#futurology - Let's Talk About Tomorrow

in #futurology8 years ago (edited)

Now that Steemit's activity is picking up..

I wish to kickstart this little tag called #futurology. With my recent post about embracing this direction as a content creator here - Hire a Futurist / Futurologist Today!, the #futurology tag will be relevant to anything that's smacked right at the intersection of technology and society, focusing on stuff that promotes awareness and participation in building a better tomorrow.

Also, please note that I don't really associate myself with any particular ideologies and beliefs. My focus is just on fun, non-violence, collaboration, human-centricity, and problem-solving using technology. They're not really ideologies, just necessary conditions for surpassing politics, poverty, and war (aka real civilization). By expressing this, I hope more would adopt this simple position.

The way I see it, #futurology is a pretty important unit of work for each and everyone of us. It's what we do as people. We learn from the past, live in the present, and prepare for the future. That said, may our individual aspirations find its way into being part of the global collective.

A unique, critical transition period in all of history

I woke this morning and saw this on my Facebook wall, shared by a friend. Despite my past reservations and critiques about the baby boomer generation (for screwing shit up), I have in time, adopted a fresher worldview that people were just doing what they think was best for a time - some turned out to be great ideas, some turned out to be terrible.

As power and influence are beginning to shift hands toward the end of this decade - 2020 - from old to new, it is time for an open, global forum to start coming together to discuss, design, and build solutions for the world of tomorrow. The rapid advances in technology is quickly leaving humanity's old ways of governance in the dust. But change is difficult, and the main task at hand is to prepare the bridge for transition. And like always, no solutions are set in stone. It will be up to us to steer the conversation.

Those that came before us never had the opportunity to be able to work together at such a massive scale. Perhaps one of the more important questions to answer if a Kurzweilian future is already looming around the corner - how do we improve individual sovereignty in an age of growing collectivism?


It's my belief that anyone can be a futurist / futurologist, and I'm even willing to bet that's the future of work. Here are three suggestions about the habits that one may attempt to learn and develop.

1. Look out for 30/30/30

Linking to the above, Jack Ma's recent talk in Davos gave some pretty simple, good insights into effective trendspotting. It makes pretty good sense. Here are his remarks, quoted in the recent World Economic Forum [article](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/01/jack-ma-three-trends-define-future) -

“The next 30 years are critical for the world,” he said. “Every technological revolution takes about 50 years.” In the first 20 years, we witnessed the rise of technology giants like eBay, Facebook, Alibaba and Google. This is “good”, Ma said, but now we need to focus on what comes next.

“The next 30 years,” should be about handling “the implications of this technology,” he argued.

That said, what David Ma suggested was to look out for organisations revolving around -

  • Maturing ~30 year old technologies.
  • Effective, agile team of ~30 employees.
  • Experienced Internet users ~30 years old.

Here's one organisation right away, and you're in it - Steemit! The way I see it, Steemit Inc fits that category, and what's even more beautiful - there are many growing pockets of communities around here that are effectively voluntary organisations on the blockchain. There are many people who in the ~30 year-old age group here. It's not about building the world of tomorrow for today's 30 year-olds, but it's about understanding the Internet enough to provide empowering, dynamic solutions and narratives for future generations.

2. Learning is key

Cultivate a mindset to be open, reflective, and critical. It's best not to be too attached to ideologies and beliefs. There's no one-true-path, or one-size-fits-all solution for all the world's people. This is what decentralization is about. The future of work is one that appreciates the functional ubiquity of broad generalists and deep specialists. Needless to say, some good understanding of technology is certainly part of the whole shindig.

As a city-minded futurist myself, recently I was persuaded to look away from cities by @onceuponatime. Personally, I've never considered his type of position before, but I will definitely consider other types of societal configurations after reading the remark that he left on another post recently -

That said, I think one big part of learning is also to learn about uncertainty and how to deal with it. Shifts of all kinds of magnitude happen all the time, even beneath our feet! The impending technological singularity will be a megashift. For this I would highly recommend Nassim Nicholas Taleb's works on uncertainty, and Gerd Leonhard's works on humanity in times accelerating technological advances.

