Age Of Abundance: The Basic Are Going To Be Very Inexpensive

in #future7 years ago

One of my passion is following the trends in technology and how they are going to shape how we live down the road. This is something I made a study the last 8 years or so to the point it is an obsession. A payoff of this is that I am now seeing technologies emerging that were only in the planning or testing stage just a few years ago.

We are in a time of transition when more of our daily lives is becoming digital. This will only increase as we see the expansion of the Internet to include more devices connected. The Internet of Things is radically going to revolution how we interact with our devices and, believe it or not, how they interact with each other.

As things become digitized, they fall under the Laws of Informational Technology. For those who are unaware, this basically is made up of processing, storage, and software. This is a crucial point for people to understand since it has relevance to what we are going to be paying for things in the future.

At present these areas have a rate of doubling:

Processing :every two years (50% price decrease)
Storage: every three years (33% price decrease)
Software every six years ( 16% price decrease)

It quickly becomes obvious why things that enter this realm get very inexpensive in a short period of time. The rates of price decreases spread to the entire economy. For this reason, I believe we witnessed Central Banks around the world pumping money like crazy for a decade yet not getting any inflation. The technological pace they were up against is simply too great.

Over the next decade, we are going to see many of the basic necessities of life start decline in price. Peter Diamandis calls this"demonetization". Basically, after something is digitized, it gets very inexpensive.

Take music as an example. 25 years ago, $11 got one a CD with 12 or 14 songs. Now, if you don't want commercials, $10 a months gets you access to 30 million songs on Pandora.

Remember when cell phones were something for the wealthy? During the same period as I just mentioned, we saw phones going for a thousand dollars with rates of $1.50 per minute. Today, phones are simply a minor cost and most plans have unlimited voice and text (and some data).

The automotive industry received a ton of press the last few years with the impending introduction of wide scale electric cars followed by autonomous capabilities. I recall reading in 2014 how they were projecting that there would be an autonomous prototype available by 2025. That estimate was crushed since Waymo already has autonomous vehicles in testing on the streets of an area of Phoenix.

This is just an example of the pace that technology is advancing ahead.

We are rapidly heading for the Age of Abundance. Most of my regular readers know where I stand on cryptocurrencies, STEEM in particular. The Internet came to money. Just like music is abundant, so is information, communication, and video. This medium takes anything digital and replicates it rather inexpensively. Think if how many pictures you see on a daily basis that were taken and uploaded by people. There was a time, not too long ago, where 24 pictures cost $8 to get developed.

The Age of Abundance is going to reverse what we experienced the last 100 years.

During that period, we saw the price of goods and services increase while the value of money decreased. This is backwards since we did make great technological advancement during that time. However, now we are seeing the opposite.

Cryptocurrency goes up in value (at least compared to fiat) while our basic necessities are going to be coming down. Technology, or more specifically, that under the Laws of IT, is penetrating every area of life. This is going to result in a cost reduction.

Today, housing, medical, and transportation are probably the three biggest expenses a household has. For some, we can add education to the mix. All four of these areas are presently seeing massive digitization which will reduce the prices. Think of each of these industries experiencing what the cell phone and computer industries went through.

What is happening in each field is too cumbersome to include in this post. However, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of different projects which will achieve the end I am referring to.

The housing market is starting to see strides made in Contour Manufacturing (3D printing). There have been a number of projects around the world which were already 3D printed. This will only increase as the equipment gets better and less expensive. Nevertheless, even today, full size homes are printed in 10-24 hours.

Medical is moving from reactive to preventative. Again, there are too many things taking place to list but there are a number of large firms along with startups all working on personal health monitoring devices. AI is making significant headway in this marketplace already outpacing doctors at certain things. There will come a time when you will not let a human operate on you since the robotics will be much better. Seriously, would you rather have a doctor who did 4 operations the previous week or a software network that did 3,000 of them around the country in the same period of time. Machine learning via sharing with each other is really exploding.

Transportation costs are expected to come down 90% by 2025. This is due to the emergence of autonomous technology. People pay $400-$700 a month to have a car that sits 95% of the time. Ride sharing is going to explode and the price of a trip will drop to near nothing once the cost of labor is removed.

