Dipping Into the Chat Pack

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

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Before a recent family trip, I spent $10 on a game that I hoped would help address boredom. Sitting in a car or waiting in an airport for hours can be difficult for some kids. One of mine is quite self-sufficient and can keep herself entertained without much help. But her sister is very high maintenance, always needing something to do, and endlessly bothering Mom and Dad until she gets it. (We still say ‘no’ to 80% of what she asks for, but she can be quite persistent.)

If she ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy

So I bought something called a Chat Pack for Kids, sold by a company called The Question Guys ™ (I found it on Amazon). They have other flavors also, but this is the kid pack. It’s a pack of 156 cards, each with a thoughtful and stimulating question for kids to ponder, discuss, or write about. The package describes the product as “Fun questions for parties, trips, and gatherings”.

We took the Chat Pack on a weeklong trip. It was a success once, eating up about 30 minutes in which all of us participated, but we didn’t use it a second time. Until we got home.

Chat Pack to the rescue

One thing my younger daughter needed to work on over the summer was her writing. She’s a good writer for her age, but her teacher from last year felt she needed to spend more time with it. And as any good Steemit author knows, the next question is “What should I write about?” She answered the question by finding the Chat Pack and drawing a card.

Several times this summer, with very little encouragement, my daughter has drawn a card and sat down in front of our computer to type up an essay. Today, for example, she wrote about her favorite board game, Monopoly, and how she smoked the rest of us by dominating the board with her properties and driving us all broke. That wasn’t quite how I remembered the game, but I guess a dose of fiction is acceptable.

Writers Block.png

I’m just glad she’s motivated to think and write. This set of questions seems to be stimulating her into doing so. And so, now that she has gone to bed for the night, I thought I’d pick out a few questions to see what I can do with them.

Question 1: In your opinion, which person whom you know has the funniest-sounding sneeze?

That would be my late aunt Felicity (past tense, rest her soul). Lissie made every sneeze into an event. She began noisemaking in the warm up (“Ach, ach, ach, ach...”), the pace increasing as it built to a crescendo. And that climax sounded something like “Ah-wo-choooo!” The ending was aspirated with a mighty exhalation, though she usually had a handkerchief to blow into by then. Thank goodness.

But Aunt Lissie had nothing on Sophia, the world’s greatest sneezer (warning: video contains some adult language).

Question 2: If you had to work on a farm for one week during the summer, what particular job or chore do you think would be the most fun to do?

It’s tempting to say “harvesting fruit or vegetables” because that’s the sweet ending to all the hard work. But instead of that easy choice, I think I’ll go with “shoveling sh*t.” There’s nothing like manual labor to remind you of your place in the world. And as long as the weather isn’t too hot or humid, I can shovel or pitchfork a lot of manure. The smell doesn’t bother me unless it’s fresh doo doo.

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Manure on straw in wheelbarrows. Source: CC via Pixabay by Sabinevanerp.

When I was a kid, I worked on a farm a few times. Horse manure is great for gardens (so is donkey manure, but horse stuff is easier to find). Since straw is used frequently for bedding and lining barns and corrals, horse manure tends to be quite light. A tight pitchfork is a good implement to lift and move it from a barn into the bed of a truck or wheelbarrow, so it can be moved to somewhere where it can sit and compost. After that happens, it gets moved again to be spread on a garden as a soil builder and mild fertilizer.

Question 3: If you could sleep in a different place each night for a week, what seven places would you select? (The locations can be anywhere in the world!)

Night 1: In a yurt on the steppes of Mongolia, chasing the bones of Genghis Khan.
Night 2: On a pirate ship in the South China Sea, waiting for an unsuspecting spice trader to be caught unawares and make me rich with nutmeg.

Catan Explorers and Pirates game. Source: islaydragons.com

Night 3: At Camp IV on the high clutches of Mt. Everest with a supplemental oxygen tank that’s bigger than anything that anyone has ever hauled up to the summit before.
Night 4: In a hammock on a deserted beach in Zanzibar. No tsunamis, please.

