Oh great @traf.
Blessings upon you and your well stuffed but unused crotch. Much "Haha" and sometimes a "lol" do you bring to this steemian's heart (but not his face, you're not that funny and the botox is still paying off). Where in your busy day doing whatever magic you do to bring much laughter to the masses of those who greatly appreciate but refuse to read you're amazing post. I mean there is two lines, (1 sentence) and a smiling woman. sorry I looked at her again. where was I...?
Ah, I'm sure by now you've seen the second paragraph and stopped reading, if even you did read the first. You should have, it was good. I predict it was would given you enough joy to show some teeth. Sorry lost in here eyes again, god damn! she's french too...
SOrry umm. Yess.
You have done a great job in helping people become better. It's a shame more people don't take your feedback on board. Ok, so I'm predicting there is a 0% change you will have read it this far that bastard dj123 I'm sure is still reading even though it clearly says this is for you. well him and that other guy yodith who you should go read, it's good. Sorry side tracked again. Thanks for doing what you do. This place gives us a watering hole where all the animals can come and learn how to eat one another make each other laugh.
May your beer be cold, your wife at home, and your girlfriend eagerly awaiting your presence in a hotel room that rents by the year.
Hey @ned,
now this is aggrandizement, you can expect nothing less than that from the vainglorious idikuci
Hey @dan,
dj keeps calling @ned over. Everyone knows you're the real power here.
The Streisand Effect here is intentional.