
Lately my dreams are often about Steemit... As I'm falling asleep I think of these amazing articles to write and then in the morning my brain is like "Haha gotcha, no article for you, go stare at the screen blankly for an hour, then give up on brainerizing and post some art"

I get the Steemit dream where my payouts are big again. I wake up... no dice... but I'll survive! I might start drinking again... but I'll still live!

My voting power is getting close to 70%, I'm trying to chip in on those payouts more lol I haven't had a drink since April 9 2012, once I start I can't stop so I'm not sure I'd live. I already had my heart stop once from alcohol poisoning when I was younger... Good times.

I don't drink. I don't like it anymore, but I will have the odd beer or two. Rarely...and it just makes me tired unless I'm sitting in the sun.