days with my seventeen year old girl. It was a blast, exceeding her expectations and giving us the bonding time I'd hoped for. I'm still sorting through everything to make posts for it :)

That is fantastic! I am so happy you got to share that with your daughter and I hope your husband had fun!

Hahaha!! Oh how I know this feeling. I still try. I know of the band and if they did a thing in Scotland I would be tempted to go as well. I would also skip the pit!

Age is nothing but the combination of some numbers, as long as we are energetic and enjoying the every moment of life, there is nothing that will stop us being younger. It does not matter how many years we live but it matters how many lively years we add to our life. You are doing the best you can do with your life.

Nice to see that you had a great time, sadly my favorite band will not be playing when I am 43 years old. R.I.P. Chester.

Yeah that was a tough blow for the music world.

Age just number but smart its important :)

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