So Many Words to Choose From
Yet I can't seem to think of any.
I guess dogs are still cool.
Maybe I'll talk about dogs today.

Friends for people who don't have friends.
I remember Rocky, though I never met him.
As young as the age of five, I remember my mom telling me the story about Rocky.
He was a big German Shepherd. One day, we couldn't find your brother. This was before you were born. Your big brother was little then. Maybe five years old, like you are now. We looked all over the farm. Finally, after having several panic attacks, we found your brother and the dog. Rocky was trying to drown your brother in the pond.
Mom doesn't have much of a filter. I heard Rocky had to move out after that incident and I did not suffer any childhood trauma from that story or any of the other ones she told me. You just get used to it.
My First Dog
A genius name for a collie, right?
This dog didn't look like the one in the show my mom used to make me watch, but she was still cool.
I remember being on the outside of the fenced-in portion of the yard, Lassie was on the inside. I was only nine years old.
I'd run alongside the fence, Lassie would chase me and then hop over the fence once we got to the corner. Then, she'd follow me back to the gate where we'd prepare ourselves to do it all over again.
It was either the seventh or eighth attempt when everything fell apart. We were shooting for ten jumps in a row but unfortunately, we didn't reach our target.
Running, running, running... smash. Lassie forgot how to do her trick and ran face first into the fence. She seemed fine, unfazed, ready to try again. So we did try again. Same thing. Face first into the fence. We both silently agreed that it's probably a good time to stop after the third fail.
My Roommates Dog
Bandit was the name.
When I was in my late teens, I lived with two friends.
Joe and Chad. Nice guys.
Chad brought his dog along for the ride, so I guess I lived with three friends.
I gave Bandit a pork chop once, even though that was against the rules. I just wanted to see if he'd eat it because my girlfriend wouldn't eat it and that was the last time I cooked pork chops for her.
Bandit just looked at me as if I were some kind of a pork chop vending machine everyday after that incident. Bandit liked cuddling pork chop vending machines and ignoring all of the other vending machines.
Chad and I worked in the same oatmeal processing plant. We'd get home at the same time everyday. Bandit would run straight to the pork chop and ignore his dad. This infuriated Chad and he became jealous. Chad thought Bandit broke up with him. He'd have to close his bedroom door at night otherwise Bandit would come to my bed and want to sleep with me.
I never told Chad about the pork chop.
He'd piss himself every time I came home from work.
One day my ex-girlfriend stepped out to buy, "Donuts and coffee."
I was excited because I really like donuts and coffee.
Three hours pass. Still no donuts or coffee but finally I hear the noisy garage door. That can only mean one thing. Donuts and coffee.
In walks a Shih Tzu and behind him my ex-girlfriend yelling, "Surprise!"
She said donuts and coffee; brings home a dog.
He was a good boy, but hard to train.
Every morning I'd wake up in darkness and feel my way down the hall until I reached the kitchen to make my morning coffee. That adventure changed drastically once we got Mikey. I had new obstacles to overcome. It was like walking through a minefield.
Every morning on my way to wake up and get coffee, I'd step in dog shit, barefoot. Sometimes it would get squished between my toes.
The Racist Dog
I never got his name.
Years ago, I was a travelling furnace technician who specialized in cleaning ducts. How exciting, right?
I'd enter at least four homes on any given workday. I met all kinds of great people and many of them had pets. I could tell stories for days on end about those adventures. Did you know some guys hide weed from their wives in the register nearest the desk in the office? It's true, ladies. Go have a look.
Anyway, most dogs hated my noisy equipment and the fact some random dude is casually walking around the house while looking at the strange things people keep on shelves. I was used to them barking at me.
I entered one home. This woman was casually smoking a joint. Smiling from ear to ear. The house was a total disaster, but her personality made up for it. I enjoyed her presence, but I had work to do. No time for idle chit chat, that stuff was strong, and I hadn't worked on a furnace while stoned before.
Getting everything ready took more time than usual. I kept thinking I forgot something in the van but when I'd get to the van I'd forget why I walked to the van.
Finally I found my set of air tools and approached the first register that needed a good dusting. I got down on my knees, as per usual, and started blowing the dust down into the ducts and towards the vacuum. Suddenly, I felt something tugging on my ankles. I turned around and see a dog. I wasn't expecting to see a dog and because I inhaled, that only made things worse. Where did you come from!
I don't think I had ever been more afraid of a dog in my entire life.
