Why Should You Consider Putting Your Extra Time, Effort, and Resources Into Being Part of The Collaborative Commons?

in #futurology7 years ago (edited)

Dear readers,

I'm not the world's best elevator-pitch salesman who can persuade anyone into buying an idea in under 1-minute. But in this rather lengthy article, I hope to be able to provide something compelling enough to persuade everyone to start dedicating some of their extra time, effort, and resources into platforms like Steem - you're reading this post off the blockchain, by the way. Regardless of what the name is, allow me to outline the significance of this piece of technology.

The rise of the Collaborative Commons

Social Media is one of the most popular keywords of our times. With that, we tend to think of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, and just about any other popular apps out there. They are what they are - platforms that are social in nature. We share, and we interact on them.

Every technology that advances well enough tends to disrupt itself. We have seen this with Kodak, an organisation so successful that it eventually came up with digital photography, destroying themselves because of their core-dependence on film-based photography. Other than die-hard entrepreneurs, nobody else can really hope to compete with a near-zero marginal cost alternative. Film is physical. Digital images.. are well, digital. On the same cost of production, we can now capture and record way more digital photos compared to the film-based ancestors. The same can be said for all kinds of innovation that has been happening since the dawn of digitisation.

Source - The Futures Agency

While this is to the great benefit for behemoths like The United States, AirBnb, Facebook, Google, Amazon, and such, market forces now seem to indicate that it's trickling into decentralised platforms where technologies, contributors, and organisations come together, pooling their resources under different flavours of cryptocurrency. The unspoken hope is probably to nurture sustainable organisations that we can all share. This paradigm is in fact, beginning to invade so many parts of the economy. It's nothing new, really, because our ancestors have been building the Commons even way before the Industrial Revolution. But the magic this time around is the convergence of finance, technology, and community. We are now creating new breeds of platforms that can ultimately be characterised as the Collaborative Commons - complementary, globally-scaled, borderless, voluntarily shared, and open for participation.

It's still a huge experiment, for sure, just like anything else! And it really all depends on community. Just look at Bitcoin, Ethereum, IOTA, and Steem. Let them be known as part of the Collaborative Commons. Maybe I just tend to prefer to use this keyword compared to Blockchain (which also does not provide an apt visualisation for the latest wave of decentralisation technologies).

Not perfect, but necessary

We are creatures that tend to use perfection as a benchmark for our arguments and decisions. Rightly so, and indeed they are sometimes necessary for changes to happen. So far, my experience in cryptocurrencies and blockchain communities has actually taught me much about life. In fact, I've been seeing both centralisation and decentralisation as being one and the same, each serving our first and second nature.

Action and reaction.
Matter and antimatter.
Culture and counterculture.
Capitalism and the Collaborative Commons.

The lines are blurring anyway. Despite the inefficiencies and disagreements that are widespread in decentralisation, at least we now have something that is more circular rather than pyramidal. Also, consider the scenario that our marginal cost of society is tending to zero. So it really doesn't make any good sense anymore for us to continue putting 100% of our time, effort, and resources into centralised platforms. It's time to expand into the Collaborative Commons.

Source - Gerd Leonhard

It's best to continue learning and stay involved in platforms such as Steem, regardless of who you are. Your experience may vary, but if it's not your cup of tea, then be rest assured that you will likely find other suitable projects. It remains that Steem is one of the most accessible Collaborative Commons around, since no specialised equipment or skill is required. Only a willingness to learn and do things. Keep in mind what you're experiencing on this platform now is not the final product - it's still an on-going project, driven by the community. Just like any other Collaborative Commons out there.

The future of zero-fee trading and micropayments

One of the main features of the Collaborative Commons is the powershift from platform-centrality into the hands of many. Abstractly speaking, we should not be penalised for operating with our resources. We've been seeing this happening in most places. Intermediary fees are continuing to shrink. I really believe this is a glimpse into a zero marginal cost society, which is why I think projects like Steem, EOS, and IOTA are on the right track due to their emphasis on operating with zero transaction fees.

