I got fired from a job because I asked for too high a raise. You don't ask, you don't get right? In that case ...I didn't get :-(
I was devestated.
What do you do when that happens to you?
Mope around and regret what you did OR brush it off and welcome it as an opportunity for life taking a different route than you were expecting.
It turned out that it was the best thing could've happened to me.
I picked myself up and got jobs elsewhere with no issue and eventually ended up at the same place I originally got fired from and I made more money there than I've done anywhere else!
In the immortal words of Winston Churchill, acknowledged by many in the UK as the Greatest Briton, "If you're going through hell, keep going".
The manager would have been much more clever had he said "You're right, I'm not the boss of you...because you're fired!" lol.
Actually I do have a story.
I was working as a waitress for a greek restaurant that had recently opened. I was a great waitress, in fact every waitressing job I acquired after this one (which was my first) found me an invaluable employee. But I digress.
I was a college student at the time and I happened to work with a woman who was...well quite a bit older than me. In fact she was even older than I am now. She had a problem with me from the very beginning, though I will admit that one comment I made did not help the situation. I think it was something along the lines of "Have you always been a waitress?" Fairly benign, but since she wasn't my biggest fan to begin with, she took this to mean I was calling her old, or some such thing. Needless to say she was downright rotten to me after this...for a whole three days until I was called into the manager's office. Who told me that piggyback rides through the restaurant by other employees was not appropriate behavior. Um, what? I had not ever had a piggyback ride by any of my co-workers at any point. Of course I stated this. When I learned who I supposedly got a piggyback ride from- a dishwasher who went by Opie- I knew exactly who had made up this story, since the older woman was also not a big fan of his either. I declared this to the manager, told her that the entire story was a fabrication because this woman disliked both myself and Opie (from what I remember of Ope, he was a funny guy, though sometimes his humor ran on the offensive side, and apparently he'd offended said Older Woman)
I was told by the manager that as it was my word against a respectable employee who had been there longer she was forced to make an executive decision. Needless to say, I think I was more pissed off that I was essentially being called a liar on top of an irresponsible employee.
I walked out and watched as Opie walked in. I knew what was about to happen and a grand idea occurred to me. When he came out, he was red in the face and immediately said, "That fucking bitch, is she here today?" Conviently for her, she was not. Or at least if she was, she was in hiding. I calmed him down and said, "Well, if we're going to be fired for something we haven't done....
He completely agreed. We were both still wearing our uniforms as he gave me a piggyback ride through a full house, and of course him, being well him, said a great deal of "lovely" things about the restaurant and its food as we made several passes through the dining room.
Hahaha! Thanks for reminding me of this story, that was some fun times!
I somehow missed this reply, the last two weeks were really hard trying to keep up with everything, but happily things have gotten back to normal :)
I agree, it was actually fun to work during that time period, when you could do like @meesterboom's post and tell your boss to 'shove this ten foot pole up your hole" hahaha!
Sadly, I lost track of Opie, we knew each other before social media and I don't recall his last name, so I can't even look him put him up and check. But he was a really smart kid (smart asses generally are LOL) so I'm pretty confident he turned out just fine :)
Ugh, I hate judging by seniority. Makes you think why she was still a waitress at her age, huh. It's great that you fulfilled the fabricated story hahaha!! I really enjoy reading about grand exits like these. Makes me wish I had been fired more hahaha!
I thought I woke up this morning, but reading this, I think I have some more waking up to do. Two great stories. Make sure the balls stay out of the paint.
Actually I am going for the exact opposite. Be on the lookout for my modern art series I am going to start. I'll be painting with all sorts of body parts...
My first credit card was Monkey Wards department store card. That was the easiest credit ever. I was always the key holder in my jobs. I was born 50 years older and I'm becoming less responsible every day. @hanshotfirst, always entertaining my friend. Enjoy your weekend.
haha, yeah being from NY originally my friends hit me up with that clip. Rough season for the Mets, everyone is injured and Mr. Met has had enough! lol
haha this actually explains a lot
you were 'working' at a ward
in charge of mixing the very important paint
with all these other 'employees'
sliding around the place with padded walls i bet
surprised they let you out
They didn't. I'm still here. I do enjoy the finger painting though... and all the visits from leprechauns and unicorns... except when the leprechauns tell me to burn things.
Time for meds. Gotta go (I hide them under my tongue. Don't tell).
What the heck! Haha! After years of insults it might've finally gotten to him. The mask shields him from anything being too personal, but I guess he truly has melded with the character. It's too bad if he has been the mascot for years now. Losing his job over that stupid gesture has got to rank among the all-time worst.
