I'm not quite sure but the TL;DR part about the stuck door bell reminded me about a trip I did years back in Newcastle, England. You've got to understand that city is full of characters, some of whom are a little dodgy. And a fair few of them, pretty weird.
To cut a long story short, for some reason or other I went to the shop which was only around the corner. On the way back, some wideboy came up to me and said, 'hey mister, is this your cat?' - He was holding a cat.
I ran home (round the corner). For the rest of the night, I could have sworn I could hear calling through my letterbox, 'hey, have you lost a cat?' And the odd - human - meowing through my letterbox.
Whilst I probably hallucinated half the sounds, I'm pretty sure I must have been seen entering my house by this guy and I'm fairly sure he did spend some time at my letterbox.
I had never seen that cat before in my life and it certainly didn't live in my cat-less student house (landlord's rules). Never saw the guy again, either, thankfully.
I think you might have the wrong support group. You story sounds like it would trend to me. I hate it though, when my mailbox talks to me. I tried to write it a letter, but I never got a response.
Very good! :D