Source - Futurist Gerd

Financially-speaking, this is true scalability because these technologies now allow anyone to participate and experiment in capital markets without the friction of transaction fees. Imagine a 10-year old in a developing country, casually speculating and investing through some process of gamification with micropayments ranging from $0.01 and below. Consider the activities that will be happening in the Internet of Things. Plus, try extending this scenario to the majority of the human population that are not even participating at the moment. If this doesn't open the floodgates of mass adoption in the Collaborative Commons, I don't know what will.

I'm not saying there's anything inherently bad about platforms that charge transaction fees, it's just a different way of doing things and may even need to exist alongside zero-cost alternatives.

Revelations of my experience with Steem and others

As previously mentioned in one of my posts, I've been accumulating good chunks of Steem Power as it's one of the easiest and fun ways to be part of the Collaborative Commons while earning something out of it. At time of writing, I'm still continuously trying to grow and support a wide range of accounts all around the platform including regional communities, prosumer communities, and personal relationships.

Source - @sndbox

Now there seems to be some pattern forming other than pure content, and that's the development of community hubs that could bring together physical and virtual communities. This can be seen through initiatives like @sndbox, @hitheryon, and other projects conducted by regional initiatives. Maybe one of the best use cases of the loose tag system, or the upcoming sub-communities feature on Steem is to form enough activities and trusted networks that enable some kind of sustainable, circular economy.

Here's a cute little story: Before the existence of Steem, I used to play around with an idea of building blockchain enrichment hubs all around to support workshops, co-living, and co-working spaces. All with good use of decentralisation technologies. It's still far-fetched, but there are already signs of it especially seeing initiatives done by the likes of @voronoi of @hitheryon and hubs like Fort Galt by @piedpiper. I remember back in 2016 when @voronoi was still @lgm-1 and a total stranger to me. However, I was convinced that his work is extremely valuable, and have proceeded continue supporting his account and bring attention to the community through votes. So yes, it's not much and I'm sure great talents will get to the forefront anyway, but I'd like to believe that some of the influence, or Steem Power, that I've exercised on this network have positive real world effects.

Source - @sndbox

As for the other blockchain communities, I'm pretty much just participating in some discussions while holding some of the related cryptocurrencies like IOTA, EOS, Aragon, Cofound.it, Santiment, Lisk, and such. But to be honest, I think they should be somewhat integrated in a place like Steem / Steemit at one point or another for better involvement, at least from my side. It remains that they're a construct of the Collaborative Commons as long as one has some stake in them.


This is the most exciting, long-term game on the planet. For me, it's the not-very-liquid market that unnecessarily creates the worst in human nature. Maybe part of the solution can be developed in the intersections of finance, technology, and community - the Collaborative Commons. Like Bitcoin, Ethereum, IOTA, Steem, and such. Sure, some of these may fail spectacularly - but there's really nowhere I'd rather be. By the way, you're definitely not reading this on just a Social Media website. It's a Collaborative Commons platform - perhaps the most epic and innovative invention in the 21st Century! The good news is that anyone can take part in all of these. Especially on this platform, since it doesn't require anyone to pay anything other than their time and effort. Hopefully, it will continue to be self-sustaining through our voluntary contributions.

Sure, there will always be greedy users taking advantage of the protocols. It's very difficult to entirely eliminate abuse. And greed is not 100% a bad thing anyway. The best way forward, I find, is to love and lead by example. There's just no other way around it. But of course, be vigilant and critical too - something that I can be terrible at. (Okay, I'll admit that I'm being politically correct here, and I understand actions have to be taken in fringe cases). In any case, put the effort and take up roles that may suit you. Experiment away! In some sense, the Collaborative Commons is something that integrates and aggregates our (in)dependencies, forming reputation and trust networks. It has been an exciting journey.

Below are some presentations that deserves some viewing, especially the first and second one if you're somewhat more of a cynic / pessimist on occasion.

Extra reading material

  1. Realizing the Potential of Blockchain: A Multistakeholder Approach to the Stewardship of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies.

  2. The collaborative commons, the sharing economy, and the future of capitalism.

  3. The zero marginal cost society.

Not to be taken as financial advice.

There are 3 pages

excellent article! this was very informative.
I liked the way you used capitalism as the necessary counterpoint to collective commons, because collective commons is better than capitalism, but it required capitalism much like a reaction requires and action. very well written. following you, mate.

