Opinion: Hive Needs Simple, Casual Games

in #gaming10 months ago (edited)

The State of Things as I See It

I want to start off by saying I love the games that already exist on Hive, and am certainly excited about ones that are soon to be published. However, I have been thinking about this one particular issue for quite some time now, and thought I would talk about it.

Please excuse my hastily made graphic

The general public does not have the attention span of years past. I don't think that this is such a controversial statement to make. If the first few minutes of a TV show doesn't wow and amaze you, you're likely to change the channel or skip to the next video. Content has a very short time period to sell itself before completely shutting down the brain of the consumer.

So the fact is, beyond the tip of the iceberg, outside of the small group of braniacs who initially embraced the blockchain, there is a humungous group of everyday people who are interested at all of this but just can't get their head around a use-case for themselves. Or perhaps they aren't even interested in all for the same reason.

The Average Modern Gamer

It doesn't take more than a casual observer to see what has happened over the past 15 years, especially with mobile games. It feels like a return to the days of the Atari 2600 from the perspective of this old Gen-Xer. Over the decades, graphics got better, games became overly complex but the playability and fun-factor suffered. Then when smart phones and tablets emerged, developers were forced to go back to the basics because of the limitations of these devices.

Soon, you started seeing games like Angry Birds come out. Eventually things got even simpler and you got games like 2048. The concept of buying skins and such became quite popular. Eventually, you starting seeing what I would call sort of in-the-middle games like Clash Royale from Supercell. It was very easy to learn, but harder to master.

These new casual games made developers crazy amounts of wealth practically overnight. Look at King, the company that created Candy Crush Saga. They went public in a very short period of time. Now, I am not making any claims to where any of these companies are now, but the point I am trying to make is that these companies made games that you could simply open, and immediately and intuitively play.

How Hive Goes Viral

The things that make Hive great have been preached ad-nauseum. For our subject, the free transactions are a literal game changer. I honestly believe that the way we get people interested in Hive in a broader sense is by generating a lot of simple, easy to understand and play games that integrate with the blockchain in a meaningful way.

I think that the viral casual mobile game formula that has worked for years on IOS and Android might be a great fit for the Hive blockchain. I have been racking my brain trying to come up with ideas, and have a few, but nothing I've really felt good enough about to pull the trigger on.

Just thinking about the standard stuff:

  1. In app purchases for premium items. Can be cosmetic or useful.

  2. Just looking at the play screen for a few seconds and clicking or dragging a bit is enough to fully understand how to play.

  3. Game has a quality that compels the player to keep going. Grind through or potentially buy certain upgrades. But importantly not so much buying that it ruins the game completely everyone else.

I think we really just need a few of these kind of games that are really addictive and easy to digest in order to really start driving traffic to Hive.

I will continue to brainstorm on this. I have had this very strong instinctual drive in this direction for several years now as I watch things develop on Hive.


If only some games developers can understand how gaming work, it will have really be great

Te cuento que tengo un amigo acá que compró un carro con las cartas de sprinterlan, ..

wow, yo solo he perdido dinero en splinterlands

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The free transactions on hive is indeed a game changer but I doubt more people outside hive are not aware of it. I agree that we need simple games also that anyone can play and enjoy. This year we have got plenty of games on hive and even a big one is about to come next year which is Holozing.

Some people can be easily bored by long games, so I think I agree that games should be also made short, simple and enjoyable.

Sometimes you don't want to make such a huge time investment, but still want to explore the benefits of blockchain enhanced games and apps.

Exactly.. Hehe

Now, I am filled with enthusiasm to see what you'll bring in. And I do agree that bringing in a game that isn't complex will bring traffic in, which is superb.

A game that is challenging(not too challenging) will surely get people's mouths moving. Something people can resonate with. Something fun... and... hmmm.

Yeah, if not me, perhaps someone else will get some ideas. I have just noticed that in the blockchain space, everything is always overthought. It reminds me of the early days of web development, when only programmers were designing sites and everything was gaudy and hard to navigate. Blockchain games feel like that to me right now. There is a lot to be said about simple, elegant design and game mechanics.

Yeah, maybe someone else... maybe you. The beauty is having this exist. It is another big set of creativity that will male the gaming system on the blockchain superb.

And I do agree that there is a lot to be said on the simplicity and the value it'll bring.

I totally know what you mean about attention spans. I was just talking to my wife the other day and I mentioned that the CBS network isn't premiering any of their new shows until after the superbowl. Gone are the days of 26 episode seasons. People just can't handle them anymore. I know it's not mobile-esque, but I would love to see a Diablo style mindless clicker on Hive.

I really miss the old format. We talk about it all the time! You are lucky to get 10 episodes in a season these days. I loved the days of Star Trek TNG and even Stargate. The long seasons were great because you could count on it once a week to watch your show, and by the time the season was over it didn't take too long for the next one to start. These days, you have these 6-10 episode 'cinematic' episodes which look great, but it takes so long for the next season to come out that I have already forgotten what is going on.

Yeah, I agree with you to a degree. The one thing I like about the shorter seasons is that it allows you to watch more things. Long seasons are a real commitment and you can't always handle more than one or two with a full season like that. Not if you want to have a life anyway. I do agree about the gap in between though. I often forget what happened in the last season when the new one comes out!

That is true. I guess I am just a creature of habit. These days I like to wait until the season is finished and just watch them at my own pace. The truth is, I haven't watched broadcast TV in years so I am not tied into a timeslot. Sometimes we go a couple of weeks without watching the next show so time isn't as much of a problem. We just watch when we can.

I think for me the thing that I don't like about the shorter seasons is that I feel like we don't get enough time to do character building. I mean, sometimes it's ok but other times things seem to progress in a sort of hasty manner. Plus I get really into a character or story and it ends too fast. I guess I am just old fashioned in that way.

Yeah, I can see what you are saying. We watch very little broadcast TV in real time as well. We have YouTube TV, so pretty much everything we watch is via DVR. Plus, my wife usually goes to bed around 7 each night, so staying up to watch a show is never going to happen!

Wow 7pm, that's early! My older sister has always gone to bed around that time as well. Even when we were kids.

We get up at 4 AM to work out each morning, so that has a lot to do with it. I am usually asleep by 9 PM myself through the week.