3. Be a storyteller

The best stories are always told when it's unfiltered and honest. Personally, I've had gone through many years trying out all sorts of work. But I'm find it somewhat dehumanising (depressing even) to go through rigid routines just to make a living (this is the traditional employment regime). What's worse, nothing that I was doing were in the realm of improving society. It was all just for profits.

In addition, I would prefer to be able to explore and not be too tied down on projects for too long, and better if there's no job scope. I want to work with whatever I'm genuinely interested in and contribute that way. But such kind of work is just not all too common. It's from this source of "lifelong" frustration that I ventured out of my comfort zone to explore new ways of doing things.

Get your story out, connect with others.

Here's one tip / reminder for myself: offline is now the new luxury. To avoid tunnel visions from spending too much time on the Internet, it pays to take some time off. Plug out of the machine. Technology is only a tool, and it would be wise for us to remain as social beings. Big Data and AI shouldn't be the only ones on the wheel in the future. Algorithms in the background, humarithms in the foreground.


I hope you've enjoyed this read, and again, this is an open-invitation to use the #futurology tag and also a call for us to build the #futurology community here. On that note, I'm on https://steemit.chat if you want to get in touch. I think the Steemit platform is right for the conversation. Thank you for reading!

Some #futurology topic examples:-

  • Solarpunk Anarchism
  • Renewable / recyclable materials for 3D Printing
  • Decentralised Urban Farming Communities
  • Distributed-Research Consumer Applications
  • The Future of Love and Relationships
  • The Benefits of a Worldwide Hyperloop Network

If you're not directly involved with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), #futurology is still for you. It is for anybody. Here's the usual definition for #futurology:-

Evidence-based speculation about the development of humanity, technology, and civilisation. It's the study of postulating possible, probable, and preferable futures and the worldviews and myths that underlie them.

What's missing from plenty of #futurology circles are the humarithm-aspects as proposed recently by Gerd Leonhard. Personally, I think it's worth recognising this and injecting it into #futurology topics. Human narratives have the power to drive expectations of how we perceive the future, which subsequently affects how we approach problem-solving. In that sense, some degree of fiction is alright too. For example: Solarpunk. Here's what it is in Wikipedia:-

A relatively new eco-futurist speculative movement focused on envisioning a positive future beyond scarcity and hierarchy, where humanity is reintegrated with nature and technology is used for human-centric and ecocentric purposes.

That said, all that's needed for casual futurologists are curating information, remixing information, and presenting narratives to inspire better ways of doing things in the future.

If you're new to Steemit, feel free to drop me a message or comment. I'm here to help.

Note: I'm putting aside 200 Steem to be divided among those that populate the #futurology tag with good posts over the next few days. Donations to add to the pool are welcome.

All images unless sourced, are for open-use and attribution free.

Follow me @kevinwong


I can't be certain, but I suspect that you have some unexamined assumptions as starting points in your conjecturing.

For instance, it appears that you assume that the current state of scientific knowledge is the pinnacle achieved by hundreds or thousands of years of human intellectual "evolution".

There is substantial evidence, definitely suppressed by incumbent academics protecting their reigning theoretical power bases, that high levels of scientific knowledge and achievement were attained in previous ages.

Many known civilizations have arisen, developed, matured, grown old and collapsed. Some unknown ones as well. And there is substantial new evidence that a very high achievement civilization of a previous epic was wiped out by cataclysmic change rather than a normal gradually evolving lifespan of events as described in Toynbee's "Study of History".

How could knowledge of scientific achievements of the very distant past, attainments in technology and wisdom, be transmitted to descendants far in the future anyway? (given the inevitability of periodic wars, revolutions, mass religious or political psychoses, book burnings, floods, fires, earthquakes, and collapses of civilizations from internal corruption and/or barbaric invasions).

Not much survives even the normal course of events, let alone the occasional cataclysmic occurrences that we can see in the geologic records.

And is time an arrow or cyclical? (Golden Age -> Silver Age-> Bronze Age -> Age of Heroes -> Iron Age ............. rinse and repeat - a mythological description of a scientific possibility).

I can't be certain, but I suspect that you have some unexamined assumptions as starting points in your conjecturing.

For instance, it appears that you assume that the current state of scientific knowledge is the pinnacle achieved by hundreds or thousands of years of human intellectual "evolution".