This is just the horizon of something majorly exciting my friend. Crazy to think about it but I joined this platform just over 1 year ago now. I can't believe our paths crossed in such a complicated spaghetti that is the internet.

I'm trying my best to pay it forward. And help others see the potential of this collaborative commons in the ways that you helped me. Extra time and effort is critical now, more than ever.

A lot has happened over the past year and I have no doubt that exciting changes will happen over the next. Let's make it happen!

I am new to the collective commons and am interested in some tips on the best way to help make the changes that you talk about. Any idea on what I can do?

Just say me what i need to do. Thanks.

Interact, contribute, speak your mind.. have fun!

This is just an awesome post with lot's of juicy information.

Tf bruh! :P

This post received a 3.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @vysmek! For more information, click here!

Terrific post. It's very exciting to be part of this in its earliest stages. We've really been plowing ahead at the Fiction Workshop on Discord because that's our jam and it's been amazing. I've never been involved in a writing group more effective than the one that has sprung up here through Steemit.

"It remains that Steem is one of the most accessible Collaborative Commons around, since no specialised equipment or skill is required. Only a willingness to learn and do things."

YES! I wanted to get into mining when 10,000 BTC bought a couple of pizzas, but I had zero tech capabilities. I simply don't speak the language. By the time I learned enough to mine, it was a huge thing requiring massive amounts of computing power that I don't have the space or time to manage.

Steemit is the absolute perfect solution for people like me.

Your situation sounds very familiar to mine. I learned about crypto-currencies when BTC skyrocketed and I was so sad I didnt have the technological know how or learned about it earlier in its infancy. Glad to have found steemit and I can tell only after being around for less than 2 days that great, innovative, amazing things are happening around here.

They really are! I love you name BTW 😊

Thanks its been a nickname of mine for years. :)

Upvote for visibility (Anyone up for fiction writing?)

Hey, thanks! We're always looking to grow!

I'm up for fiction writing/drawing. that means graphic novel. but I'm just trying to think about it.
(and another thing, perhaps off topic: I don't see enough discussion about the role and the power of intermediary subjects in decentralized systems. I mean, f.i. exchange websites today, but also market operators...)

To be honest here was a lot of material to cover before commenting and get to know all what you wanted to convey, sure there are still many things for me to learn and I am glad, the more ideas are being spread to steem the better, the more communities, projects and so on; steemit becomes a better platform. I agree that the future is build today and the support we give to any project does make a difference.

I am completely grateful that you brought this post with extremely key topics, such as zero free trading and micro payments. Also took a look into @sndbox and others, there are some other out there yet to be discovered as well, but the simply fact that this has been coming together is opening the way to the future of new companies and projects born from a different source. Since the success anything that has become big is a result of collaboration and sharing experiences.

There is something that you said that still goes around in my head, "always be greedy users taking advantage of the protocols. It's very difficult to entirely eliminate abuse. And greed is not 100% a bad thing anyway. The best way forward, I find, is to love and lead by example." I think is nearly impossible to find the answers to questions that haven't been formulate yet, being greedy isn't at some extent bad it all takes the shape of the recipient, and I agree that being an example is the solution to nearly all since we as humans tend to imitate what brings joy, success and grow to others I could go and mention many examples, anyway what I would like to see more people trying to educate themselves and others and even children around them about how the door of the future comes from what we do today, ourselves. There is still a long way for me to learn.

Thanks for the lengthy response. It's quite a sticky situation since the monetary side of things tend to change the nature of any platforms. I find that other than voting on posts purely out of merit of the content, most of it is actually going to a more broad criteria of "trusted accounts". Trust as in those that will improve the platform and have the sense not to abuse the system and abandon it during the low-times :)

Very inspiring.. i'm glad to be here, join this community, i've been see many app and platform borm and grow, with their function and advantages. All app and flatform have their timeline, and i think today is steemit time. Thank you for the great post

Welcome to the platform @rayfa :) What other apps / platforms have you used before Steemit? Will be interesting to know

I used to write on multiply for 3 years then my friends started talk about facebook, then one by one disappered, they leaved multiply, so was i. Then i've been on facebook since 2007, and others social media come. I also have instagram and pinterest account. I think now is time for steemit. Thank you for your support

I remembered multiply but it wasn't on a decentralized platform though the concept of connection and collaboration was there.