Just a tiny little pooch. I think a hamster could have kicked his ass in a fight, but there he is, biting me and pulling on my pants as hard as he could.
I calmly raised my voice over the noise. "Excuse me? Ma'am? Your dog is biting me."
She casually walks into the same room as me and says, "Oh, don't worry about him. He does that all the time. He just doesn't like white people for some reason."
The moment she said that, I started laughing so hard I nearly broke my neck. Tears of joy were flowing down my face. I could not control myself. Because I was laughing, she started laughing. The dog didn't like this and continued to go on his hate crime spree until the nice lady finally decided to put him in jail until I was finished.
In Conclusion
Sorry about not having much to say today. I couldn't think of anything to write about. You know how it is.
So, I guess today's lesson is: If you're ever struggling for an idea, just think about your past.
Or dogs.
Or both!
Have a nice day.

I'm really glad you told the story of your girlfriends dog! I remember you sharing the event in a comment. You have some great stories. My husband's mom has 2 collies (a mother dog and her son). They are pretty dogs but they smell! She lives by the beach and they get a wet dog smell from the ocean water. They are adorable running on the beach though. The racist dog was the best. So hilarious.
My parents have a collie now on their farm. I can't believe I forgot to add this story into the post...
His name is Jack. If he gets excited, he doesn't jump, he just starts slapping you with high fives until his paw sticks on you. Then you have to say, "Jack, off!" He doesn't always listen the first time. Sometimes you have to say, "Jack, off," many times before he'll react.
Now a little story for you:
When I was 23, in desperate need of money to support my silly expenses, I worked for the veterinary department of my University for 4 months.
Over there, there was a section for sick animals where I had to give them food, water and clean their pee and poo and their stalls.
There were lamas, alpacas, minipigs, donkeys, eagles, sheeps, horses, cows, the little children of the cow with chronic diarrhea and, of course, dogs and cats.
Dogs were the one whose poo smelled the worst. I wanted to
Once I got kicked by a lama, because the vet put his entire arm in his asshole to check I don't know what.
Vets use to put their arms in animals asses a lot apparently.
Fucking bastard, that lama. With an arrogant look too.
The alpacas would run away, galloping with elegance.
The horses, there because too old, would scare the shit out of me, because they were coming from the army and their size was absurd. I had to clean their clogs and come their mane, sometimes also give some sugar, some apples and walk them around.
I'm telling you this story because you mentioned that you walked bare feet on dog shit. When I worked there, I had to take a long plastic tube to rinse the stalls and get rid of the poo.
Most of the time, the excrement would splash on me, (often on my face, because I had to get close to the floor)..
There was a section of dead animals that were dissected for students of Vet faculty. The smell wouldn't leave me for days.
Sometimes I also had to carry horses and cows in the classroom and hold them for 1 hour during the class.
I got so used to the connection with animals and their strong odors that I hated to be force to socialize with humans afterwards.
How can you be with someone who doesn't like pork chop?
Also, if you are running out of ideas, I can give you a sentence, something to start, then you have to continue your post from that. For example, your post for tomorrow (or after tomorrow if you are reading this too late) will start like that: "I didn't change my underwear for 2 days"
I grew up on a farm. I had to clean barns and chicken coops. I'd be smeared in shit and I wasn't even getting paid for that. I was earning the roof over my head. Dog shit is the worst one. Horse shit can be rather pleasant, somehow, compared to the others. I know that sounds weird, but it's not. Those llamas can be jerks. They have attitude problems. My dad has a few now along with an alpaca as well. I named the alpaca ET because it looks like ET from the front when she's standing there staring at me. I grew up surrounded by all the animals you mentioned there along with quite a few more. What you said doesn't sound weird to me at all.
I'm not sure if I'll ever run out of ideas, but if I do I'll most certainly use that line and have fun with it.
Ya know, moms can be your mom certain Rocky was trying to drown your brother?
Maybe Rocky was simply trying to bathe him.
You're right! Maybe it wasn't even a pond. Maybe they were just splashing around in the puddles together and she was sick of washing his clothes!.. LOL
Maybe Rocky didn't care for the brand of fabric softener your mom was using.
Maybe Rocky thought my brother was one of those Snuggle Bears from the bottle and was just trying to protect the pack.
And...the round goes to you...I'm laughing so hard I can barely type...LOL..Can't even think of a good Time Travelling Tide Pod comeback...I'm sure there's one in there somewhere...LOL
Tie game!