A beach in Zanzibar. Source: Tanzania-experience.com.

Night 5: In the dormitory room in Dublin, Ireland where I lived when I was a student there many eons ago. Good memories.
Night 6: On an all-night red-eye flight back to where I live. A trans-continental sleeper train would be my second choice if they have one that can jump the pond. I love sleeping on trains.
Night 7: In my own bed.


Question 4: What is the most fun you’ve ever had doing something outside in the rain?

Aside from something that might be an inappropriate choice for a general audience, I would have to say “building sand castles”. I have a fond memory of being on a beach in the pouring rain, making sand castles with my friends. It was hard to know where the rain ended and the ocean began. Sandy, soaking wet, tons of fun.

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Making sand castles. Source: CC via Pixabay by Ben_Kerckx.

Question 5: What is one thing you’re pretty certain you’ll be very good at when you’re an adult?

Ooh, that hurts. A real kid question. Here I am an adult and I’m not doing any of the things I dreamed of doing. I never became a firefighter or a veterinarian or a professional soccer player. Looking back, as a child, I might have been fairly certain that I would be able to wiggle my ears by the time I reached adulthood. I always wanted to be able to wiggle my ears. This child spent long hours developing the right muscles to make both ears twitch when I tightened my jaw. And it worked; I can wiggle my ears.

One thing I’d like to keep forever is the ability to ‘think like a kid’. I’ve lost most of that, but not all. I still have the ability to shift into that perspective, if not the boundless imagination and all-out devotion to fun. What little I have left, I’m keeping, and being a parent definitely helps a person tune into it again.

Thinking like a kid is the most precious gift an adult can have. How would you respond to the questions above?

Badge by @jodipamungkas

Top image: Chat Pack by The Question Guys, available on Amazon and probably at other fine retailers.

There are 2 pages


You are a funny guy :P

In your opinion, which person whom you know has the funniest-sounding sneeze?

I haven't though about this in years but when I was in primary school one of my friends had a really elongated sneeze I don't know how I can type it out but it was hilarious but we all got used to it then we had a substitute teacher and of course this kid sneezed one day, the substitute teacher thought he was joking and would not believe he was not joking, I remember he got in so much trouble while we all tried to convince her that it was just how he sneezed.

Thanks for helping to dredge up that long forgotten memory

You lost me there! I need to re-read it again :) Sorry.


Im from INDONESIA.. i just follow you
please follow back 😁
Nice to can be your friend, i hope@donkeypong nice to meet you...

Haha I am glad to learn that @donkeypong is great at shoveling shit about, I must say have build sandcastles plenty at the beach but never in the rain but I did play with mud as it rained if that counts, might look into these chat packs at some point thanks.

They are really good and far better than the smartphones. The Chat Pack cards will increase the kids IQ and they will develop logic and analysis thinking. Great innovation, I think even the elder persons can use them.

HAHAH! loving your post and the video of your aunt and Sophia is amazing... "doing a line of pepper" he he he

  1. I have a crazy crazy sneeze. I would have to nominate myself
  2. Feeding baby goats!
  3. Great barrier reef, in space, on the moon, in a hammock in Hawaii, outside under the stars, sleep on a cloud (not sure how that would work... but that would be cool), and sleep in one of those outdoor igloos in Alaska.
  4. When it was a kid in Texas, it started to poor. Rain doesn't usually poor like that in Texas, so all the neighborhood kids came out of the house and were running around the streets stomping in the puddles!
  5. I was always very confident that I would be good pet owner! :)

Haha. Not my aunt in the video, but I enjoyed it also. You should record your sneeze also; it might go viral.

Lol oh!!! Hahah it might break the camera though 😆

This was interesting to read. Reminds me when I was a kid building sand castles lol.