Invite some friends over ^^

yes i will :)

@littlenewthings, Yes, Multiply was a blogging app, i used to write there, then facebook came, it can be used to blog and connected people widely.

Oh wow Multiply. I forgot that site exist until you mentioned it. I was an active blogger there until Facebook came, and of course there was Friendster too.

Yeah.. and i forgot Friendster, i used it too.. in messaging and chatting app, first i used miRC, it very popular when i was at collage, it had black screen :).. then Yahoo Messenger came with better performance, we used it to chat, send file etc..

Great post. Upvoted, resteemed, and followed. The second video you included at the end is also one of my favorites as well, as one of 21 TED videos so far about the idea of basic income.

I think not only is the collaborative commons extremely important, but also we need to recognize the collective commons that already exists, and all the value we already create together in ways we don't see as mutual value creation because it doesn't involve money.

One of the reasons I so strongly support basic income is to decouple income from work so that people have the new choice to choose to create value without monetary incentive. How many more people would create incredible things for free if they didn't need money to live? I think that number is massive, and the effect profoundly transformative.

I also think that with money decoupled from income thanks to basic income, we can start to reform our IP laws, which I think are just insane at this point. It is valuable to give people a temporary monopoly on the intellectual property they create, so as to offer a head start. So patents lasting ten years is logical. But patents lasting for over a century is not logical. We want as much IP as possible within the public domain, and should disincentivize its exclusion, which is why I like the idea of treating IP like carbon pollution.

I think we should apply an annually rising fee to intellectual property, and distribute the revenue generated to everyone equally as an IP dividend. If a company like Disney wants to pay for excluding Mickey Mouse from the public domain, great, they can do that, but they need to pay for it, and it needs to get more and more expensive to do so, until they finally decide that letting Mickey fall into the public domain makes more sense than paying to prevent that. This also squares the circle considering that Walt Disney founded his company on stories that were public domain stories.

A rich public domain makes for a rich society.

Some think that money is the strongest incentive for anyone to do anything. Yup I think IP is somewhat silly and tend to be only effective for those with enough resources to record or take any legal action. I like your solution to getting more IP into the public domain and treating it like carbon pollution lol.

This is the real key to success, since I join here, I'm always offering to contribute, I'm a graphic designer, I know English and Spanish, so I did some translates, had help with some designs to the the steemi poker league, and also donating some SBD to thank people who had help me. In fact my last two posts, are about some SBD I earn beacuse of a good post, and how much I wan to give back to the community.
Since I started to talk in discord I made a lot of friends, and they are always willing to help, all of this made my level grow, made me earn more real followers and readers, and even gain more profits. So the true helping hand at the end pays way better than a simple 0.1 SBD or so.
Great post my friend, I'll be checking more of your blog, and if you need something related to graphics, you know where to call.

I do think that Collaborative Commons is the future and a goal which we should all strive to achieve. Responsibilities and rights, constant use of fear, terror, etc., is called capitalism. It is required justice, equality and mutual honest care (doing things for other's good (not necessarily benefits) instead of following our own self-interest and greed. We need to be more self-sacrificing than narcissistic as that is how we can strive for an equal decentralised world.

The Power of this is seen in the steemit community

One thing that surrounds and drives a great blockchain is its community. On steemit we have a community of those that love to give and receive words of encouragement. A place where you can find others with the same interests as you and form great relations.

I find those that are positive and encouraging to people are rewarded. Everyone's work is rewarded and this is fueled by decentralisation and collaborative commons working hand in hand.

The biggest problem is just the power shift since the world currently like a pyramid structure and not everyone is on an equal level playing field.

We just need to channel our inner yunk @kevinwong haha

Well things wont be equal, but at least it's more distributed / easily replaced and all. So far after a year I think one of the best parts is the friendships and relationships formed via the platform. Some may say there's no real community, but only the ones that think they're part of one, will be.