Cool story, bro haha! Telling your boss that he's not the boss of you has got to be the surest way to get yourself the boot. It's self-fulfilling and so meta. In a way, it's good that it happened, since you didn't seem to be enjoying your work there anymore. Plus now, you have this awesome story to tell.
Its especially bad because that mascot doesn't really have the "middle finger". The pat I like best is that there is no way to tell if they really fired him. he could still be in there. Who knows.
If ever the former Mr Met was really fired, I think he should reveal himself that he's the previous Mr Met and finally break the Schrodinger's cat situation. Right now, he doesn't have any contract with the company. However, if it doesn't happen, I guess no one was really fired.
About your question sir hanshotfirst: I'm still a student and my parents won't allow me to work so I'm skipping that part for now.
I must say that you were really a 17 year old back then, hehe. To think that the reason for taking a job was to visit a girl. hehe. I would like to know more about that story.
I'm sure they did that guy a favor. It's gotta be like 110 degrees in that suit and it ain't even summer yet! I also love how workers are supposed to sit there & take verbal abuse while the rest of everybody else can hurl insults non-stop.
I'll be honest at 17 was top of my game in the fast food sector, small town Harvey's. Worked my way up off condiments, to cash to drive thru in all of three weeks, unstoppable. But, I loved to flirt and keep a rather perverse sense of humour, which was all fine and good until the rest of the crew discovered that I was about to surpass them to becoming an assistant manager. The day I came in to assume my new position, I was let go on grounds of multiple counts of sexual harassment. Verbal not physical. I learned a valuable lesson that day, if your gonna step over people, make sure your balls aren't hanging out. Figuratively not literally.
Yup, I've been fired for being in a car accident and didn't return in a "timely manner". So they lied and said i quit which never happend. What was funny about the whole situation was once i applied for unemployment they were caught in that lie!
I didnt get fired but hindsight has left me asking why I was not fired.... in one job when I was 19 I did all of the following:
Rang up my boss and told him I wouldn't be in because I had died!!!!! I didnt turn in that day!!!!
Pushed a customer into a pond be ause he was complaining....... he dared me to do it!!!!
Walked out of work early because I wanted to go to the pub
Fell asleep in my car for 5 hours whilst on my break
Stole a colleagues lunch then gloated about how nice said lunch was..... i replaced it with a lesser quality lunch and an alco pop that was in my bag from the night before.
Got kicked out of a work function because i thought it would be fun to take the game twister and a bittke of baby oil.... it went horribly wrong when I accidentally sprayed baby oil on the dance floor...... missing the twister board altogether.....
But i dudnt get sacked!!!!!! Don't understand why.... there is more.... these are the highlights!!!!!
Haha i literally used the is quote the other day in youtube clip form. We accidentally added someone to a private page for our wrestling charity show. We fixed the glitch shortly after.
I got fired for a job for stealing cigarrettes. Only problem for them was, it wasn't me and it ended up being wrongful dismissal and I moved on to greater things very quickly. Added bonuses included, knocking off the bosses daughter, a payout and them coming back to me with a massive apology...
Note: the girl who stole the cigarrettes was a smoker. I am not :)
great posting
Thanks for stopping by to say hi!
I got fired from a job because I asked for too high a raise. You don't ask, you don't get right? In that case ...I didn't get :-(
I was devestated.
What do you do when that happens to you?
Mope around and regret what you did OR brush it off and welcome it as an opportunity for life taking a different route than you were expecting.
It turned out that it was the best thing could've happened to me.
I picked myself up and got jobs elsewhere with no issue and eventually ended up at the same place I originally got fired from and I made more money there than I've done anywhere else!
In the immortal words of Winston Churchill, acknowledged by many in the UK as the Greatest Briton, "If you're going through hell, keep going".
That is a great story of perseverance! Great Churchill quote!
The manager would have been much more clever had he said "You're right, I'm not the boss of you...because you're fired!" lol.
Actually I do have a story.
I was working as a waitress for a greek restaurant that had recently opened. I was a great waitress, in fact every waitressing job I acquired after this one (which was my first) found me an invaluable employee. But I digress.