Considering that nowadays people spend most of their time in groups ignoring each other, this really is a great game to get people to interact with with each other and really get your mind thinking. I like it!

Good point. Maybe it offers a way to break the ice and get people talking about something.

He..he.. silly thing to do why they put that stuff in their nose...ha..ha.. !

Never played Chat Pack. But assumed that we're playing this game then this question is given to you by accident Tom, @donkeypong :

What is the happiest and most important thing you like about Steemit?

That could be your next post, Jass.

These are great thought exercises! I need to order this pack for my son. Get him off of his phone for awhile.

As for my answers to the questions:

1> A girl I used to work with Called Cherie. Tiny little thing with the biggest sneeze. She did that Ah Ah Ah bit to and then her actual sneeze was this little high pitched "choooo".

2> I think I would take care of the horses. I know this means mucking out the stalls too. But I am a big fan of horses, so the opportunity to worth with them for a time seems like a great opportunity.

3>This is tough. I have to go more vague than you did, as I haven't researched this carefully. But if I can answer in uncertain terms: Ireland, London, Athens, Rome, Berlin, Edmonton, New York City.

4> I think one of the things I really enjoyed was building a set for Shakespeare in the Park when I was in college. We got poured on, and were using power tools. But we were young and stupid, so we kept at it. Basically covered in mud and splinters, but hell, it was a blast.

5>I was going to be an Actor, then I was going to be a Director. I ended up doing a lot of Stage Technical work, and actually had a career in it for awhile. But when I was ready to have a family, then the hours of a Theatre Tech weren't conducive to spending any time with children.

Thanks for sharing this. I really like the questions! I think my son will too.


Shakespeare in the Rain...why haven't I seen that promotion from any theatre company yet? :)

The man did write a lot of comedies that would work well in the rain.

I imagine woods scenes in Midsummer Nights Dream with the lovers in a bit of a wet t-shirt contest.

Braless Comedy of Errors?

This could work!

Some people would find those ideas sacrilegious, but if they would interest a wider audience in the works of the bard, then I say 'give 'em a try.'

Well hell, in the Bard's time, men played the female roles. I think we passed sacrilegious by his definition a long time ago. So why stop now?

Anything than encourages interest in the works without making people suffer through R&J endlessly would be a great thing. A little added skin exposure to get guys interested couldn't be all bad.

You could do "Wet T-shirt Wednesday" performances for the guys, and "Tighter than tight Tights Thursday" for the women.

Just make sure not to include any of the shows featuring Falstaff. Fat guy in a little pair of tights is no one's idea of a good time.

Q1: My mum
Q2: Doing nothing but supervising...lol
Q3: 1 My bed, 2 My bed, 3 My bed, 4 My bed, 5 My bed, 6 My bed, 7 My bed
Q4: Playing hide and seek in the rain
Q5: Dancing and playing video games...

I loved it, thanks for engaging me a little.

Good answers. I'm in agreement with you on # 3, but I think it's supposed to be 7 different places.

Awesome funny post @donkeypong im like it

  1. In Russian it sounds very funny: Sylvester Hamsters :)
  2. Collect strawberries! And immediately to eat it :)
  3. Jurmala, Hawaii, Barcelona, ​​the Caribbean, Dominican Republic, Palanga, Taormina.
  4. Just walked along the main street of Jurmala. Even without an umbrella.
  5. I thought of becoming an actress. Did not fail :(

hahahahaha nice and amaizing post and
q1 ...i dont know any person
q2 ...i dont like and not hope to work in a farm specially in winter
q3....my best night which i think choose At Camp IV on the high clutches of Mt. Everest with a supplemental oxygen tank that’s bigger than anything that anyone has ever hauled up to the summit before.
q4....an wonderfull and amaizing rain when we camping on moutains and rain started and we start bbq in our camp but with smoke in camp all plans and ideas are flop which we thinked from many days and then we cancell the bbq and only enjoy the rain out camping
q5...i dont any one from but my whole that moments are speciall and good for me
and now we want to answer from u @donkeypong

Rain can ruin plans but if you work with it and go with the flow, getting wet can be fun also.

not only simple coment and upvote sir we want to read ur own answer to this five questions

Aren't those in the post?

