I am so excited about the future! Not only about the rise of crypto and all the "abundance" but also about witnessing the shift to when nobody owns cars anymore and how that will change our cities and communities. There will suddenly be so much space, where cars used to park before...
Oh and that replicator!!!! Nano technology will not only produce Earl Grey tea out of thin air, it will also transform toxic waste and oil spills in no time - I can't even imagine all the possibilities and goodness!!
Yes once they start to get to that level....anything is possible. You are going to see the change in atomic structure which takes what was toxic and make in, at a minimum, neutral.
I really wish I had a time machine to jump ahead by about 8 years. LOL
Me too! Though in all honesty I would probably check coinmarketcap first when I arrive in the future, before I do anything else 😆
If you do, can you send me an email retroactive to today and I will dump some money into some good tokens before I leave....
Ill split the profits with you. 😁
Of course I will! Or better yet - I will post it on steemit, so that we can share the abundance with everyone! :)