This are just a few examples of what is going to happen over the next decade. We are seeing similar results in the areas of energy (renewables), insurance (big data), water (desalinization), and food (AgTech). Of course, most on here are aware of the impact cryptocurrencies and blockchain are having on the cost of money transfers.

If we go out past 10 years, we are going to see nanotechnology start to move to the forefront and this is where we will see the Star Trek replicator emerge. At that point, people are going to make whatever they want for just the cost of raw materials.

Get ready for a wild ride. Lots of good stuff happening.

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Another awesome article! I remember when 1GB flash drives cost $50. Nowadays you could probably get a 512GB flash drive for the same price. The advancement in technology is increasing exponentially after each passing day. We're very lucky to be living in these exciting times especially after the rise of the internet, smartphones, and now, cryptocurrencies. Looking forward to and very excited about this "Age of Abundance" you reference.

I remember 256MB for about $27.

Yeah I havent looked at what type of memory they have now but I am sure it is a lot....

As for what we saw, I think we havent seen anything yet...there is a lot more to come in the future....and rather quickly compared to the past.

Just bought 32 gigs for less than 10usd but that was at the mall so it was probably expensive.

Nice post but don't you think the technological advancement has made man more lazy?

you all right friends. in Indonesia, bitcoin transactions through banks have been appealed by the central bank. maybe they worry about inflation and raising money..but I don't no more that..thanks@taskmaster4450.

Banks all over the world are cautious about crypto because it's a relative unknown and they have no control over it. In the UK, there have been banks (and I believe some might still be doing so) who close down customers' accounts because they've traded in cryptos - not just blocked a transaction, closed the account.

Wow... I hadnt heard that but it doesnt surprise me.

I believe the banks are aware of crypto, that it isnt so much of an unknown but a threat. They know what this can do to them.

Anyone who has a wallet on their phone has a can send, store, and receive money...that is what 95% of the people use banks for.

Yes, taskmaster. I’ve explained that to many people about crypto.

Crypto is making banks obsolete!

I won't say fully obsolete, but rather unnescesary, leading them from elitist place to competive markets again. Banks would have to provide needed services for affortable price.

Here in Portugal they closed some bank accounts because of that as well.

I hope you're right. That kind of a future would be something good to look forward to in the midst of all the despair we see in the world today. Even in the U.S., most people live paycheck to paycheck and struggle just to survive.

Certainly the internet thus far has been a tremendous source of deflation. Even so, we're seeing inflation in things people need (such as food, housing, medical care) and deflation in things people don't need.

Lower costs in technology and transportation in the near term are very obvious to me. I also think over the medium-long term the bubble in higher education will pop. The Harvards and Yales will always be able to name their price, but private universities in lower tiers are going to be in for a world of hurt as students and their families become increasingly unwilling to pay their exhorbitant costs.

Beyond that, I see the potential you speak of in housing and medical care, but wonder how quickly society will be able to benefit from greater efficiencies and lower costs. Right now there are so many parties enriching themselves at the trough (hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, plaintiff's lawyers, doctors, etc.) that I really wonder what it's going to take to bring some sanity to our healthcare system. A hugely disproportionate amount of money in the U.S. is spent on medical care relative to the benefits we receive. That needs to change, but I'm not sure the change will occur before the system implodes due to out-of-control costs.

I hope technology can help bring positive change about.

You are correct on the medical....I agree is going to be tough.

There are so many large entities with their hands in that pot that moving them out isnt going to be easy. We are going to have to have a major shift in focus to see that happen. Fortunately, the system is gaining recognition for being too expensive, a path that cannot be sustained.

How quickly? I do think it will move very fast....5 years before we start to see any impact is my turning an oil freighter...takes a long time.

There will come a time when you will not let a human operate on you since the robotics will be much better. Seriously, would you rather have a doctor who did 4 operations the previous week or a software network that did 3,000 of them around the country in the same period of time. Machine learning via sharing with each other is really exploding.

