To Start
From the beginning.
How to avoid doing a good job.
Step by step.
Tip #1
The Headline.
Maybe some people speed read? Are you here because you read, how article on trending so hard, instead?
example: This post won't trend because the headline sucks.
Tip #2
Make things extremely confusing for the reader.
Some people are simply stunned by default. It's best to be clear about these things.
example: You still have no idea how you got here, what you got here, when you got here, why you got here, who you got here and where he came from.
Tip #3
Stall as much as possible. Use subliminal messages. Then start talking about something else. Eventually explain something. Become angry for no reason. It's easier if I just draw you a picture.
Only the strong survive.
example: You are strong like the warrior.
Tip #4
Some things are better left unsaid.
example: That sounds like a pipe tipping. Tip. Tip. Tip. Tip.Tip #5
I took a fork button.
example: What the fuck is a fork button?Tip #6
He started to look like a blue Uncle Ben.
example: Nobody is afraid of a rice salesman.Tip #7
Who's going to give a shit about a big blue rice salesman? Nobody!
example: I started to see red.Tip #8
Example: You can look down now.
Tip #9
That's what happens when you ring the bell too many times mister rice salesman. Rubber ducks make everything better.
Some people never learn.
Example: There are plenty of other examples in the basement.
Tip #10
During a battle with a strange new hallucinogen, a fight ensued. The Writer/Artist Himself gave up all hope of trending today when all he could think of writing was a shitty top ten list while observing strange bugs on his arm that wouldn't die. Then there was a knock at the door. The knock turned into thirty minutes of stuck door bell syndrome and a man yelling from the outside at the top of his lungs about how the bell won't stop ringing. That instance of disturbance quickly escalated into one bloody mess of a blue man ending up in the tub with the rest of the bell ringers who have not completely dissolved yet.
Have a nice day.

As you can see from the comments already you are lending hope to all the new steemians with your informations!!! :O)
They can hardly wait till his next post for more good advice, hahaha
My informations is good informations. Robots can't read my informations though. My informations are like that on purpose just to fuck with the robots. That's my other hobby.
So I was trying to suggest some funny people for my sister to follow. You, @meesterboom and @sift666 were the only ones I could come up with. Honestly, are there really only 3 funny people on Steemit? Who have I forgotten?
Anyway, what I was getting to was that I went to the #funny Trending page and scrolled down and down past a load of boring old dross, until at about #70 I found a funny post about a Tumcat. Seriously, WTF? #70!
Yes. If you'd like see what a moron who spends more than all day working on art while writing oddly humorous stories about nothing looks like, simply scroll down to the bottom, keep scrolling, keep scrolling, keep scrolling there I am. Yes. I'm one of the three funny people and the steemit community really loves keeping me down there where it thinks I belong.
Only the part of the community that wouldn't know funny if it was sucking their dick...
My last blowjob was quite humorous but I think I'll save that story for another post that won't trend.
Snorfle! (to quote Mr Boom)
trending pages are bullshits. I find few funny pages and I follow those.
Sadly, most of artists and musicians take themselves very seriously - very elitist, isn't it?
There has been a time, long long ago, when a frog turned into a car and the whole world burned in flames of spagetti! The meatballs however, got lost on the Tennis field without being played! I was abacinated because the aide-de-camp told me that the amphibrach was full! So there.....
I think you came to the wrong place. That'll definitely trend. You can't fool me. Sorry to hear about your meatballs. I do hope they recover.
Excuse me while I feel hurt to the bone right now Mister no name! There is no way in diblip that this will trend what so evil! You must be wrong! I accept your apology! Thank you!
Even your sarcasm is undetectable. You'll be trending in no time. You're welcome!
I've really been looking for a guide like this. I've generally been pretty good at avoiding the trending page so far.
What I usually do is take the gist of what I'm writing about and then come up with the most boring title I can think of.
For example if I wrote about the time I got dumped at a Chinese restaurant, I might write.....
Eating Chinese food by myself.
See? Now that sounds really boring.
It's a skill that I'm really good at. It also helps to put a picture that has nothing to do with the title.
For example....... that post was actually about how my date stood me up and the horrible evening and all the various funny things that happened throughout it.
Therefore it's a good idea to put a picture of a blade of grass or a random tree.
It has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.......and the picture in and of itself is incredibly boring too.
So that way I take a really interesting tale of getting stood up at a Chinese restaurant without any money and trying to find my way home through all this traffic while a million different things happen to me and turn it into this.....
Eating Chinese food by myself.
With a picture of a really boring looking tree.
This usually works for me........ however I'm working on more and better techniques and I'm always open to ideas.
