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RE: The Biggest and Greatest Post in the History of Blogging

in #funny7 years ago

Yes. You would be correct. I was on the crapper for a little over eight hours while I put this shit together. That doesn't include the breaks I took to go do other shit though. All in all I'd say the entire day was quite shitty and eventful. Meow.


I can only hope you had the plunger at the ready!

... industrial vacuum. I was supposed to take that back today. Looks like I'll be paying out the ass once these late fees kick in.

Wow, you went out and got licensed to operate a Septic Tank Pumper to produce this. Now that's dedication!

Well... Sort of. I know a guy who knows a chick. She knows a guy who has a cousin named Jim. Jim called up his boss at McDonalds and they mentioned to the guy who cleans toilets there that he should speak to Ralph. Ralph likes to hang out at a bar downtown where a lot of those shit tank people hang out. I was able to get a fake license on short notice and I only had to pay with an 8 ball. A good deal if you ask me.