Interesting article and I am actually mostly interested in the crypto currencies you mentioned such as iota EOS and of course steemit. I still think However that at the moment by far the most interesting cryptocurrency is steemit, the steemit social network has already created a stable market place for the currency insuring demand. The usability of steemit is also the most mature I would say. Of course for hard core speculation you might not see the kinds of payoff in steemit as in some other cryptos. But then on the other hand some other cryptos might crash and burn and you loose it all. Steemit is more stable and with each new member and each new post we get stronger so in the long run I am sure that steemit will be a good investment l, not only for making money but for learning From other while in the same time learning also from yourself . Great article !

Oh a note: Steem is the blockchain / backbone, while Steemit is just an app / user interface / abstraction of the Steem blockchain. I think it'll just get better (and more stable) as more users come onboard and find good use through accumulating Steem Power over time. It's shared assets, in a way.

Thanks for the note!
I would like to ask you a question if you don't mind. where do you see steem and steemit 3 years from now ? You obviously know your stuff so I just want to pick your brain :)

I'm obviously biased lol.. but I think Steem will be in top 5 cryptocurrency by next year.

Haha well biased people can be right as well :) Thanks for your answer and I think you are right :)

Interesting !

That's an interesting article and well thought. The term Creative Commons is also interesting as it's associated with sharing content on a trust basis. I agree with much of your points about this being an exciting time. I just wonder how far ahead of the curve we are here ? is it 6 months / a year - 5 years, more!

Wait for it ...

Because you can bet your bottom (sTeEm) Dollar that once the established structures of power cotton on to the technology it will be bought up wholesale, re-branded and sold back to the populace with the strings firmly in place. Of course that's just a thought.

Good Governance

For me, personally until governance is placed firmly on an open and transparent unassailable ledger, things won't really change on the macro scale. However, like you I am watching with open eyes and keeping abreast of developments.

Bringing Things to the Table

I am not a coder, so I often feel I can't get involved in the community in the way that feels important, (to it) I don't have the skills to come up with steem tools. What I do have though, and I think this is important; perhaps the flesh on the bones, so to speak is an objective perspective, analytical skills, an ability to communicate ideas in various ways and (lots of creative content).

When the Dust Settles

So eventually we all find our place in the system. Let's hope this time becomes known as a turning point in the system and Steemit is remembered as a catalyst for a positive change which if we're being honest, we are all dependent upon, if we are to survive as a species for much longer than the next 100 years or so.

Apology with a Caveat!

sorry to hijack your post with such a long comment but I also think this is the kind of discussion we need to have and was envisaged by the project's creators, rather than being seen to comment, with NICE POST, etc which is often motivated by a simple self interest, aimed at garnering attention & thus more steem power back to the s

Collaborative Commons and its path to zero margin economies. A statement you make that I agree to what will very likely happen (maybe inevitable), and as a matter of fact what will need to happen to get to a future that I envision. The future I envision is a world executed by AI/Robots. In which we humans do not have to work anymore. Since AI will do all the work from inventing, creating, to execution and maintaining; The cost of that can come down to absolute zero; AI/Robots will keep their breed going and going and going. When that infrastructure has zero costs and when that infrastructure creates, delivers and maintains the goods and services for us humans, for zero costs again, we humans don't have to have any 'money' anymore to get to what we need. Of course, there will be humans who want to contribute and so they will, therefore the Collaborative Commons will be one in which AI and Humans are collaborative partners. I like to believe such vision I have for the future, is actually quite near in time. Maybe in 50 years time we are able to get to such vision IF we all play the cards right and IF humans are able to make the tremendous shift. Initiatives like Steem/Steemit is for sure helping to make such shift. We need more, much more of these projects to emerge, super simple to use services that appeals to the mass since that is the only way take the mass into the journey towards the future I think will become real, or at least have the potential to become real. How wonderful will it be when we can live our lives knowing that we don't have to work anymore to survive; We will have 24x7 time to do whatever we want to do! We have many challenges to overcome to get there, but it is time we face them, engagement them and help getting more and more people involved in order to reach the vision I have.

