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RE: Why Should You Consider Putting Your Extra Time, Effort, and Resources Into Being Part of The Collaborative Commons?

in #futurology7 years ago

To be honest here was a lot of material to cover before commenting and get to know all what you wanted to convey, sure there are still many things for me to learn and I am glad, the more ideas are being spread to steem the better, the more communities, projects and so on; steemit becomes a better platform. I agree that the future is build today and the support we give to any project does make a difference.

I am completely grateful that you brought this post with extremely key topics, such as zero free trading and micro payments. Also took a look into @sndbox and others, there are some other out there yet to be discovered as well, but the simply fact that this has been coming together is opening the way to the future of new companies and projects born from a different source. Since the success anything that has become big is a result of collaboration and sharing experiences.

There is something that you said that still goes around in my head, "always be greedy users taking advantage of the protocols. It's very difficult to entirely eliminate abuse. And greed is not 100% a bad thing anyway. The best way forward, I find, is to love and lead by example." I think is nearly impossible to find the answers to questions that haven't been formulate yet, being greedy isn't at some extent bad it all takes the shape of the recipient, and I agree that being an example is the solution to nearly all since we as humans tend to imitate what brings joy, success and grow to others I could go and mention many examples, anyway what I would like to see more people trying to educate themselves and others and even children around them about how the door of the future comes from what we do today, ourselves. There is still a long way for me to learn.


Thanks for the lengthy response. It's quite a sticky situation since the monetary side of things tend to change the nature of any platforms. I find that other than voting on posts purely out of merit of the content, most of it is actually going to a more broad criteria of "trusted accounts". Trust as in those that will improve the platform and have the sense not to abuse the system and abandon it during the low-times :)