hey @happyme, sorry, I had commented on an old post about joining the game--I'm assuming it's probably too late to come in to this one, right? That's fine, I'll wait :) . I sent ya the coin, and have read the rules and I think I'm ready when you are! Looking forward to it :)
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Sweet. I will put your name on the spreadsheet so that it shows that you have already paid. The spreadsheet is live, so you can click the link from any of the game days and see the current conditions. Any preference on player number? Or would you like to leave the regular players with their old numbers and take whatever is left?
The second choice, please :)
That is very kind and considerate of you. Thanks!
Well.. ya know, I don't wanna start of with enemies before I even meet them ;) . Something did come to mind, though. Leave it to gjones15 to come and start screwing stuff up, but, how cool would it be if, part of the game were, sometimes when you were "attacked," (your brains get eaten--im an old school zomie lover), then you yourself "turn into a zombie!" You know, like in pretty much any zombie movie.. You don't just Die! You become the Living Dead!!!! Just a thought :)
I'm all for tweaking things to make them better!
So what you are proposing is that instead of dying and being out of the game, the dead re-animate and become zombies that chase the living to the objective? Whoa!! That would make the game a whole lot more fun for those who get killed, but one heck of a lot harder for those still alive. I wonder what the others would think about that?
Yes, exactly... Well, not always ya know, they have a chance depending on die roll--either with every attac by zomb or the third and final--but I think it would be cool to do like a random thing somehow, and yeah, players can be zombies too!! yes, it could make things quite a bit more complex, but, seems doable.. So yeah, lets say, it's my third time being hit by a zombie--there's a "decider roll" which determines my fate--Maybe a 1/3 % chance that I'll become a zombie or just die... Seems like it might be kinda interesting lol (basically I wanna eat some BRAINNSAAAAHH!!!)
My thoughts would be to have every player with 3 wounds succumb to the zombies and re-animate after missing a turn or 2 so that the players have a chance to get away. Alternatively, the zombie-players re-animate back at the starting point and need to catch up to the players who will be stalled by fighting.
Perhaps "Fresh zombies" (players) would be a little bit weaker than the normal ones (lol normal zombies) to make it fairer... idk. Perhaps I should paly a round before i start in with my two cents lol
This is actually the FIRST time playing for money. Last round was similar, but without the requirement to fight others sharing a space. It was quite passive all the way to the end as nobody wanted to be mean to anyone else. The game began as a co-operative game and has slowly morphed due to ideas being tossed around. There is no harm in throwing out ideas! If we try it and it doesn't work, we just revert back to what did work.