I really like the ideas in this article. Since I started using the platform I have been thinking about how to use this network to collaborate with other artists or the audience on art or other media.
I began testing this here but I never got much response. https://steemit.com/art/@k3t3r/hare-and-tortoise-sketch-ball-point-pen-and-pencil
I am not discouraged by this, in fact the opposite. I am very new to steemit.com, I have hardly any posts, I don't have many followers, etc. These are things that I can work on.
I will look at ways I can use the #futurology tab to connect with a community of collaborators.
Upvoted, resteemed and followed.
Thank you.
I'd suggest you to check most account's older articles, mine included. Its not that anybody really knows what can work here , but its all up to experimentation. Will check iut your post when i get some free time. Thanks for dropping by :)