What You'll See When You Stick Your Hollow Head Inside of the Hollow Tree

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself here again
that's no place to be sticking your head!

Hollow Tree.jpeg
Hollow Tree

I Think Watching Winnie the Pooh as a Child...

Messed with my head.

That show, back then, was nothing like what they offer kids today. I'm certain the old versions were written and produced by LSD disguised as people.

These days it seems like Pooh moved up in the IQ department about thirty points, Piglet and Eeyore are medicated, and I think the Rabbit might be gay, but that's purely speculation.

Back then, Pooh was always getting his head stuck inside of things. Piglet was on meth. Eeyore ran out of weed and that damn Rabbit was busy trying to grow more, disguised as carrots of course.

They Played Pooh Films at School

When the teacher would pull out the massive clickety-clack film projector, that meant she wanted an extended coffee break and maybe a few more cigarettes. It also meant us kids were about to be treated to an already ancient episode of Winnie the Pooh, or some dumb ass documentary from the 50's about birds or log cabins.

The entire class watched the episode of Pooh where he gets his damn head stuck inside of a tree, everyone enjoyed it, then the bell rang. We all had an hour to eat and then head outside for some rest and relaxation.

There just so happened to be a hollow tree on school grounds. It was near the southwest corner, if I remember correctly.

I do remember being on the swings when I noticed a crowd begin to form around this particular tree. I became curious, so my little clique and I headed on over there.

Dumb-Ass Dale

He was the kid that always had to be told to shut the hell up in class. Now, there he is, with his goddamn head stuck in a tree. His shoulders too. People thought he was faking it until we all started to pull really hard and his screams only got louder.

The janitor came with a drill. Nobody asked him to. He just thought the kid might need a few air holes. His plan was rejected by the one and only teacher on guard duty that afternoon.

Dale was asked if he could breathe, he insisted he was fine and that he simply could not get out. A few kids were taunting him. We knew he had a temper. If he was faking it, he'd reject the insults, slide out, and feel the need to beat some ass. That plan didn't work either.

I asked him what it looked like inside. He said, "It looks like hell and flames are getting hotter!"

That Dale, always with the jokes.

The Bell Rang Again

Lunchtime was over, but nobody wanted to leave the scene of the incident.

Finally, the principal shows up. We all saw him arrive in his pimped out Pontiac Parisienne. He didn't appear to be happy. He joined the crowd. Looked at the teacher like she was soon to be fired, then stormed indoors. Not two minutes later he's back, but this time he has a secret weapon.

No, it wasn't an axe. It was the gym teacher. He didn't care if kids suffered or how loud they screamed. It was his job to punish everyone with exercise and he acted like a nut job drill sergeant when he did it.

He pulled Dale out and made him do ten laps. Those scrapes on his neck meant nothing. The rest of us were sent back to class with the threat of twenty laps to help encourage us to move faster.


Things sure have changed in this world.

Had that happened today, the parents would have been called to the scene instantly. Kids would be recording evidence for the ensuing court battle. The news van would be there. People would be arguing over whether to save the tree or the kid. The principal wouldn't know what to do so he'd be on the phone calling his boss, who would then have to call his boss, who would then have to call her boss, who would then start writing up a report to be filed and we'll all get an answer within the week. Meanwhile the entire thing is already live on Facebook and soon to be uploaded to Youtube.

Dale Turned Out Fine

Last I heard, he's making hundreds of thousands of dollars per year working in the oil field. Must be nice. All I'm left with are these memories and nothing to do with them but write them down and hope for the best.

And That, My Friends...
is the story about how Pooh messed with my head.

Have a nice day.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"...and now that damn theme song is stuck in my head again."
[email protected]

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
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Loved it, brilliant story, with a moral too. That Pooh. Thanks for a very entertaining Saturday afternoon.

That Pooh indeed.
Thank you for stopping in and enjoying this. Much appreciated!

After reading this, Poo makes sense, finally. =D Association I had with your art piece was "I see fire, inside a mountain...", but that might just be the beer talking.

That's my interpretation of Dale's hell fire within. If you look closely, you can see the entrance on the left.
Funny you mention beer. I've been craving one of those for many days. It must be Saturday.

It is a kind of hellish. Left for the viewers a home? Or your left. On my left I see a head. On the right a hole that must be a kind on entrance.

It is a way to tell the day: "I crave for a beer, is it saturday already?"

Do we have different lefts? Must be a timezone thing. It is what it is, and that is, it doesn't matter what it is. Something like that.

I used to know it was Sunday just by how my head felt when I woke up. I slowed down a lot. Probably for the best!

It is what it is indeed... There is an intrance and the scene is hellish. It could illustrate the work of Dante. There is now a bridge build between continents.

That sounds indeed like a change for the best. For me waking up sundays with a wooden head are a thing of a far away past.

Like always brilliant

Like always, thank you!

Before I even got past the title and art I thought Winnie the Pooh. Shame about Dale getting his head stuck.I guess his life really turned out great though. I completely get the art after that story.

This is the version of Winnie the Pooh I watched as a kid and as an adult I think it's pretty weird and creepy.

I remember this version of Pooh. Man.... that does seem odd and I think creepy is the right word. It's been a long time since I've seen that version. I nearly forgot about it. Wow! That's really something else.

Winnie the Pooh is a classic. I also watched them when I was a kid

Probably one of the most famous Canadians that ever existed!

Yes! movies/cartoons/tv shows were the best, in my childhood.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that it messed with Dale's head? That reminds me of the scene on the Christmas story with the kid who got his tongue stuck to a pole.
I know how to unstick the theme song...replace it with the exercise song! When I up, down, and touch the ground it puts me in the mood, to up, down, touch the ground, in the mood...for food, I am stout round and I have found that when I exercise, with a happy healthy appetite I'm a happy healthy pooh.

Those might not be exact words. But close. I loved the old Pooh cartoons, his dumb statements were the funniest ever.

I tried to enjoy the newer stuff when my daughters were young, but nothing beats the old classics. Dale turned out fine though. Unless he's on meth or something... I just don't know!

I knew Piglet had a few problems, but I didn't know pyromania was one of them. Man... this has been a day of learning.

Interesting and very colorful post!

Sighs... I too loved pooh. Life was beautiful then. Your stories are so well crafted. Top notch stuff

I miss those days too. I'm glad I paid attention enough to be able to relive a few of those days through memory. Thanks for the compliments. Much appreciated!

Yeah. I am glad I escaped with my sense of wonder. Posts like this make me happy. Already following. Keep bringing the honey 😁

Hahaha surely did Pooh made a good imagination left to our head. I can still remember when piglet was lose and they all try to find piglet with a song. But I wonder what is the feeling if I will put my head in a hollow tree, let me try of I'll find one. :)

Just make sure you bring along a spotter if you try or you might end up becoming part of the tree!

Hahaha I'll bring lighter to light up my view. Tnx for the tip hahaha.