That is excellent advice. You're off to a good start and shouldn't be seeing the trending page any time soon.
Switch to pictures of a fast food place you took last year for the ending. Leave it at that for no reason. That always helps.
Our house doesn't have a door bell. I refuse to get one to deter people from visiting me. If I hear someone knocking I hide. This way it's easier to pretend I didn't hear the knock when the person calls me later to tell me they came by.
My fullproof method to keep off the trending page is to remain me. If I win the lottery and can power up to whalehood I'm totally screwed and will be trending all the time. Interestingly I'm sad about the rubber duckies dissolving in acid more than blue man.
The struggle is real. Remaining off of the trending page has become my trademark theme. As for the rubber duckies... they float on a thin layer of something else that stays at the surface. I'm not sure what it is, as I'm not a scientist, but I know it doesn't melt rubber ducks. They're safe.
I'm not quite sure but the TL;DR part about the stuck door bell reminded me about a trip I did years back in Newcastle, England. You've got to understand that city is full of characters, some of whom are a little dodgy. And a fair few of them, pretty weird.
To cut a long story short, for some reason or other I went to the shop which was only around the corner. On the way back, some wideboy came up to me and said, 'hey mister, is this your cat?' - He was holding a cat.
I ran home (round the corner). For the rest of the night, I could have sworn I could hear calling through my letterbox, 'hey, have you lost a cat?' And the odd - human - meowing through my letterbox.
Whilst I probably hallucinated half the sounds, I'm pretty sure I must have been seen entering my house by this guy and I'm fairly sure he did spend some time at my letterbox.
I had never seen that cat before in my life and it certainly didn't live in my cat-less student house (landlord's rules). Never saw the guy again, either, thankfully.
I think you might have the wrong support group. You story sounds like it would trend to me. I hate it though, when my mailbox talks to me. I tried to write it a letter, but I never got a response.
Very good! :D
All this reading, reading - it's too much to follow. Could you do a 8-minute DTube video where you read your list. You can start by just staring at us and then drinking. Talk slow and drift to another topic here and there. That way, we can form a human connection. And help you not trend on DTube, too. We are all in this non-trending together, except for a few....
And I agree about the rubber ducks. Yours are nice with all that splatter. That's a nice artistic touch, for sure!
Talking heads. That's what the world needs more of right now. Never mind this never before seen style stuff. I should start out by preparing people for two minutes and explain how they are about to enjoy a joke, like these other jokers do. That way, I'll insult the intelligence of the viewer, but not in a way they'd understand, before I get started. That would be a good way to stay off of the trending page.
See? You already lost my attention because I had to wait for a answer - a written answer, no less. Video, or non-stop talk radio, is the only thing that I can relate to. I won't know what you are saying, but I will feel something. Without the effort of reading or thinking. All this reading you want me to do! You will stay off the trending page forever. Especially when you have followers that are a week or more behind in answering comments, lol! ; )
Fantastic, haha =]. Rubbery ducks DO make everything better. Is the rice saleman picking his nose?
How cool. You actually noticed the finger. Yes. There's a bit of hidden nose picking going on there.
Haha nice =] I'm glad I wasn't imagining it...
Ah! By reading the wrong way to do it, you know how to do it right. Unless the light bulb needs replacing you are good to go. Thanks for the inversed humor. Love it!
You're welcome. At least you knew what you read, so that's a good sign. Thanks!
Let me tell you how I finally voted and read this post:
First I see "How to Avoid Getting Your Post on the Trending Page" I was like...Me getting my post on the trending page? You must be kidding me. WHY SHOULD I EVEN BOTHER READ THAT?
Oh well, I will read it because I like this fellow wacko's posts a lot (he rarely reads mine lol). Reading...Keith Flint from The Prodigy again...Cool! I am listening to the Firestarter now! Every time I read your posts I reminisce the 90's for some strange reason. Ahhh nostalgia!
PS. My votes gives 10 cents now. I feel like incredible Hulk!
Sounds like you've been taking a few fork buttons too. I'm certain everyone will want to know how to avoid the trending page though.
Is there a not strange new hallucinogen? The man yelling about the doorbell part made my weird brain remember a night in Costa Rica. I was woken up at around 3:15AM by loud banging and yelling. Thinking someone might be trying to break in I went to check it out. As I got closer I could begin to make out the yelling. Some dude was banging on my neighbours garage door yelling in Spanish over and over "You bitch you gave me fucking herpes! You goddamn bitch you fucking gave me herpes!" and other variants of the same sentence for about 20 minutes before finally some cops came. He told them to arrest the bitch who lives there because she gave him herpes. They arrested him instead. Good times.
