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RE: Why Should You Consider Putting Your Extra Time, Effort, and Resources Into Being Part of The Collaborative Commons?

in #futurology8 years ago

Interesting !

That's an interesting article and well thought. The term Creative Commons is also interesting as it's associated with sharing content on a trust basis. I agree with much of your points about this being an exciting time. I just wonder how far ahead of the curve we are here ? is it 6 months / a year - 5 years, more!

Wait for it ...

Because you can bet your bottom (sTeEm) Dollar that once the established structures of power cotton on to the technology it will be bought up wholesale, re-branded and sold back to the populace with the strings firmly in place. Of course that's just a thought.

Good Governance

For me, personally until governance is placed firmly on an open and transparent unassailable ledger, things won't really change on the macro scale. However, like you I am watching with open eyes and keeping abreast of developments.

Bringing Things to the Table

I am not a coder, so I often feel I can't get involved in the community in the way that feels important, (to it) I don't have the skills to come up with steem tools. What I do have though, and I think this is important; perhaps the flesh on the bones, so to speak is an objective perspective, analytical skills, an ability to communicate ideas in various ways and (lots of creative content).

When the Dust Settles

So eventually we all find our place in the system. Let's hope this time becomes known as a turning point in the system and Steemit is remembered as a catalyst for a positive change which if we're being honest, we are all dependent upon, if we are to survive as a species for much longer than the next 100 years or so.

Apology with a Caveat!

sorry to hijack your post with such a long comment but I also think this is the kind of discussion we need to have and was envisaged by the project's creators, rather than being seen to comment, with NICE POST, etc which is often motivated by a simple self interest, aimed at garnering attention & thus more steem power back to the s