Wow... this is making me so excited for us as a species!! I know I'll need to come back and read this article again, but I just wanted to share that as a new person on Steemit, one thing I love about this place is reading other people's comments. There are so many intellectual conversations, and so many interesting ideas and opinions. It has been so fun and enriching, and I am so happy to be here. Thanks for having me :)

Nice to know, lost some sleep making this little post lol. Have fun, keep producing and engaging - have fun. Thanks for dropping by!

Your hard work shows! Thank you :)

I think a very important role of creative commons and the crypto community is helping to shake the status-quo. Help those big wigs and big-oil/big money rethink the game plan.

There was a video i came across a while back about all the different industries that blockchain tech could help disrupt.

Found it! -

Thanks for the post @kevinwong some very useful info and you did a great job at selling it.

If we believe that individuals can create a big movement and just this way we can shift society toward the next generation, so we have to challenge the status quo and take action towards change! The collaborative commons - it is like a giving birth to the new economic system. We live in a remarkable historical event like others were building capitalism and socialism at their time in the early 19th century.

If there's real value, the market will come :)

You opened my eyes even more 😂.... I'm really looking g forward what the future brings. EOS, iota, steemit are leading the way. Things are moving fast and keeping up to par with all these advances will be important.

Spend 5 minutes reading this 😬

Gosh i made a person spend 5 minutes on something?? an achievement these days xD are u holding those coins u've mentioned? Thanks for dropping by brotha :)

It was well worth it, makes me think 😂... hold EOS, steem... Iota not yet but plan too... I'll hit ya up on that evil FB this week lol

Hey stackin, could I ask what coins you're holding (as kevinwong metioned above)? Or is there somewhere I can find you talking about it? Thanks :)

your right this is the most exciting platform and must be open and shared to encourage the development into more than the wises of a few. I have shared ideas for the better improvement of this platform and will continue to support steemit 100% and give away my best ideas for free. I am supporting musicians here by starting a new comptetion and hope that it grows into something with splits between genres more prizes and even steemit trophies as well . Your a good guy and i will keep an eye on your posts for more insights and wisdom, David

Commons around, since no specialised equipment or skill is required. Only a willingness to learn and do things. Keep in mind what you're experiencing on this platform now is not the final product - it's still an on-going project, driven by the community.

Yes, that why crowd is collaboration needed even for persons who do not have special skill or equipment because mostly technology is used for ordinary people. At least technology need input from these kind persons (except technology for war). Nice :)

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by CryptoGreek from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

Thanks a lot!
Great article that gives me a wider perspective of Steemit and the blockchain in general.
I love this community, and I will try to learn as much as possible.
I believe in sharing things... not only "to take" but also "to give".
Ok... I'm just a mannequin and I try to be creative and unique ;-)
Big hug!

Thanks for sharing Kevin 😊
I guess Steem acts as a new platform for people to try out. If they decide this is not what they are looking for there are still plenty of opportunities out there :)

As to how much time one should spend on these platform, it is really hard to judge haha

It's difficult to find and connect with accounts / communities that anyone cares about at the moment. But when it happens, I think many will use the platform for their social circles.

EgoSystem vs. EcoSystem - lol, that made my day. Very true and decentralisation will be more efficient as there will be less waste due to re-uses.

Like anything in life there are negatives and positives. In this instances the positives far outweigh any negatives.

Eco-egosystems! Lol. I think in the end, it'll be a mix of both. As in, decentralised nodes, but each of these nodes will have their own kind of hierarchy that maximises its own functional efficiency.

greatest article i have ever read, been on steemit and cryptocurrency world for 11 days now, and learned a lot and got so much information that my brain is going to explode, but i'll go up for more, push up the limit, because all of this is so fascinating and magical in a true way, thank you :)

everybody gets their mind blown when they get the first good vote :D glad to hear you're enjoying the platform!

The article is good though, but i donot agree completely.
Some things are totally wrong with steemit.
I use instagram, facebook, snapchat, linkedin but no one ever asked me to prove my identity there over and over again.
And even after proving identity,some people talk out of their line here. Steemit needs to gear up its database and put a column for Account status as VERIFIED OR NOT VERIFIED for all the account entries in steemt master data table, so that at least there are lots of real identities too who do not get disheartened when people call a real woman a man again and again.
I do not intend to talk negative about steemit as i also use it but yeah i see everybody talking just good things about steemit, whereas in reality there are lot of gaps too.