Technology is really moving at a neck-breaking speed. Years back, I was using grinding stone to puree tomatoes but now we have food processor. Years back, there were no computers nor internet but today we can hardly stay away from them. Technology will continue to evolve to serve us better. So anything is possible with technology.

I see this as good news. Government and banks are having a hard time with the decentralization caused by the Internet and cryptocurrency. When everything was centralized they had total control over all facets of the economy.

When everything was centralized they had total control over all facets of the economy.

Not only stifles innovation. A centralized system is not as innovative as a decentralized system. That is why I do not believe the social media entities stand a chance against a blockchain like this. You have over 50K daily users, many whom are programmers, creating all kinds of things on here without anyone to say no that wont work.

If someone wants to try something, they are free to throw it on the blockchain. The determining factor is whether people use it or not.

Fantastic article.

The future is looking brighter and brighter on many fronts. You brought up many things that are about to explode. Personally I cannot wait until we do get to that star trek faze and nanotechnology. No stopping us then.

Yes that one is a bit further off...perhaps 20-30 years....but the other stuff should all happen by 2030.

Which sounds like a long way off, but the older I get, the faster 12 years goes by.

We actually already have nanotechnology. I spent my final year of Architecture school in a Special Topics Nanorobitics course building Soft Robot that worked via pneumatics (air) while other Ferro-Magnetism and Audrino circuit boards. Stuff straight out the comics and sci fi shows.

The Future is Now.

(3Ds Max Concept --- PrePneucatic bubble but represention of directions when connect to Audrinos)

That Studio changed my perspective on our current state of global technology. It taught me we have an abundance of technologies at our disposal now. We just have to build upon and combine the technologies in new innovative ways.

This is the Blockchain. This is Steem.

Brighter? Hm. What about unemployment..

The more steemit get known and as you work your way up you won't have to even worry about unemployment

Let's hope so!

Some interesting points indeed. I think that rather than talking about abundance, a better way of looking at it, is that cryptocurrencies will see in a large-scale re-distribution of wealth.

I don't think, certainly not in recent history, but maybe ever, has somthing happened to allow the poorest people to become wealthy, whilst making some of the wealthiest (who doggedly cling to what made them rich in the first place) relatively poor.

Even if you look at Steemit, right now. As a new user I see people who've been here for longer than me making huge amounts of money. And I know that, as I start to post my own content, it'll be hard to begin with, and I'll see very little in return. But, a few years down the line, and I'll be seen as an early adoptor, and be getting a lot more out of the platform than a new user. It's all relative.

Cryptocurrencies are a huge opportunity, but the sooner you make an investment (and on Steemit, that could be money, time, or both), and the bigger that investment is, the more upside you have.

In the coming years, some of the richest people on the planet will be those who invested early in cryptocurrencies. And whilst we're not at the beginning of the ride, you can still jump on today and make huge returns uf you're in for the long-term.

I agree with you about the wealthiest people down the road will be those who got into crypto early!

I just put pocket change into crypto the last couple years. The returns have been through the roof! I only wish I had it in me to invest more aggressively! I would have retired by now before the age of 40!

You got in before me. I invested about $100 in November 17 because I wanted to do a little trading, learn as I go and make mistakes with a small amount before I'm ready (and can afford) to invest more. I've made a good return on my $100 and learnt a lot of good lessons, and have made mistakes which cost me $20 or $25.

I know this is the best, and most sensible approach long-term, but it's been hard to see huge profits being made all around me whilst I'm playing with peanuts. Still, I'm a wiser investor and better trader moving forward, and this is a long game, not a sprint.

For me, I am a buy and HODL (and readjust my portfolio as time goes by).

Those who can trade and consistently make a hat is off to them. Personally, I find success, especially in crypto, in getting into quality coins and letting it ride. At present, BTS and STEEM are my two biggest hodlings. I did well with BTC, ETH, and LTC but have lightened up on them a bit....I still have positions but moved it to coins I think have a higher multiple for growth over the next year.

Overall, I think the most important thing is for people to get started acquiring tokens however they can. With STEEM and a few others, we are beginning to see the ability to get tokens for using the blockchain they are on. This is huge. It allows the average person to start amassing a stake without having to put in money.