I was a college student at the time and I happened to work with a woman who was...well quite a bit older than me. In fact she was even older than I am now. She had a problem with me from the very beginning, though I will admit that one comment I made did not help the situation. I think it was something along the lines of "Have you always been a waitress?" Fairly benign, but since she wasn't my biggest fan to begin with, she took this to mean I was calling her old, or some such thing. Needless to say she was downright rotten to me after this...for a whole three days until I was called into the manager's office. Who told me that piggyback rides through the restaurant by other employees was not appropriate behavior. Um, what? I had not ever had a piggyback ride by any of my co-workers at any point. Of course I stated this. When I learned who I supposedly got a piggyback ride from- a dishwasher who went by Opie- I knew exactly who had made up this story, since the older woman was also not a big fan of his either. I declared this to the manager, told her that the entire story was a fabrication because this woman disliked both myself and Opie (from what I remember of Ope, he was a funny guy, though sometimes his humor ran on the offensive side, and apparently he'd offended said Older Woman)
I was told by the manager that as it was my word against a respectable employee who had been there longer she was forced to make an executive decision. Needless to say, I think I was more pissed off that I was essentially being called a liar on top of an irresponsible employee.
I walked out and watched as Opie walked in. I knew what was about to happen and a grand idea occurred to me. When he came out, he was red in the face and immediately said, "That fucking bitch, is she here today?" Conviently for her, she was not. Or at least if she was, she was in hiding. I calmed him down and said, "Well, if we're going to be fired for something we haven't done....
He completely agreed. We were both still wearing our uniforms as he gave me a piggyback ride through a full house, and of course him, being well him, said a great deal of "lovely" things about the restaurant and its food as we made several passes through the dining room.
Hahaha! Thanks for reminding me of this story, that was some fun times!
LOL. Awesome story! It was so awesome to have a job you did not need. That WTF attitude gives you so much power to stand up to nonsense.
Did Opie land on his feet?
I somehow missed this reply, the last two weeks were really hard trying to keep up with everything, but happily things have gotten back to normal :)
I agree, it was actually fun to work during that time period, when you could do like @meesterboom's post and tell your boss to 'shove this ten foot pole up your hole" hahaha!
Sadly, I lost track of Opie, we knew each other before social media and I don't recall his last name, so I can't even look him put him up and check. But he was a really smart kid (smart asses generally are LOL) so I'm pretty confident he turned out just fine :)
Ugh, I hate judging by seniority. Makes you think why she was still a waitress at her age, huh. It's great that you fulfilled the fabricated story hahaha!! I really enjoy reading about grand exits like these. Makes me wish I had been fired more hahaha!
Tell them Mr Balls
He was just doing what he was hired to do, be Mr balls

LOL LOL I have never seen this gif. It is brilliant!!!
I know right hahha
I thought I woke up this morning, but reading this, I think I have some more waking up to do. Two great stories. Make sure the balls stay out of the paint.
Actually I am going for the exact opposite. Be on the lookout for my modern art series I am going to start. I'll be painting with all sorts of body parts...
My first credit card was Monkey Wards department store card. That was the easiest credit ever. I was always the key holder in my jobs. I was born 50 years older and I'm becoming less responsible every day. @hanshotfirst, always entertaining my friend. Enjoy your weekend.
Nice! Benjamin Button of the job world!
haha, yeah being from NY originally my friends hit me up with that clip. Rough season for the Mets, everyone is injured and Mr. Met has had enough! lol
At least he went out with a bang!
Mr. Met is the best haha XD @hanshotfirst
He is definitely a classic icon!
haha this actually explains a lot
you were 'working' at a ward
in charge of mixing the very important paint
with all these other 'employees'
sliding around the place with padded walls i bet
surprised they let you out
They didn't. I'm still here. I do enjoy the finger painting though... and all the visits from leprechauns and unicorns... except when the leprechauns tell me to burn things.
Time for meds. Gotta go (I hide them under my tongue. Don't tell).
Hi I enjoyed your post just want to say thank you for following me too.
What the heck! Haha! After years of insults it might've finally gotten to him. The mask shields him from anything being too personal, but I guess he truly has melded with the character. It's too bad if he has been the mascot for years now. Losing his job over that stupid gesture has got to rank among the all-time worst.
Cool story, bro haha! Telling your boss that he's not the boss of you has got to be the surest way to get yourself the boot. It's self-fulfilling and so meta. In a way, it's good that it happened, since you didn't seem to be enjoying your work there anymore. Plus now, you have this awesome story to tell.
LOL'd at the high tech shaker haha
Its especially bad because that mascot doesn't really have the "middle finger". The pat I like best is that there is no way to tell if they really fired him. he could still be in there. Who knows.
I still laugh at myself for that line to my boss.
Thanks for checking it out!
Oooohhhh you're right! They could just say it's a different person and no one would be the wiser. Those sneaky sneaky Mets..
I didn't even notice there wasn't a middle finger haha! He could've just been telling the person to look above.
For sure!
Sometimes things are tough all over!
Especially when you have a baseball for a head.