Years ago, I think someone put some fun stuff in a drink of mine. I wasn't expecting to be, elsewhere, so I panicked and tried to walk home. I remember finding a house, which wasn't strange, because I was in a city. For some reason I thought it was my ex's grandmother's house. I banged on the door. They wouldn't let me in. I did that for a long time before I decided to just go to sleep in their porch. I woke up, had these vague memories, didn't know where I was, got out of there as fast as I could. No cops were called. Good times!
A guy I used to know who looked a lot like a younger version of me was a squarepusher for many years. Elsewhere is better than nowhere, as long as you're still somewhere you can always be here now, or if you're you and not me as it were, be there now...
My mind tends to wander super mario style at least once per year. That's about it now. My yearly tradition of a mental reset. Funny thing is... now scientists and doctors are coming out and saying the things I already knew for two decades are true. Too much of anything is just that though.
It is pretty cool that there's actual research being done on those types of compounds again. I even donated to the crowdfunding for that LSD brain imaging study a couple of years ago. "Everything in moderation - including moderation" lol
Buwahahahahaha People are getting serious about the tips but @nonameslefttouse wrote all these tips when he was sleeping :P :D :D
Yes, He is such an awesome creator that sometimes he surpasses the level of Mr.Bean :P :D :D
I loved every single word you wrote to avoid trending :D
Thanks for making the Suday more Funday :) :)
You're welcome! I shall live to not trend another day.
Every time I try to come up with a top ten list of anything, I run out after about 1. I'm not sure why, but it could be because:
Also the internet has been slow here all day, not sure why, but I'll work on a short list of possible reasons, and a nice headline.
You're not supposed to call it slow internet anymore, okay. It's retarded internet.
Four reasons. Spring, summer, fall and winter. That's what happens when you make a typo. Those things are all just as important if you don't want to be trending like me. Don't forget.
Tickled by your headline & your hallucinatory post.
I know you’re having fun, here, but if I were to take this even slightly seriously I’d say that our wants tend to scare things off (Trending Page, as well).
Teach us to care and not to care
Teach us to sit still
Even among these rocks
The serious side is: I started creating a blue face that ended up looking like shit and I already knew in advance I wasn't going to be trending today so I just destroyed the thing, wrote this mess, and here we are.
There is nothing better than rubbing your favourite duck before going to bed.
Maybe a little bit better... if the duck is soaked with your enemies blood (Wahaha evil laughter).
For some strange reason I just want upvote this post. I’m not sure why.
Ok I am going to get 2 rubber ducky and cover them in pigs blood. Go to taco bell with them and procrastinate as long as possible coming up with a title. Meanwhile, I will become fully enraged when I order my double decker hold the cheese, meat, sauce, and tomato and when they only deliver me a shell. The mice flow at noon during high tide of a moon.
Thanks for the tips man I don't need no trending page burden or stress on these shoulders.
That's right. Order the lettuce taco and tell them how to do their job. Nobody will want to know about that. I'm glad my informations helped.
I think this comment has help even more. I have formulated a new plan.
Next time im at taco bell I'm just going ask for two nonameslefttouse. When they look at me all funny I'll be all "I should not have to tell you how to do your job its on the secret menu. "
Little will they know unless they have seen your blog and then I'm SOL lol.
I'm pretty sure everyone who works at taco bell has seen this blog. That only makes sense.
Yeah, this all makes perfect sense to me. Especially the bloody rubber ducks. Thanks for sharing! I'm actually pretty great at avoiding the trending page, but we all need a refresher now and then.
I just thought I should help everyone today. As you can see; It's working.
Like a charm! And we all really appreciate your help. We'd all be writing disastrous trending crap if it wasn't for you!
First of all the third thing to remember is that the alphabet is just a bunch of sound shapes.
Like A
Or C you see?
Another one is R
Or Q
I queue in line
Are you K?
Have you ever bent a spoon with your mind?
The funny thing is that a spoon is always bent right? If it were flat you couldn't really scoop with it right?
Fuck! My spoon is bent straight now!
Ok let's fix this, here's an artwork I made with rubber ducks in it!
All's well that end's well, dismount, summersault, faceplant.
I once bent a spoon with another bent spoon.
l'oy godnoops! That's Y'ol spoondog backwards!
Your tips all add up to "bore the reader to death!"
If he survivea after reading your blog, the you have done a bad job! 🤣🤣😂😂
very humourous i read it all and enjoyed your trip tpp - i now follow you and i upvoted as well - looking forward to seeing you visit my page too -D
oh boy yes oh dear i love this and some of that and ive been doing so well at it untrending and impossible friending backbending not a good time for rhyming ee cummings chiming in and if i look where its been well who would want that anyway or pay for free look at me only i'm shy
thank you for this post very much!