And as we know, even a small stake can end up being enormous over a couple years in this realm.

That's one of the biggest lessons I've learnt - don't try to trade...invest. You'll rarely beat the market, or a particular coin by jumping in and out - your timing must be exceptional, and your own time cost is high. Better to research (and get past the hype/BS), look for an opportunity to buy on a dip and HODL.

One of my biggest mistakes was to jump in/out of ETH, and the night before it went on its incredible bull run, mid-december, I'd bought at a low and set a sell order at a [what I thought] was a ridiculous high - to try and catch a spike in price). When I got up the next day, I'd sold, but it'd risen about another 10% over that. So I waited for it to come back down, so I could buy in at even a small loss. It kept on rising, and I completely missed the boat. I think I missed out on about 3x-ing my [small] investment, and it hurt like hell.

By the way...thank you so much for all the upvotes you've sent my way. You've really given my faith in the platform and reassurance that I'm going to thrive on the Steem network. Thanks!

Not a problem @m-ssed-t

I am a believer in rewarding those who comment since I think it is central to this platform.

And here is a secret, if you look at the heavy hitters, all of them reward comments. It is only the small ones who do not.

As for ETH, I bought and held until it went to a point where I scaled back. I still have a bit of a position in it and so I am enjoying the run....I ll just let the rest ride.

You will thrive on this network there is no great secret to it...persistence and consistency is the key...and a bit of obsession/addition. LOL

The next phase is what you are starting to see on STEEM. Cryptocurrencies that people can acquire through the utility of the blockchain is the next big move. Instead of the average person having to buy in, which many cannot, the tokens will be given in response to whatever it was designed for.

This is revolutionary and why I believe people will be earning 25-50 different tokens each month in only a couple years. There is that much coming online on decentralized platforms.

I just hope I was born early enough to take advantage of the coming revolution in health care that extends life spans by decades, if not hundreds of years. Oh, and for $1,000 STEEM.

Yes me too....the human longevity is a bit further out....we will see what the next 20 years holds in that arena.


Just found your blog thanks to, and what a great podcast. I am new to steemit and still finding my way around, but I'm certainly glad I found you, and I thank you for the inspiration and insight.

Just thought I would add that adoption program should be called the mentor program good sir. I can't wait to dive deeper into more of your content.

In truth we should already be in the age of abundance.

We would be if not for the bankster manipulated fiat system. That is why crypto is so dangerous. It is beyond their ability to effectively control.

Without an artificial scarcity model the advancements we will see are unfathomable from our current viewpoint.

Thanks for the post.

Keep Steeming!

Coupled with your last post,
You are basically sharing with us, that we are entering a Super Technological Golden Culpa. You are not kidding how the digital age is moving light speed.@taskmaster4450

Do you think Dwave Computing etc, are going to super speed up the data mining process, data speed, and everything internet, that could take us faster to what you have researched? Or is quantum computing, trinary code, etc is still in its infancy?
Exciting read!

Quantum is really in its infancy...and still a long way off. I do believe you will see quantum chemistry in about 5 years but full blown quantum like exocomputers, at least 10 years off..perhaps even 15.

I think what is going to speed things up are 3D chips, organic materials for computing, and when they build out the 5G network.

What really is going to have an impact is another roughly 5B people added to the internet via the projects like Oneweb and SpaceX that are going to blanket the globe with satellites for Internet. This will really add to the world knowledge base.

We are entering exciting nothing we have seen before.

Jezze, at that point I hope someone will come out with a more organic- technological interface that could somehow convert digital bits to a warm analog vibe. Because Ive heard that the super charge that 5G is going to do, 20× the EMFs that are discharging on our devices now.
Thanks for your reply.

With the rapid rate of technological advancement, I'm eagerly anticipating the medical side of things. Nanotechnology showed a lot of promise and a few months back, there was an article of a nano particle being used to destroy cancer cells that are generally resistant to chemo. The possibilities that lie there...