I havent been fired from a job but this made a great ready early morning! :D
I aim to please! I'm not surprised you haven't been fired. They would feel too guilty!
Bwhahaha! True that! Although I've quit a couple of times working with people with zero ethics and integrity!
If ever the former Mr Met was really fired, I think he should reveal himself that he's the previous Mr Met and finally break the Schrodinger's cat situation. Right now, he doesn't have any contract with the company. However, if it doesn't happen, I guess no one was really fired.
About your question sir hanshotfirst: I'm still a student and my parents won't allow me to work so I'm skipping that part for now.
I must say that you were really a 17 year old back then, hehe. To think that the reason for taking a job was to visit a girl. hehe. I would like to know more about that story.
LOL. Yep its a pathetic teenage "love" story.
I do like your mr. Met idea. If we don't see Mr. Met and the former Mr. Met in the same place...
Non-disclosure agreements are still in effect after you get fired. One might say that is the main reason for them existing.
So you're behind the Montgomery Wards shutdown... I have been wondering about that! :D
Yes, I was fired once for a stupid reason. And, surprisingly, your article is the second reminder I've had of that today... ;)
But as to why? Sorry, you'll just have to wait for me to write it up as a delightful (and, no doubt, highly rewarded) story on my Steemit blog...
Oh, alright, here's a little teaser:
It involved hamsters and guitars. But that's all I'm going to say for now!

You must write this. You must write it right now!
Thank you, sincerely, for the encouragement! ;) :D
OK, you persuaded me. Here's my tale:
Thanks for the inspiration, and for twisting my arm just a little...
I hope you enjoy it! :D
I read it and LOVED it. EVERYONE should check it out.
Thank you very much, my friend, and thanks again for the "push" that got it out of me! :D :D :D
OMG!!! Its so interesting post with some interesting pics @hanshotfirst
Thanks! I had fun with this one for sure.
I'm sure they did that guy a favor. It's gotta be like 110 degrees in that suit and it ain't even summer yet! I also love how workers are supposed to sit there & take verbal abuse while the rest of everybody else can hurl insults non-stop.
Good point. Better to get released from that suit before August hits. Wonder what it smells like in there...
I'll be honest at 17 was top of my game in the fast food sector, small town Harvey's. Worked my way up off condiments, to cash to drive thru in all of three weeks, unstoppable. But, I loved to flirt and keep a rather perverse sense of humour, which was all fine and good until the rest of the crew discovered that I was about to surpass them to becoming an assistant manager. The day I came in to assume my new position, I was let go on grounds of multiple counts of sexual harassment. Verbal not physical. I learned a valuable lesson that day, if your gonna step over people, make sure your balls aren't hanging out. Figuratively not literally.
You were killing it man! You burned hot and bright in the fast food world... but it is so hard to sustain that meteoric rise.
Great story! And you learned a valuable lesson. Protect those balls!
Glad to say that wasn't the plateau of my career. Those kids deserve $15 an hour and their adult supervision should make way more.
Yup, I've been fired for being in a car accident and didn't return in a "timely manner". So they lied and said i quit which never happend. What was funny about the whole situation was once i applied for unemployment they were caught in that lie!
I didnt get fired but hindsight has left me asking why I was not fired.... in one job when I was 19 I did all of the following:
Rang up my boss and told him I wouldn't be in because I had died!!!!! I didnt turn in that day!!!!
Pushed a customer into a pond be ause he was complaining....... he dared me to do it!!!!
Walked out of work early because I wanted to go to the pub
Fell asleep in my car for 5 hours whilst on my break
Stole a colleagues lunch then gloated about how nice said lunch was..... i replaced it with a lesser quality lunch and an alco pop that was in my bag from the night before.
Got kicked out of a work function because i thought it would be fun to take the game twister and a bittke of baby oil.... it went horribly wrong when I accidentally sprayed baby oil on the dance floor...... missing the twister board altogether.....
But i dudnt get sacked!!!!!! Don't understand why.... there is more.... these are the highlights!!!!!
Haha i literally used the is quote the other day in youtube clip form. We accidentally added someone to a private page for our wrestling charity show. We fixed the glitch shortly after.
deserve upvote and resteem...
nice post.
Ok :))
:)) good Story
I have never been fired from a job. I've always quit second.
I got fired for a job for stealing cigarrettes. Only problem for them was, it wasn't me and it ended up being wrongful dismissal and I moved on to greater things very quickly. Added bonuses included, knocking off the bosses daughter, a payout and them coming back to me with a massive apology...
Note: the girl who stole the cigarrettes was a smoker. I am not :)