I don't think I've touched the trending page except by accident since the first week of being here XD
"The Untrendables" sounds like it could be an interesting movie.
The Untrendables sounds like it could be my entire body of work.
Like I said, interesting XD
Well played!
You bastard. You were correct. You have trended the shit out of the untrendable tag. That is almost as unethical as whatever it is that the trendies do to pay themselves and cut everyone else out of their rewards. I said almost because I don't understand ethics. I mean I do but I don't because shitty people make the rules.
I'm raping the untrendable reward pool straight up the ass. And I would have got away with it too, if it wasn't for those damn kids.
Lol. Hilarious stuff mate. Cheers.
Frankly speaking, I had to read this post like three times before I understand it LOL. First, the title is like a sarcasm. I felt everyone would want there post on the trending page. Hmmm
Tip #7
People find posts that are serious but comical interesting most times. They would be glued to it and finally discovered that it has little or no meaning at the end. It's a great writing technique that works.
Thanks for sharing and best wishes!!
LOL... yeah. This post was designed to be a train wreck from the start. Some of the tips describe the feelings someone who came to this post with intentions of learning something might be feeling, in real time. Humor isn't the easiest thing to read, but I'm not apologizing! LOL
This helped me so much, thank you! I'm already not on the trending page anymore lol. Finally!!
You're welcome! Soon you'll go from being sadpotato to baked potato too.... whatever that means!
This sounds like a therapy. You didn’t disapoint making this “untrendables” confusing anough for me to understand what is going on. I belive the bug making noice “Tip. Tip. Tip. Tip.” just pissed you off. And I belive mister rice salesman had a bad day as well. Why? I have no idea. But if I was a salesman and no one would even answer the door I would bi pissed as well. At the end everybody was pissed.
“Thank you very much sir, this was very informative post and I would realy appreciate if you visit my post and upvote me”lol
Can I compare this to how much you were pissed when “The knock turned thirty minutes of stuck door bell syndrome and a man yelling from the outside at the top of his lungs about how the bell won't stop ringing.”
Your art didn’t disapoint, it looks like a bloodbath of two cute yellow ducks with mister @nonameslefttouse watching.
I'm gonna be honest. I have no idea what I've just read... But it made things clearer when you mentioned the hallucinogen, hehe
Yeah. Things start making sense when you're around those.
Top 10 is everything I was missing.
Also talking about a crypto that doesn't exist but you make people beleive it does so they invest money into it. Actually, that's a ponzi scam.
Nice write up, I hope this trends.
Oh it'll trend alright. It'll trend straight to the basement with the rest of the bodies.
This excites me
(Tip. Tip. Tip. Tip.) echo
This is a great post with amazing advices.I also love the photo you used, it’s very expressive!
Keep it up!
I have more advices in the tub, if you're interested.
You're far too kind for newbies: don't tell them all. lol
This is really helpful tip the afore mention steemians. Good detailed explanations, thank for sharing this info.
Tip. Tip. Tip. I hear a pipe tipping.
Perhaps the problem is our paradigm that we expect others to consume information in the same way as we do. As an artist do you put out what you like or what you think others like. The difference between the two arguments usually shows up in your bank account. That said I believe that Steemit can have a diverse enough audience to find some people who actually like the way we see things. So if you have very few followers we can tell ourselves we are just very unique!
Let me put these tips to action. I'm a fast learner & can guarantee to be a great student of yours. Thank you!
Just try not to stain the carpet.
Will aim to. Negative psychology does work
that's some funny shit
Very good link
Thanks for all the information to help me along as a new steemian
I'm so late commenting because I couldn't find a pen and paper to take notes...haha, okay the truth is I just got a new laptop and I'm trying to get everything transferred, updated, downloaded and organized and it is a bitch.
But this song makes it so much better:
And this one: (I am digging on this guy, my brother sent the first song to me this morning)
I just finished the How to avoid trending page something or other part two.
Heading over...but listen to these songs when you get a chance, I would be surprised if you said you didn't like them- it's humor in music form ;)
Some lyrics in the second song, lol:
Before mankind could even pitch a tent he discovered how the alcohol'd ferment, and for the next ten thousand years he drank his liquors wines and beers, let's honor him for all the time he spent!
When primal caveman wanted to get high, there wasn't a dispensary nearby. Before he found that OG kush he smoked every shrub, tree and bush, let's not forget his sacrifice as I.