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RE: Have you ever been fired from a job for a really stupid reason?

in #funny8 years ago

I didnt get fired but hindsight has left me asking why I was not fired.... in one job when I was 19 I did all of the following:

Rang up my boss and told him I wouldn't be in because I had died!!!!! I didnt turn in that day!!!!

Pushed a customer into a pond be ause he was complaining....... he dared me to do it!!!!

Walked out of work early because I wanted to go to the pub

Fell asleep in my car for 5 hours whilst on my break

Stole a colleagues lunch then gloated about how nice said lunch was..... i replaced it with a lesser quality lunch and an alco pop that was in my bag from the night before.

Got kicked out of a work function because i thought it would be fun to take the game twister and a bittke of baby oil.... it went horribly wrong when I accidentally sprayed baby oil on the dance floor...... missing the twister board altogether.....

But i dudnt get sacked!!!!!! Don't understand why.... there is more.... these are the highlights!!!!!