On the other hand, with crypto becoming more and more recognized, those that seek to maintain power over the poor are looking into controlling crypto. I remember that when I was trying to get my account verified for a local exchange, I was initially disapproved because I put my source of money for the account as "cryptocurrency". I was told that the government bank would check my reason so I had to change it to something more "acceptable".

At this time yes, there is that control.

But decentralized exchanges will end up being online in the near future which means the governments of the world will have no say in who goes on there.

Hopefully, that is the case in my country. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. We only have one local exchange and it's weird how cryptocurrency isn't considered a valid source of money for funding an account there. Because of the central bank having a say. And yet they accept bitcoin? Tsk tsk.

I am pretty pumped too on the abbondanza

The bitter:
Any quasi monopoly, government, institutions will do everything they can do to block:
“Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution.” Clay Shirky

Few examples where we have sky rocketing costs :

  • Insurances
  • Banks
  • Taxes
    While we know that the technology gives them means to reduce this drastically.

The sweet:
I am sure we will see very important improvements especially the ones that will cross together those new technologies like:

  • 3D Printing and Medical: Bones, Cartilages, to Organs at some point.
  • New Materials and Composite/Mixing Materials easily through 3D Printing allowing higher integration, more functionality with less raw material.
  • Automation, Robotics, Agriculture: Better Quality, Higher Diversity, Low Price Food due to improvements on the density, the optimized management of the water and the fertilizer.

I'm digging the optimism here. It's been my default position for a long time, and it'll be interesting to see how everything shakes out.

Education, housing and medical costs have skyrocketed in recent years. The inflation they measure on the CPI is not comprehensive, and that is by design. The most expensive life costs a person faces has gone up as a result of the combination of low rates and money printing.

I agree that the cost of goods and services should go down, in some areas we are seeing this, for example the uberization of taxis or removing the premium that booking agencies added to buying airline tickets via direct sales on websites, but they come at the cost of displacing workers who were pulling decent wages.

Just because the cost to make something becomes lower doesn't mean that the consumer will see that price reflected on their end. Corporations can continue to increase their margins with automation and are not held to a higher standard of participating in a two-way transaction with society.

Automation and technology is allowing for more centralization by these business behemoths and left unchecked the inefficiencies of smaller systems will no longer be there to support the people. Without a concerted effort by the people to demand a livable income by default and a share of the productive bounty the wealth gap will only widen. UBI is not the final answer to these problems, and neither is exponential growth of economic systems.

It's nice to have more of everything, but all of that consumption comes at a cost which we are failing to calculate correctly. I do hope that future technologies can help us in our fight for survival when our own wrongs against nature come back to haunt us, but I do not see those who own the technology willingly handing over the power they've accumulated.

And cryptocurrencies themselves contribute to the problem of those who have access to technology and power sources today getting a head start, and money flowing back into the hands of those who already have enough when other wealthy investors decide to play the game.

Thank you for your comment. I can only suggest you research some more.

And cryptocurrencies themselves contribute to the problem of those who have access to technology and power sources today getting a head start, and money flowing back into the hands of those who already have enough when other wealthy investors decide to play the game.

Perhaps you can start by going to the Indoneia or Nigeria part of this site and chat with some of those people over there. Many of them are making a months wage in just a few days on here with their posts.

Believe it or not, in spite of your pessimistic view, things are getting better in the world. The blockchain you are on is proof that the centralization you are referring to is not going to increase, but decrease.

Upbit paying premiums for steem and sbd are not what I was addressing. I was alluding to the concentration of mining groups and how most, if not all coins have terrible wealth distributions concerning the share of total coins to the % of wallets who hold them.

The blockchain I am on mirrors this issue, where the 1% and 2% of users hold the vast majority of the power. It is anything but democratic or egalitarian.

Yes and the blockchain you are on also has a built in system where 75% of the reward pool goes to authors meaning that the holding as a percentage of the total is going to decrease over time. Last year the top 10% of holding went from 88% to 81% with the minnow seeing the biggest increase from 1% to 5%.

Not sure about that, shows the ~5% you talk about to be dolphins, and it says minnows have 0.73%. Every post on the front page at any given time is an auto-voted post.