This sounds incredibly fun! Could be fun for dinner conversation starters with the kids. And of course I am immediately thinking how I could use this with my students. I may come up with my own World History version. If I have down time in class, I can have my kids discuss these topics in small groups. I would definitely work in some funny ones.

Now to answer one of your selections.

" What is one thing you’re pretty certain you’ll be very good at when you’re an adult?"

I'll let you know if I ever become one.

This sounds like a fun way to stimulate the thought process! Thanks for sharing the idea, and your writing and thoughts on a few. :)

Thinking like a kid is the most precious gift an adult can have.

Thinking like a kid, but also acting like a kid. My kids have so much fun when I am acting unlike an adult. Usually, we got a lot of laughings, stories to remember (and to laugh again later), etc.

The last question is also tough for a kid. They have time to think about that...

Young children do give happiness to their parents, seeing them after work is lost to our champions, but sometimes if they ask for something sometimes we have to fulfill it immediately, and in many small children the imagination....great post @donkeypong and have a nice day

Looks like a great game. In my case if you are going to take a kids iPad away you better offer a bloody good alternative!

If they had their way, it would be all screens all the time. Need some healthier balance.

Lol this chatpack idea is absolutely amazing. Definitely a great way to pump some optimism and positivity back into the community like you always do @donkeypong

Question 1:
I don't think I know anyone with the funniest sounding sneeze but the most grotesque thing that had happened regarding a sneeze when one of my friends sneezed so hard that all this green gloopy snot came out and caked her hand as well as dangled from her nose. It makes me nauseous just thinking about it

Question 2:
If I were to work on a farm, I'd probably want to go at milking a cow. I don't know what it is like but I'm imagining me there with a stool with a cat next to me and I squeeze the fresh milk into its mouth. (Sounds pretty weird when typing it out)

Question 3:
Seven is a perfect number as I'd love to sleep at each of the seven wonders of the Earth. So that will include: Colossus of Rhodes, Great Pyramid of Giza, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Lighthouse of Alexandria, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.

Question 4:
I haven't done anything spectacular in the pouring rain. However, the funniest thing I've witnessed in the pouring rain is a friend falling into this puddle and getting coated with but. She then persisted in chasing after me to give me a 'delightful' muddy embrace.

Question 5:
I don't really have any skills or talents. Despite the fact that people can learn and build skills I'm a pretty lazy person, so there is no chance in that. I think I'll be a somewhat good philosopher. I love reading a magnitude of different philosophical books as well as I try to make a philosophical post every day. It takes quite a while to create, but I have fun doing it haha

Well this was fun to do. I hope you have a great weekend @donkeypong! :)

What a great idea for the seven wonders. Really good answers.

I love Chat Pack! I've used it in my classroom and with my high school students as a counselor for a long time. Fun way to get everyone involved in a conversation.

Excellent and thoughtful read. This is more of a response to your closing statement, and please know that this is written with positive intent/perspective. I don't think we never really lose our inner child... just locked away in a dark room, waiting... to be given voice and a chance to blossom. And I believe, the act of giving space and time for play and wonderment is the guiding lamp which helps with leading/pulling the inner child out of that darkness. That said, I think you have started doing just that, reconnecting with your inner child.

You're right. That's more accurate.

It's a good concept, the card game. There's used to be a meetup in London which ran along the same lines but for adults. Talking with Strangers I think it was. A pile of cards on the table, each with different (and sometimes more controversial) questions. Just prompts to get you talking to random people about random subjects. I went a few times. It was fascinating. People have such stories to tell if you can allow them the freedom to tell them. Like in your article!

Giving someone a topic can be a good icebreaker for conversations.