You should tell more of your stories. I really enjoyed these. Especially the one about the racist dog. I have known a racist dog myself, and it came from a family who was decidedly not racist. It's got to be the worst thing, right? I mean, as the non-racist owner of a racist dog, what do you do when you're out walking your dog and it suddenly detects an individual of its perceived inferior race?
Do you say "Sorry, my dog is racist." No. That would acknowledge the minority status of the other person, which is rude, and generally considered racist in and of itself.
Do you do nothing? Say nothing? Well... that might be worse. They may just assume you're a racist, right? I mean, the dog was fine until now, until a brown person showed up. A brown person who, because they're brown, probably has a very finely tuned racism radar. Dogs aren't just racist by themselves. They have to learn it from someone, right? No! This family were not the secret KKK! They were very open and accepting of all races, creeds, species, whatever.
Their dog was just a racist piece of shit for some reason!
My stories do end up trickling in from time to time and I'll most certainly be telling more.
I like this satirical bit you just wrote. It highlights how confused people can be in today's world. As for how to handle a racist pet... I dunno! Laughing seems to work just fine.
Your stories made me laugh! Ok and got me a little disgusted (...I'd step in dog shit, barefoot. Sometimes it would get squished between my toes.)
Here, I got you a soundtrack for your post:
LOL! My brother used to play this song so many times in a day that I'd often wonder why Rocky just didn't finish the job.
Ahahahahaha! It was probably his PTSD to blame :P
The racist dog was perfect for a stand up routine. Well done!
The comedy writes itself sometimes. Thanks a lot!
Are dogs doing stand-up these days?
What about your past life as a dog? Will that work??
I can't seem to remember that one. It's hard to write about past lives. Was being a dog in a past life a good thing or a bad thing?
Being a dog past life or present is a good thing - but if you are a man, being a dog, then being a dog is bad!
If I'm barking, it has something to do with trees.
But I am 65% sure that I was a dog in a past life, because I know that if I had a pair of danglers, I would try to lick them.
Interesting to know about your past jobs and experiences. If you don't mind me asking, what've you been doing lately?
I'm still wondering about my future and am already in my final year. Hoping steemit paves some kind of a way and helps support my future 'future plans'.
I used to have a career thing, but I quit. I wrote about that somewhere in my blog. I had money saved and wanted to simplify my life. I work seasonally now on an organic seed farm. Maintaining machinery and implements along with keeping the place free of tall grass(mowing, love it). In winter, not much. I took a few hundred SBD out last spring/early summer and reinvested. That was a wise move and gave me plenty of time to focus on this blog and just living.
I see everything's practical in that, must be fun! Haha I thought people generally had a dislike for mowing.
And powering up sure is good. Who knows what values Steem and SBD might touch in the near future. Also considering how this is still in beta mode.
Psst, my entry to the comedy thing is finally up!. Messed up in posting the first time around, check the title in address bar lol
I never love dogs till i got admitted into veterinary school. When i started learning about their anatomy and physiology the love animals start increasing. Till today i will foreover love animals including dogs. I remember vividly when my step mum bought a dog the dog was always keeping my company when am back. This actually increase my love for them and dog name was jack. Thanks for sharing your experience and encounter about dogs with us
I respect animals. I grew up on a farm surrounded by them. Plenty of wildlife around here as well.
It's funny you mention that name, Jack. I just finished telling another story about a dog named Jack. I voted that comment to the top of this post. Had I been paying attention, that would have been the before story for this response. Oh well. That's life sometimes.
Lol, yeah. Iwould have laughed too at racist dog and the owners comment.
Mikey sounded cool, perhaps he should have been named donut or shitty or something
Such an unexpected response. She later told me about the other instances that helped her come to that conclusion. Dogs these days... LOL
Mikey was a great dog. The chocolate donuts on my way to coffee though... damn. That went on for months. I had no choice either. The light switch was at the other end of the hall.
My neighbour had a dog that hated women when I was younger. My poor mother was terrified of it. IT was a friendly delightful thing to all the boy kids. As soon as anything female came near it turned into a snarly bastard.
I get that just now with hairballs from my cat. That cold squishy dead shit between your toes is awful
I suppose I'm not much different than some of these dogs. For instance, I probably won't like you much if you stink like really expensive body odor, or cheap fragrances.
I have a slew of dog stories. When my sister got into the water, the dog pulled her out by the bathing suit. She thought it was funny and jumped back in. Not so funny the next time when he dragged her out by the hair. Our dogs all liked us.