You are bad ...I was going from was the bottom percentile that went up 5% last year.

You have 3 SP....times that by 12 and you that is multiply that over 500K people over the next year and you see that much of the newer STEEM is going in the hands of newer people. Since 75% of the reward pool goes to authors, the top 200 accounts simply cannot write enough articles to keep pace.

I will agree with you that there is at least movement in the direction you implied, and that steemit isn't as bad as other coins where there is nothing but more concentration of wealth. I think that much of the botting and delegation here does allow for passive income to be made, increasing investor appeal but decreasing average user appeal.

I always love reading your articles, you're such an exciting cheerleader for Steem, blockchain, and futurism in general. Keep it coming!

I know a few alcoholics that can't wait to get an autonomous car. The DWI costs are killing them. (jk)
I saw on TV yesterday that they have a monitor for $299 that can check your ears, heart, temperature, and breathing then send it to your doctor. The professional version runs $999. It's crazy. Task you hit it out of the park again with this post.

Thanks for the comment @wonderwop.

If one looks, we can see the signs all around us. A device like you mentioned is just the beginning. There are going to be toilets that do diagnostic on waste as you go, showers that will do skin scans, and handle hand devices that scan similar to what a MRI machine does.

We are also going to see 3D printed medication at some point.

The possibilities of what is coming along is truly incredible.

The part about doctors actually made me doubt myself, i'm studying to become a vet, and sometimes i think in 10-20 years i will be out of a job because a robot will do things much better then me, sometimes i wonder if i should have gone to engineering, i'm still not to late, i have 23 years, still by the time i finish i would be 26-28.

Tough call there @teutonium.

I have often wondered what I would go into if I was entering school knowing what I do. So many industries are ripe for disruption, I am not sure what will be standing in a decade.

The consensus seems to be that the creativity sector will not be replicated by robots or AI (at least not anytime soon). Those fields that enable people to use that skill seems to be where people could gravitate towards and be safe.

Of course, you amass enough STEEM and you wont have to worry about it. LOL

Absolutely, a new human Renaissance is coming.
Precisely as you say, because people will be forced to be resourceful and creative to find deeper meaning as the basic essentials will be provided,
Cool beans.
L@taskmaster4450 you said: (The consensus seems to be that the creativity sector will not be replicated by robots or AI (at least not anytime soon). Those fields that enable people to use that skill seems to be where people could gravitate towards and be safe.)

"amass enough STEEM" - well that is going to take some time, STEEM is actually my next buy, but how can steem make me money? should i transform it into SP? should i just keep it has STEEM?

I convert all my STEEM and SBD to SP.

A higher SP increases your voting power which enables you to be more valued on here. Also, SP enables you to offset the inflation of the token since SP are given more STEEM to compensate for what they lose due to inflation.

To me, it is a win-win.

Plus if someone does get your key somehow, it takes 13 weeks to power down so someone cannot drain your account like they can with bitcoin and other tokens.

Ive been saying things similar to what you say in this article for quite some time now, taskmaster. Still amazed with how many people are in denial about it, especially when it comes to autonomous vehicles.

Don’t get me started about how money is going to become digitized! I try to explain crypto to people all the time. The older the person is, the more likely they are to regard it as a scam!

Money is going to be digitized and abundant. That is what the Internet does...and it is entering the realm of finance in a huge way.

A decade from now, people will not believe that we operated how we did. Using cash will see like such an odd concept (it already does to a degree). Ordering stuff on our own like groceries will be passe....our refrigerator will handle that. And getting a drivers license will not be something kids do.

There literally thousands of changes that are going to take place in the average person's life, much of it without him or her knowing it. Suddenly, it will simply be how things are done.

I haven’t used money in over 15yrs since I was in my mid 20’s. If you are talking paper in general. My Wife is the same way. I read on fb yesterday in a post where someone bounced a check. I’m like who the heck uses checkbooks anymore 🤣. The world is changing to quick for this ole guy.

