Somehow, I managed to!
This was kind of crazy, and definitely a situation that I never thought that I would be in. Somehow, I accidentally mailed my camera charger to Germany. Here's the full story.

When I gave away my CANON EOS REBEL T6 due to me upgrading to a T7i, @dalexx from Germany was the grand winner! Amazingly, he just got a new camera worth hundreds of dollars just for making a comment on a post! Soon, I was off to the post office to mail it to Germany.
Then, late on Wednesday night, I wanted to make sure that my camera was fully charged and ready so that I could record whatever I needed to when visiting @freedompoint , @freedomtowrite, @borrowedearth, @armadillocreek, @awesomehomestead, @fetherhd & @rockybrookfarm. Lo and behold, when I went to charge it, my camera battery did not fit...
As it turns out, I had mailed the wrong charger to Germany!!! The one for my T7i is on its way overseas and the one to charge the T6 that I mailed to @dalexx was sitting here in the Ozarks with me. This is definitely not a problem that I ever imagined myself having! Since I use my camera to make a lot of my content here on steemit, I needed to do something quick!
I just got back from the Best Buy store up in Branson, MO. Thankfully, they had one compatible charger in the store. As an added bonus, I got a backup battery, which sure will come in handy. Additionally, it gave me a chance to purchase a camera tripod that @randomstuff recommended to me on a recent visit.
Here is a photo of me enjoying some smoked meat with @randomstuff, @mericanhomestead, and @shalomacres during a recent visit. Yes, the folks at Best Buy and at the Post Office all got a kick out of the guy who accidentally mailed his camera charger to Germany! I guess that is not an issue that they commonly run into. Also, I just sent the correct charger to @dalexx now, so he will be able to charge his camera when he gets it. Again, this story is just one more thing happening in my life that would not even come close to happening without steemit. LOL!
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Until next time…
Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

Can’t say that I’ve actually done that...
Really? Am I the only one?
Well I can't say that I've ever had that happen. But once upon a time I did mail some things from Thailand to the US, visited for more countries in the interim, and still beat my package back to the US by about a week. LOL
Omg @papa-pepper... sh* happens every day :) I will sent it back for sure 🛫 or just come here, your welcome !
Don't bother sending it back, I've had to get a replacement already. Just try not to use up your whole battery before the actual charger gets there!
To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:
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What value do you provide to this platform?
I do it by mistake every week sadly.
OH no!
Nice mistake bro lol it happens. I am sure @dalexx will mail you back your camera charger.
I've still got to mail something to you in Germany, but I've already got a replacement, he don't need to mail it to me.
No rush bro, I know you have a lot to do. We are both extremely busy. Completely understand. God bless and God speed
LOL Life is real while you are living it!
I know it! Thanks @weetreebonsai!
Lolz i guess you are so used to seeing your old charger already... Sorry @papa-pepper
I just see this as a grand opportunity to share the benefits of Steemit with the people at Best Buy! hehehehehe
Papa-Pepper - Fully Charged and at Large! At finer Internet Browsers near you! Have a fun Friday!
That's to funny, Sounds like something I might do.
LOL - What are the odds?
Ouch, that sucks. Never done that...but I did leave my wallet in a restaurant while visiting Chicago. Kinda sucked for 30 min until I realized what happened. Thankfully the cashier folks were holding on to it for me :-)
Lol. It must be very devastating.
Kind of funny though! Thankfully you were able to get another charger that fit.
Steemit is actually making a lot of amazing things happen in our life today, I have series of testimonies too😀
Thanks for sharing @papa-pepper. Ps: I'm a little curious, how did you come about the name @papa-pepper
Great find at Best Buy!
Sounds like a sales pitch haha.
At least they kept you doing what you do.
Thanks for sharing & be more careful next time!
Steem on :)
Problem will never stop.
At least you can get a compatible one to get you going.
Keep on steemin'
Two years ago it may have been a real crisis, now like you say Steemit has changed all of that ! Good for you.
I will reprint here a post I made on a two day old piece you did, because I'm not to sure if you will notice it for all the comments you have garnered.
Papa, eventually your going to have a contest for a signed card and the one for the new 1 oz. round. I would hate missing out on them because when you're posting I'm at work. Other people obviously beat me to the punch and there are ten entries before I even see that there is a sign up sheet. In the future I hope you can do something to disperse the opportunity a little more. I do not mean to complain, I do not mean to lecture, I'm just hoping to make a statement that has some good ramifications.
very funny it sounds @ papa-pepper.good luck @ papa-pepper, very good post
here's the proof: @papa-pepper
I wonder how was the smoke meat taste when its accidentally mailed to me lol...still love your content thanks for sharing it on steemit
I bet, you learned your lesson @papa-pepper and will double check next time. Lol. I do things like that all the time, it drives me insane but maybe one day I will learn.
I love your serious look.
Hello sir, I've been trying to get across to you on DISCORD.
Please I beg you, read your messages.
Thank you. God bless. @Lizbethk .
I'll try to stop in their later. Don't make it to discord all that often.
Wow! That's super kind of you! Congrats to the winner!! 🙌
Oh my goodness!! How in the world!! Thats too funny though!
Haha, that's life! I happened to marry my wife accidentally, but hey, we are happy together almost 18 years now :)
That's almost like Elon Musk sending his wallet to Mars... :D
Que siga el crecimiento y los éxitos!Tienes unas ocurrencias muy divertidas @papa-peper
one word - DOH! hehehe
You were lucky to get a replacement charger so easy.
I bet you check every parcel from now on.
great story and adventure
Smoked meat.. Cool. You guys are having fun.
Don’t you just hate it when that happens! Hey Papa-P! This Steemian sang about gold in a previous video, and now she will sing about gold with her Goldmoney T shirt. Now I know you can sing as evidenced by your Jose Canseco video. Are you going to let another Steemian get away with singing a gold song in a Goldmoney t shirt without a song of your own? The golden gauntlet has been thrown!
Oh no!
Hahaha. Sounds exactly like something I would do.