Nice website! Is that yours?
Anyway, Contract Killer looks interesting. I have a Nvidia shield and a OP5, so both should be fine with it. Have you tried Hitman (can't remember the name) the mobile game? I quite liked that one. Although Sheltered just came out recently, I really want to try that one on a small travelling screen. It was good on PC, but if I have a PC then I want a beefier game.
Thank you, yes, I own Gravis Ludus along with a couple of others - Gaming on Batteries and Retro Gaming Magazine and another we are relaunching called Scenic 7 PR (my PR company website).
I know there is a new Hitman sniper style game, I need to get room on a device so I can play it and review it. Just so many good games that I have reviewed but don't want to delete to make new room for more. Lol
I agree, when playing on PC, I want a slightly "bigger" experience from my games versus playing on a mobile device.
Ha, I think I have the same problem. I install stuff but don't get around to playing them. But I don't want to delete them to make space for new things!
Have you tried Out there and Ticket to Earth. Those are my current mobile games. With Beholder being the one I want to try next.