Actually, in the US, 12% of all transactions (in dollar amounts) are still done by check. I was amazed but it is true. Yet when I think of all the rents, especially commercial, that is still paid by check, it does make some sense.

I agree with you, technology makes our life better, and now that technology is a arriving to money, it must to be something world changing.

This is also a huge help for people living in poor countries. The potential crypto has is incredible. And this years will be hell of a fun for us.


I am so excited about the future! Not only about the rise of crypto and all the "abundance" but also about witnessing the shift to when nobody owns cars anymore and how that will change our cities and communities. There will suddenly be so much space, where cars used to park before...

Oh and that replicator!!!! Nano technology will not only produce Earl Grey tea out of thin air, it will also transform toxic waste and oil spills in no time - I can't even imagine all the possibilities and goodness!!

Yes once they start to get to that level....anything is possible. You are going to see the change in atomic structure which takes what was toxic and make in, at a minimum, neutral.

I really wish I had a time machine to jump ahead by about 8 years. LOL

Me too! Though in all honesty I would probably check coinmarketcap first when I arrive in the future, before I do anything else 😆

If you do, can you send me an email retroactive to today and I will dump some money into some good tokens before I leave....

Ill split the profits with you. 😁

Of course I will! Or better yet - I will post it on steemit, so that we can share the abundance with everyone! :)

Yes, my brother. The world is looking better and better.

Years ago, innovation was centralized in the hands of governments and big business, because of o the high cost of technology. This meant that all innovation was either used for control of profit.

But through the process of demonetization that you mentioned, the technological know-how and hardware became affordable. With the decentralization of innovation, people are now able to address real-world problems and come up with solutions that better human life. Yay! :)

Thanks for sharing this info, I have a feeling that I will learn more from you.

I recently started a series of posts related to this subject. It's called The Architecture of Freedom, you can find the first part here.

Pace, Lishu

You wrote this yourself?

That's kind of an odd question. I mean, you can google any combination of words in the post and see they're unique. Unless you think @taskmaster4450 is a hivemind?

I didn't investigate. Either way it's an awesome article that seems worthy of professional publication.

Unless you think @taskmaster4450 is a hivemind?

Not yet but a couple more chips in my head and hey, I might be there.

I enjoy reading your posts. 👍 keep up the good work.

As we all know that now our lives are depending on technology for everything around us. With technology everything was difficult in the past become easy now nanotechnology is one of the important technologies in this world like energy, Nano devices, Nano fabrics, and most importantly nano medicine

wow!amazing post..i like it..thanks for sharing this post,,upvote resteemit done.

I agree with you.
Upvoted and resteemed

Wow amazing post Wonderful technology thank you for sharing ♥

Amazing technology.Thanks for sharing it.
Resteemed and upvoted

Hola como estas te dor mi voto espero que me apoyes

Good post friend, I liked it a lot. I already follow you and I invite you to go through my blog maybe something you like and you can support me with your vote. Greetings.

I really remember with all this. in my school days I remember that this phone is a very expensive item to buy and only certain people who can buy it. but now I see smartphones can already be bought by children who are still in school, it is very extraordinary. thank you friends of information. useful science.

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We can gather a lot of information by your post.
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I will always visit your site & wait for your upcoming post.
Thanks ✌✌✌

You see the future very clearly mate.
Quantum secured blockchain, AI and 5G enable's IoT perfectly.

As far as 3D printing goes, Relativity take rocket manufacturing way beyond SpaceX.

click here.Congratulations @taskmaster4450, this post is the ninth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 426 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $12773.09. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,

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People need food, shelter, clothing and bandwidth. I hope that STEEM blockchain helps people secure the minimum basics such as these :)

@taskmaster4450 The Age of Abundance seems to be a really exciting future to be in! What's more exciting is that now we have the opportunities to possibly 'involve' ourselves in these amazing future applications: be it as developers, users or even investors. What an amazing time to be alive and kicking ass!!

I knew that the prices of things were going down, but I didn't know how fast, and why digital did it.

It seems like this is happening really fast, and hopefully we can keep up. I'm worried that a lot of people will get left behind, and may need other people to help bring them through.