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RE: Dipping Into the Chat Pack

in #funny8 years ago

These are great thought exercises! I need to order this pack for my son. Get him off of his phone for awhile.

As for my answers to the questions:

1> A girl I used to work with Called Cherie. Tiny little thing with the biggest sneeze. She did that Ah Ah Ah bit to and then her actual sneeze was this little high pitched "choooo".

2> I think I would take care of the horses. I know this means mucking out the stalls too. But I am a big fan of horses, so the opportunity to worth with them for a time seems like a great opportunity.

3>This is tough. I have to go more vague than you did, as I haven't researched this carefully. But if I can answer in uncertain terms: Ireland, London, Athens, Rome, Berlin, Edmonton, New York City.

4> I think one of the things I really enjoyed was building a set for Shakespeare in the Park when I was in college. We got poured on, and were using power tools. But we were young and stupid, so we kept at it. Basically covered in mud and splinters, but hell, it was a blast.

5>I was going to be an Actor, then I was going to be a Director. I ended up doing a lot of Stage Technical work, and actually had a career in it for awhile. But when I was ready to have a family, then the hours of a Theatre Tech weren't conducive to spending any time with children.

Thanks for sharing this. I really like the questions! I think my son will too.



Shakespeare in the Rain...why haven't I seen that promotion from any theatre company yet? :)

The man did write a lot of comedies that would work well in the rain.

I imagine woods scenes in Midsummer Nights Dream with the lovers in a bit of a wet t-shirt contest.

Braless Comedy of Errors?

This could work!

Some people would find those ideas sacrilegious, but if they would interest a wider audience in the works of the bard, then I say 'give 'em a try.'

Well hell, in the Bard's time, men played the female roles. I think we passed sacrilegious by his definition a long time ago. So why stop now?

Anything than encourages interest in the works without making people suffer through R&J endlessly would be a great thing. A little added skin exposure to get guys interested couldn't be all bad.

You could do "Wet T-shirt Wednesday" performances for the guys, and "Tighter than tight Tights Thursday" for the women.

Just make sure not to include any of the shows featuring Falstaff. Fat guy in a little pair of tights is no one's idea of a good time.