There is substantial evidence, definitely suppressed by incumbent academics protecting their reigning theoretical power bases, that high levels of scientific knowledge and achievement were attained in previous ages.

Certainly not discounting the possibility of an occulted past, although whatever I've studied over before didn't seem to point to any conclusive evidence of a high-tech digital / informational societies. Any good source I can go over?

Not much survives even the normal course of events, let alone the occasional cataclysmic occurrences that we can see in the geologic records.

And is time an arrow or cyclical? (Golden Age -> Silver Age-> Bronze Age -> Age of Heroes -> Iron Age ............. rinse and repeat - a mythological description of a scientific possibility).

Perhaps, although so far there aren't anything pointing anything close to some internet-type technology in the past. Again, certainly not discounting the possibility though - always something to be learned on what to avoid etc. But what remains is that the future is still unwritten and we can steer it. Have you read this book before? Canticle for Leibowitz

"didn't seem to point to any conclusive evidence of a high-tech digital / informational societies"
You're right. I have seen no evidence for that either (although that doesn't necessarily preclude it). But I have seen plenty of evidence of higher attainments in technologies in areas that we sometimes relegate to "magic" simply because any advanced technology appears magical to those who have no understanding of the underlying dynamics (reference "cargo cults"). Certainly our particular lines of technological development are not exclusive. As to sources, I think any open-minded investigation into how the pyramids, or some other stoneworks in Egypt and South America, were done will lead you to the conclusion that our current technology cannot account for them.

"although so far there aren't anything pointing anything close to some internet-type technology in the past"

There are pointers, however, to completely alien crystal technology and to telepathic development by peoples that we would normally consider completely non-technical. There is no reason for us to conclude yet that internet-type technology is a culminating or most desirable achievement.

I will try to look into the book you recommend this weekend. Thank you.

Are we talking about the Annunaki, Enki, etc ~ stuff in the Spirit Science channel on Youtube?

There is no reason for us to conclude yet that internet-type technology is a culminating or most desirable achievement.

Yup definitely, it may very well be only a step to facilitate communication and sharing of information. It's possible that other civs have developed something else entirely that doesnt even require something like the internet too. Btw, i personally think blockchain tech is quite alien lol. Satoshi Nakamoto may even be one of the hints sent in by the alien overlords, if in fact theyre watching us behind the scenes :)

I have never seen the Spirit Science channel. What is tickling my fancy these days is the new book by Graham Hancock: "Magicians of the Gods"

Interesting, I see that it has got some quite good reviews - just got them on kindle. Thanks! something interesting to read this weekend :)

"My dear and beloved Grandfather, tell me, please what does the word Legominism mean?" Hassein asked.

"This word Legominism," replied Beelzebub, "is given to one of the means existing there of transmitting from generation to generation information about certain events of long-past ages, through just those three-centered beings who are thought worthy to be and who are called initiates."

from Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson, p.349

I have my own Beelzebub story :D need to look through my facebook notes lol

Yes, it would be interesting to see what is on p.349 of your story.

Great points. I think the blockchain revolution is very much a revolution and we are where the internet was 20 years ago. Most people don't see it seriously because they are not yet able to comprehend the changes it will bring. Even those of us who have an idea of it can't fully know how everyone will make use of it.

The #futurology topic is a great idea.

Thanks for the tweet :). One thing i like about the blockchain especially on something like steemit is that it seems like the "frontline" is closer to home, as in, there's a sense that I'm part of something and have some say in the conversation as we're building this up. If i compare this to my ex dayjob, sure the pay is there, but there's no feedback that i'm improving something out there.. it's all just profits lol.

Absolutely. I think that is because we are still very early on so it is a small community - I suspect this is how it was for the internet in the early 90s:)

Haha btw.. are you ever going to change the Sisyphus profile pic? Or is that how you roll?

I will probably change it at some point:)

Speaking of futurology, have you heard of a guy named Isaac Arthur? He discusses a lot of interesting topics about potential future technology and societies.

Yup, not too deep into it but I've come across his materials - thanks for the reminder! Would you like to attempt to compile a list of futurists and if possible, contact points? Wanna get them onboard and try out this platform. I think this may be the best vehicle to drive such conversations.

I'll dedicate 100 Steem bounty from the pool for this list if anyone wants to take this up. Of course, adjusted according to the quality of the list :)

Yeah, sure! It would probably take a week to compile a list and probably about a month for a high quality list (Isaac Arthur is the only futurist I know who produces good content).

