
Ummmm... You traded me the axe last round, remember? You have nothing to break the door with now.
Besides, since this is the objective we need, we don't have to go into the other building. Breaking down a door COULD waste a lot of actions if several low numbers are rolled in a row (it has already happened that all 3 rolls were a miss). Personally, I think we should simply concentrate on getting out of the town as fast as possible.

whoops sorry was at work

No worries.

I'm already working on updating the board for today, so would you mind if I move you to the lowest room? I think we should assemble at the lowest room for a mass attack on the zombies that are finishing off player 1, while player 2 tries to rid the board of as many zombies as possible from the upper board before he too makes a run for it.

sure is player 1 still active ?

Nope! Been missing almost since the start.