Yup. Dogs sure have a funny way of "helping" sometimes.
He was 80 lbs of entertainment. 1/2 collie, 1/2 springer spaniel, couldn't keep him out of the water. Thought he could catch ducks.
Honestly that is kind of how the freewrites work. Everyone just writes about a single word and I usually just go on some crazy tangent.
That's basically all this post was. Just a freewriting case of the rambles. I'm fast with the editing and did that on the fly as well. I just thought DOGS! and went from there. I'm sure anyone can tell a few funny dog stories.
I definitely did not expect the attempted drowning hahahaaa, I was fully prepared to read how the pooch rescued him!
My dog hates Amish people. Seriously. We thought it might have something to do with them smelling of cow shit or horses, but one day she got off the leash and went into a pasture, hung out with the cows like they were buddies. So. Still a mystery, maybe it's the hats? The long beards?
According to Bill Burr, dogs feed off your vibes, and every dog is a good dog unless you're a psycho-fuck this clip cracks me up!
Triggered! Dogs get triggered too!
Bill Burr is hilarious. One of my favorites.
Yep, apparently they are triggered when we are :)
I know, he doesn't give a fuck, he says exactly what he thinks. Who are your other favorites? I could definitely do a stand up binge fest.
It would be easier if I listed the ones I don't like. Far too many to mention.
Maybe your dog is just an elitist tech snob. Maybe your dog shuns all those who refuse to embrace the technological advances of the past century. I mean, how's your dog react to Mennonites? Could be a litmus test for ya...
Lamo the house was trash but you inhaled to see her wonderful personality. Next thing you will be telling us cats can talk.
I dont' know about donuts but i don't trust people telling me they are going out for ice cream.
You made me laugh for today.
Well, thanks for enjoying this one, talking cat.
Wait a minute... Hey everyone! Cats can talk!
I always love your titles! I almost always smile/laugh.
This is probably the most ridiculous one so far. I basically wrote exactly what I was doing at the time. So simple, yet nobody else thought of it until now. Thanks for smiling/laughing!
:) :D
Just be glad they were not puppies as in this song.
LOL! Wow. What can we call that? Light-dark humor? Thanks!
Some great stories, well told. Not bad for someone who didn't know what words to put into the white box thingies. Well you chose the right words. You even seemed to have put them in the right order. Some things I'm still learning to do.
I've known some great dogs, funny dogs, and even a schizophrenic Chihuahua. That little mutt would be your best friend one moment, and have the devil in her eyes the next. And not afraid to try to bite either.
After years of working as a subcontracter cleaning windows at hundreds of places, and dealing with many different dogs, I can tell you the big ones are usually the gentlest, and the little ones often the nightmares. Small dog syndrome, perhaps?
Yeah, I don't know how I do it. It just happens. We all have dog stories though and you're right. Of all the dogs I've met over the years, it's those little ones with the attitude problems.
I have a small scar on my cheek because a terrier decided to latch on when I was about three years old. Memories...
I don't have scars, but memories of one particular dog making an enemy of one of my ankles. Not sure what my ankle did to upset the dog, but they never got along after that. What could I do (except limp away)?
Not much you can do. I got attacked by a chicken once when I was quite young. We just ate it.
Well there is a solution, although the dog's owner may have been upset.
I certainly wouldn't encourage anyone to try that approach anyway. I mean, I've heard of "fight back," but, bite back? Probably not a good idea.
I usually just run away, screaming helplessly. Followed by an oversized rat. No wonder I have an image problem!
Mikey sounds more like Shit su than a Shih Tzu.
Mikey certainly put the Shit in Shih Tzu. ..and you know what! I was going to use that joke in this post but I guess I forgot. Oh well!
Poor fence, Lassie must had hurt it’s feelings, or perhaps Lassie’s face hurt a bit. So Manny different dogs and everyone of them with different character. I can imagine this unnamed friendly dog biting your pants. I guess he liked your pants so
I didn't hide any pork chops in those pants. I was wearing work boots as well. That dog didn't stand a chance...
I probably could have told a few more stories, but I'll save those for another day.
I have a rescue dog and I would be lying if I said she had never done anything racist.
I wonder if they look at other dog breeds the same way some humans see other people.... Hmmm. Crazy world we live in!
You know more dogs than I know people..
Mikey must had loved you soo much, that’s what they do if they love the person, they piss on...