Awesome.. I've only a small list atm, but I'm currently busy with some music work. So I'll reserve the 100 Steem for you =)

I really like the ideas in this article. Since I started using the platform I have been thinking about how to use this network to collaborate with other artists or the audience on art or other media.

I began testing this here but I never got much response. https://steemit.com/art/@k3t3r/hare-and-tortoise-sketch-ball-point-pen-and-pencil

I am not discouraged by this, in fact the opposite. I am very new to steemit.com, I have hardly any posts, I don't have many followers, etc. These are things that I can work on.

I will look at ways I can use the #futurology tab to connect with a community of collaborators.

Upvoted, resteemed and followed.
Thank you.

I'd suggest you to check most account's older articles, mine included. Its not that anybody really knows what can work here , but its all up to experimentation. Will check iut your post when i get some free time. Thanks for dropping by :)

Wow. What you are doing now here is what I want to do. I'll actively articipate to this works.


How about seeing my post. I'll continue my future related post soon. Let's start it together!

Thanks for dropping by.. use the tag when youve posted it up! Drop me a msg too :)

I guess you can fairly assume that I'm in already! Thanks for sharing the little conversation we've started on the the consciousness focus around economics along with @onceuponatime.

As far as I can read and have experienced, the three of us are highly concerned citizens of this world and have been thinking while working toward a sustainable healthy and thriving future as social, intellectual and/or spiritual hubs. I look forward to partake to the discussions on futurology and sharing with you all.

All for one and one for all! As the noosphere takes shape within all realms of our human experience, the boundaries grow thinner and our connections stronger. Let us move toward oneness on as many level as possible because we can.

For the moment, it is my conception that the #1 limiting factor is the financial system. Therefore, it is great and powerful to be taking part into this monumental and revolutionary blockchain system using Steem & BitShares and helping their proliferation.

Namaste :)

For the moment, it is my conception that the #1 limiting factor is the financial system.

About a year ago, there was a proposal for a scifi genre called Etherpunk (basically like Solarpunk with the addition decentralized blockchain technologies in the mix). So then we wondered what would be the source of drama, conflict? I think it might've been answered here lol.

The #2 would have to be the social aspect of things... Plenty of drama in there! thanks for sharing the thought too. Namaste :)

Maturing ~30 year old technologies.
Effective, agile team of ~30 employees.
Experienced Internet users ~30 years old.

The danger being: living in the past and not towards the future. Although the 30/30/30 is good, one must keep an eye open on the next steps.

Yup tomorrow's people will want a different thing :)

It's not about building the world of tomorrow for today's 30 years olds, but it's about understanding the Internet enough to provide empowering, dynamic solutions and narratives for future generations.

Yep, I was only for emphasizing this very important (the most?) point :D

Haha alright - understood :)

Can you get a futuro house as an office?

I have to find out whats a futuro house.. lol

A prefabricated house that looks like a flying saucer by Matti Suuronen.

Ah - I think maybe he was party inspired by Jacque Fresco, or they probably designed stuff together before! Didn't know there's a name for those types of building designs

Really like the Futuro house and this whole discussion on futurology. Similar to some Buckminster Fuller concepts related to economy and ecology... he would have been an avid Steemian!

Yup. For the most part futurology discussions these days are dominated by Kurzweilian ideas which are mostly drawn to AI extremes. It's superintellect, but superintelligence is a differnet matter..

Excellent post .. shared on Twitter!!

Thanks man! Hope you'll participate!

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Interesting post dear friend @kevinwong, be welcome, good luck.

thanks my friend @jlufer !

awesome article I look forward to reading more great to see Steam is going up

Thanks buddy! Lets work it out

Thanks for the Steem, Kevin.

I'm not sure my post "qualified" past an algorithmic note, but thanks none the less!

I have resteemed this post, and I will chew on it a bit myself.

Although a commenter did note a danger in the possible use of futuretech; and maybe that's something that Steemers should consider as part of the #futurology tag as well!

Oh no wasnt a bot, i was just looking through the tag . Yup could use more posts in that tag ! :)

Do you fully know what happened? Or are you just echoing some instruction? I can't tell..