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RE: The Shit Post

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

We only would be sure that our shit could remain at the Top Of The Shit Scene when this current plopulent 1%-only-Bot-Dung-spate appreciation increase their upvotes percentage exponentially on our shit. Fortunately you already have 403 followers & 2.936 posts under your belt to succeed on this crusade.
But in my case, I envision a more somber future regarding my crap, since no one yet not even dare to comment shit about my shit. LoLHahaha I can relate very well with your article @nonameslefttouse


Are people still voting with 1%? I stopped paying attention.
I'm not even sure what to tell you in the form of advice to help you out. As for this shit post of mine... all I'm really doing here is taking a lighthearted shot at those who like to complain when they see someone doing well. I managed to get some of my work on the so called shit list on a few occasions. I worked hard to get it there. There's not much incentive to want to do well if people will just shit on you for it. Unfortunately, I don't care what they think. That's the part that makes writing up a little gag like this so easy and fun.

Are people still voting with 1%? I stopped paying attention.

Yep mate. At least that's what I'm consistently getting from long time ago!!
¡Splendid army of generous bots leaving tiny crapper all around to reward my shit! LoL

You seem to be taking it well. Work on drumming up some support. When things aren't going right, try to keep it to yourself. Stay focused on your blog and your content. In the past, I've noticed many folks blog consistently, then suddenly snap and start complaining. Things usually get worse before they get better when they take that road. Broadcasting failure never seems to appeal to people looking for interesting or entertaining content.

It took me a long time to build up a following of people who've become accustomed to me posting ridiculous entries like this. This whole thing is just a little joke, me having fun. It's not complaining. I simply went against the status quo drama stuff. Instead of bitching about everything they are bitching about, I pretended to bitch about them. It's all just a show... entertainment. The blog is a stage for me and I perform. Those taking it seriously are unfamiliar with my work. One reason people might enjoy my stuff here is because they never know what I'll be doing next. I keep them on their toes. I fail and look like an idiot more times than I succeed and I think they like that part too. That's all part of my show as well.

Anyone can do whatever they want to do here. It takes a lot of work, dedication, all that fancy stuff. The audience doesn't come easy and nobody is entitled to rewards.

You seem to be taking it well. Work on drumming up some support. When things aren't going right, try to keep it to yourself.

Hahaha that's right bro and seems like you've captured correctly my bat swing & the ball slam here.
As for the rest of your comment, I concur with you!!
Howevah, I can't help it but sometimes pay too much attention to that old saying fluttering over my head way too often: "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" ¿You know? :D

In my world, when my wheels squeak, I grab my own grease gun. If it's empty, I fill it. Then I put that shit on there myself. If I find out later I used the wrong stuff, that's still my fault. Rinse, repeat, hopefully get it right.