It's a side effect of a platform like steemit since there's a tendency for identity theft as there are monetary rewards here. Plus, it's one way for any competitors to troll users. It's been a problem for a while and its true that it'll baffle the hell out of new users lol. Thanks for the input

It definitely has baffled me and disheartened me, but yeah i might come up with an article, god knows if steemit admin reads it some day and helps their improvement forum, because the plan is to grow community but the way new people are treated is wrong.

There are no admins, it's just all people volunteering. Some might be over-doing it and all.

Oh then there is less hope for new people.

Great post,thoroughly enjoyed reading it and agree that collaborative commons is definitely the future. I joined steemit about 6 weeks ago with little experience in crypto and blockchain. At first it all seemed very confusing but after a few weeks I'm now getting the hang of it. Thanks for sharing.

Good to know that :) I think the change in social feed helps a lot with the onboarding / understanding the new game..

I love you steemit ❤

Great post , I think you hit the sentiment of the majority (I hope). It definitely resonated with me. Steemit bridges the gap to move us to a more social economy, it's the tool that we need. We are a social and collaborative species.

Yep really this is social media era and this platform gives great opportunity to those who give little resources,time and efforts,informative post @kevinwong thanks for sharing

United we stand as it is usually said @kevinwong! I was looking forward for a bit of reading abt Yunk though!

Great articel .. thank for you share.




thansk for sharing this article @kevin , we need more like this to be good :))

it was so motivated, must work harder to make it better.

Great great great as always... resteemed

Resteemed! Thought provoking!

together with the love of God we can make it. good post

Very nice introduction for me as new member :D

Really appreciate your effort to make use of the potential steemit offers, to the advantage of us all :)

I think steemit is like fishing in the sea
Sometimes can small fish sometimes can big fish. And if you want to have a big fish, we will be patient and need a team to work together
Such as my catch is a team in need if I do not get carried away by this fish

Crafted really well @kevinwong . How I wish I discovered Steemit sooner. But I think it is not that very late.

I could learn a thing or two here from my fellow steemians

It's only the first year of the platform :P if anything there's another 15 or so it seems.. not too late!


Technology, blockchain technology in particular, will finally allow us to move from a purely centralized economy to a more transparent, more productive (partially) decentralized system. Good times to be alive :D

this is an absolute BEAST of a post. so much stuff here that i hope people spend the time to read and watch, i did'nt watch all the videos but i believe you wrapping it up like this and sharing is crucial for people to start to 'get' it and become nodes in this network we call life! :)

Nice way to put it @teamhumble, the videos are pretty good, check em out! :)

Nicely done, and the future even has room for a few old guys like me.

This is great, Kevin! Thanks so much.

I gotta say I have been on here less than a day. Contemplating what my first post will be. I suppose it should be an introduction. But what strikes me is all the great information. Kind, considerate, great people on steem that I cant stop reading and get down to writing. Im loving the community so far!

I guess converse with the community, as in, introduceyourself, just like how a newcomer introduces themself in a new village :D

Yes I know, I get that bug called procrastination quite often however. Plus I want to make a good impression. I see thoughtful well written content here gets the most votes and comments so you know. I just want to do my best. :)

Great read! This is the future! I've had over 5 of my friends join steemit because I constantly talk about it. Next time I talk to another friend, I'm going to use the term "Collaborative Commons platform" hehe. It's not just another social media platform. ❤

I really appreciate inspiring/informative posts like this and I look forward to seeing more of your content. Hoping we can connect and continue to evolve and learn from each other! Remember, be yourself, because nobody else does it better -- Full #Steem ahead @kevinwong

How much time, effort and resources do you invest?

Much ❤

Sometimes too much! lol

I will have to incorporate Collabrative Commons into my vocabulary. It is a great term to introduce more people to the intellectual pursuits blockchain technology has to offer, and how the tech has started to change the way we will be living in the near future.

Thanks, i think it's quite apt especially for the steem protocol!

Food for thought ... Thanks!

this post gives me images in my mind.

I love this post! You got me fired up even more. A long term game it is...

Good to know :D lol

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