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RE: Introduce YOURSELF To GamerPool!

in #gamerpool8 years ago

I have always been a gamer since birth. I may not have known until I got an atari joystick into my hands but faith brought us together. I first ever played good ol' pacman and was extremely good for a 5 year old. Nintendo was already out but my family couldn't afford until the snes came to be! I went on to have the best love affair with Super Metriod until the end of time.

Then the 2000s hit and out came diablo 2. gaming post

Here we are today. Married, with a child and still loving video games. I currently play Diablo 2, Paladins (steam), League of Legends and a few others.

(post about it)I would love to win a copy of rocket league just due to the fact my brother @spbesner just got a free copy by buying a graphics card with steem!

Have a great day, hoping for all the best!