@donkeypong, maybe your daughter will start writing here in a very young age.

I'll like to answer question 4. When I was a kid, I loved dancing under the rain. It was real fun then. Feeling like kids is always lovely.

LoL... "looks like a penis..." ahhaha,... the Aunt sneezed the phone off the table..

I used to farm when younger, my family are rice farmers after all. During vacation we would go up the mountains and help my grandparents farm. It wasn't really fun but if I had to choose, probably using a huge mortar and pestle to mill the rice.

credit pixabay

Oh my gosh, this thing works! Might need to buy one for when I have no idea what to write about.

Answer2- If anyone my friend give me the company during than its for me fun.
Answer3-Kakslauttanen, Finland
Answer4- Playing soccer, Long drive!!
Answer5-When India won worldcup in cricket on 2011.@donkeypong answer 1-As a person that really enjoys sneezing as long as it's not associated with any long-term sickness or one of those annoying 30-time combo sneezes, I always take note of people that seem to hate or restrict their sneezing.

You might be the first person I've met who enjoys sneezing.

Answer1: They both sounded funny though. All pretty <3
Answer2: Water all plants coz it's summer.
Answer3: New Zealand-Japan-Nepal-South Africa-Greenland-Chicago-BoraBora
Answer4: Drinking raindrops. Worst is, receiving all water flowing from the roof pipe to my mouth.
Answer5: Be more compassionate and kind. :)


Completely agree with your words about keep this ability to "think like a kid". It helps a lot in life, plus makes life more colorful)
I loved this post and those questions in it :)

Yes, it makes life more colorful. That's a good way to put it.

This was interesting to read.

Talking about sneezing, I have an interesting experience in 2012 in Los Angeles. When I was about to cross the road, I sneezed loudly and a group of people who were also crossing were shocked. I thought they would be angry, but instead laughed together.
I once read an article that mentioned sneezing styles that included genetic factors. Sneezing can also bone, and when our eyes are closed a split second. So, it is very important to slow down the vehicle when sneezing.

Aaaaaa chiiik ..... !!!!I can not respond to all parts of your article @donkeypong because it will sneeze ....

come to my blog again tom :Dgreat post my friend @donkeypong

It did not feel dark falling
End of the night to a cold morning
There are only a few stars tonight
Maybe because you're beautiful
Then my eyes felt embarrassed
The deeper he was embarrassed this time
Sometimes he was afraid
When he passes in the middle of his flight
In the evening
Towards the morning
A little anxious
Lots of longing

wonderfull and some crazy post and answers it like seems that some funiest and craziest live price and gift shows on tv and many people give interested and amainzing answers and force us to a happy laughing and make life so cool and wonderfull with these haapines moments my answers only this question sir
and this is my option

Q3= In a hammock on a deserted beach in Zanzibar. No tsunamis, please.
Q5= when my dad gifted my my first cato on my specially demand which named leore

nice and full full amaized and interesting post now we answer u sir for all u questions and enjoy with u to read everyone answer include u
A=hahah i like to rest on farm sir on my work time in summer
A=In a yurt on the steppes of Mongolia, chasing the bones of Genghis Khan.
A=to ride on my bike in rain
A=the day when i win the trofy of bike rides 10 km of my city boys and i m the nmber 1st

A very useful post let alone cope with boredom, thank you @donkeypong has shared useful articles

Hahaha very funny I really like that

One of my friend sneeze in a very funny way. Hahaha.

ha ha ha i am crying .. awesome post :D

Very lovely article indeed
Keep it up and post some more
I am you new follower

Sorry friends, I just can visit your blog. I think every post you share me is very interested to see it.
Thanks @klen.civil

im new here nice to meet you :Dnice post @donkeypong,, greetings

Now that's called a Awesome posting!!!

Making learning fun. You've cracked it !!!

Nice post. I like your video.

a tabletop gaming ref. / yeah !

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