This dog stories remind me my friend’s dog German Shepherd “Nero”. He hated my other friend so much. One day we visited our friend with this dog and immediately Nero charged after my other friend John. John ran as fast as he could. Eventually he ended hanging from the tree with Nero biting his ass. We laughed like crazy.
Yeah, he'd leak when he saw me. Always happy.
Isn't it funny though. Dogs are great but sometimes we push our luck.
Chad would come over to my place years later, when I had Mikey. Mikey hated his guts. He would not stop barking at Chad. Eventually, Chad stopped coming over.
You can't fail with with man's best friend... God is dog written backwards for a reason :D
A mysterious reason.
I loved your Lassie tale - I have just finished writing a poem about a friends rotty that did the same type of thing - it made me laugh :)
It's only natural to laugh at these clumsy fur balls. That's part of the fun of having them.
I love dogs, not all of them are racist :((
That was the only racist dog I had ever met. Most of them don't judge.
Now I know why that turtle was looking at me like that when I was a child!
She was racist as hell and wanted to hurt me!!
Now I think I might know what the ninja turtles meant by:
Turtle Power!
I didn't expect that coming at all lol... Indeed, Your mom is straightforward eh :d
Oh yeah! She's always been good at painting a picture with words. I can still see my brother in that situation... even though I wasn't there!
You should better ask for your mom, that there is any picture of Rocky, If I am on that spot I at least watch his color, haha, now then that becomes a true memory We both silently agreed that it's probably a good time to stop after the third fail.
I also really like donuts and coffee, and i think Mikey really loves your body. if anyone on that spot he should afraid so much, white man this is not relate anything, but thanks god your neck was not broken out, i love all the incident, there is so much laughing for me, thanks a lot buddy, keep sharing such amazing things, actually it made my day.
Thanks a lot
Steem On.. haha, why you didn't tell about the pork chop to #Chad, just try it once, and then tell us what happened, and i can't believe a how a dog so much loves with a pork chop.
Thank you. I think the translator may have failed you a couple of times here, but that's okay!
"...i can't believe a how a dog so much loves with a pork chop."
"... i think Mikey really loves your body."
I say the translator won, but that's just me.
Psst... @abdullahshoaib you are awesome! I'm only teasing about your translator, I think your comment is great!
I love those unfortunate typos!
Thanks for your kind word, its really encourage me, thank you a lot #seaslim.
Lol dogs can he allowed to be sentimental, however having a racist dog is something out of the blue, hahaha I was waiting for the apex and it's amazing your story really
Thanks for enjoying it.
Wow yeah it's amazing
Very nice post.
Very nice comment.
lol enjoyed reading it and you had a pretty cool dog on whose shit you were stepping foot on and gets squished between your toes sometimes, lmao, btw nice content keep up
very interesting post its really funny post thanks dear
Very interesting comment.
Very interesting reply :D
Can I flag it?
LOL! I don't know. It'll get bumped down to the bottom soon enough.
Lol, those are the ones that annoy me the most. Get me all itchy heh heh
I got more than I usually do with this post. Five or six comments. They didn't even have a chance to read it. If money shows up beside these spam comments, I'll flag that away, for sure.
Oh yeah, definitely. They do flock in weird ways. For a few days I had about three or four on each post then they left. Weird bassas
You have been reward -2 out of 100000 time traveling cats. Please travel to the year 2222 to pay the fine of 10,000,000,000,000,000 USD. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Have a nice day also to you. It proves vast of your creativity in wruting any post. Thank you for sharing this post with us.
Thank you for sharing your comment with me.
This writing is very funny i like this post. Thank you for sharing.
This comment was incredible. Thank you for sharing it.
sometimes dogs are better friends than human, such a nice topic to talk about @nonameslefttouse thank you.
Yes, all of these dog stories prove how they make better friends than people.
Thanks for your funny dogs post nonameslefttouse
Thanks for the comment.
Woww amigo tienes mucha imaginacion y verdad en tus post, me gusta tu manera de pensar y se que tengo poco tiempo en Steemit pero algun dia quisiera tener mi cuenta como la tuya saludos :D
This is what he said:
indeed it becomes a benchmark to become better@nonameslefttouse So I guess today's lesson is: If you've ever fought for an idea, just think about your past.
@nonameslefttouse today must be better than yesterday, then we are the lucky ones. even if today is worse than yesterday then we are very loss people
You do not approve?
*edit: You changed what you had here originally. It seems like you're spamming me so I'll just go ahead and flag these two comments of yours. If you feel like explaining yourself, I'll remove the flags.
very creative writing
Dogstories XD!